Reviews from

in the past

Um dos melhores que já joguei de corrida. Sem mais.

4 stars for the awesome tire skidding sound effect alone

a really important motorsport game for the time

Agora eu entendo a importância desse jogo, um ótimo simulador para a época e melhor que muitos atuais de hoje.

By emulation and using the 60 fps hack, the game is surprisingly plays okay. The physics are still very bouncy, but it's at least unique to this game along with the suspension exploit. It's also a bit funny to see a very limited car selection of early to mid 90's cars. I got a used Mitsu GTO twin turbo early on and kept using till the end of the game.

De quando em quando, volto a terminar o primeiro GT. Esse jogo me acompanha desde sempre. Para mim, já deixou de ser somente um jogo e se transformou em uma experiência quase mística, faz eu sentir a presença de gente que nem tá mais aqui. É até difícil de explicar. Me dá um barato intenso demais.

It's incredibly rough, the handling is far too slippery in a bid to emulate 'realism', and the car list is impressive for the time but far outdone by any other title from the same series. Nevertheless, it's an incredibly valuable game due to the fact that it basically birthed the modern racing sim genre.

Gran Turismo is, without a doubt, my all-time favorite car racing game. Whenever I feel like playing a racing game, it's always my go-to choice. I revisited it in 2018 with the intention of completing all the licenses and tournaments, but unfortunately, I couldn't go as far as I wanted. Balancing multiple games at the same time proved challenging, as my time is limited.

O jogo que inventou o carro

My Dad and I connected over this game from a few of the cars you were able to drive.

Fun if you put on Initial D music and play with a Honda Civic

Great handling, graphics and music. The arcade mode is very fun.

But the simulation mode is for hardcore carheads, like my brother who loves this series. I couldn't beat the first test in the B2 license required to participate in tournaments. And the whole thing is very confusing for me.