Reviews from

in the past

I get the appeal, this isn't for me. I found this clunky, ugly, and just generally unfun to play.

I get that people are up their own ass with this series because they think that difficulty is equivalent to rote memorization and repeating the same thing over and over again, but honestly this was a boring slog from start to finish that relies on the fact that most people suck ass at video games to generate interest. On the plus side, this convinced me not to waste my time with the next two!

Terra meter: 94%

Story/narrative - 5/5
Gameplay - - 5/5
Sound/music - 5/5
General presentation - 5/5
Overall enjoyment - 3.5/5

half way through the game it goes to a 2/5 but that first half is impeccable.

The chaoseaters got me to stop playing for a good year or so.

A really good RPG!
Awesome gameplay!

Esse foi o primeiro jogo soulslike que joguei na vida, e apesar de eu ser o pior jogador de darksouls do mundo e ter morrido mais de 20 mil vezes eu amei essa obra prima.

It took what made Demon's Souls great and expanded it beyond anyone's imagination. Replayed it dozens of times as a sentiment of how strongly well put together this game is. It shows a masterclass in game design so incredible that no game has ever come close to achieving something as spectacular as this game.

a experiência mais especial que eu tive em um jogo =)

connard de jeu que j'ai abandonné par pure faiblesse que j'ai fini au moins 10x par la suite
le daron d'un nombre incommensurable de batards qui veulent faire comme lui

Primeiro dark souls que joguei, sinceramente é uma obra de arte, ganhei muitos amigos por causa desse jogo e ele tem um lugar na minha cabeça

difícil de pegar no começo, mas com persistência da pra jogar

This game made me feel so depressed and hopeless that I will never pick it up again. Not my thing.

Me gustaria darle las 5 estrellas, pero por la segunda mitad del juego es imposible darselas, pero sigue siendo Dark Souls y Dark Souls es Dark Souls, juegatelo

De los mejores videojuegos de la historia, absolutamente legendario, el inicio del juego hasta Anor Londo es perfecto y la interconectividad de los mapas, te vuela la cabeza

Hard drugs are a better alternative.

I'm really ashamed to say I never beat this game once. I need to.

once you grab the lordvessel, use it to skip over the last third of the game and DS2 by warping straight to DS3

kanser kontroller ve kanser optimizasyon.

Es un gran juego, por el lore y por lo que realmente significó en la industria, pero se nota que los años le pesan en cuanto a calidad de texturas y a los controles, que se notan toscos. Pero gracias a este juego, los actuales son de lo mejor que hay en el mercado. Es un buen juego que cumple su función y que resultó ser muy importante en la historia de los videojuegos

obra prima é o que define esse jogo! com certeza um dos games mais influentes de todos os tempo, moldou um novo sub gênero de jogos e conseguiu ser um dos melhores ou se não o melhor action rpg da história.

The second half maybe be faulty but all the way up to Anor Londo is just perfection.