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in the past

Fue ver el trailer y darle un patadón a toda mi backlog para ponerlo en primer lugar. Se ve de lujo y me lo he pasado genial, pero tras acabarlo (y ver jugar a otra gente) me he dado cuenta de que ni he rascado la superficie del sistema de combate.

An absolutely wonderful character-action rhythm game filled with a great cast, fun combat, and excellent soundtrack. A sleeper hit!

Como um jogo AAA consegue ser tão criativo, tão carismático, tão divertido e realmente ter a sensação de um video game e não um filme que muitos jogos hoje em dia caem nessa categoria, e o jogo ter sido lançado sem marketing nenhum foi uma jogada mt arriscada, mas que deu super certo, um dos meus jogos favoritos da vida com certeza

sabe quando você faz aquele comida que qualquer um poderia fazer mas o seu tempero tem um toque diferente que ninguem consegue explicar? hifi rush segue esse mesmo raciocinio, e um jogo bonito e muito vivo, aqueles jogos que ja na tela inicial te dão aquele gás pra viver em um dia triste. A beleza desse jogo está nos personagens super carismaticos que te conquistam facilmente, até os vilões tem um carisma surpreendente e com motivações legais, eu gosto quando uma obra tem consciencia que está ali somente pra ser divertido e sem pretensão nenhuma de fazer uma grande obra, e é nessa simplicidade que o game se destacada e não erra em nada. Eu me diverti muito descobrindo como aquele industria de robôs é capaz de fazer até maquinas serem escravos do capitalismo e ficarem esgotados com a quantidade serviço, isso na verdade foi o maior plot implicito que eu já vi, e no geral me peguei seguindo a saga do chai de forma natural.

Uno de los mejores juegos de 2023, y un claro imprescindible para los amantes de los títulos de ritmo.

Great game that combines two genres in a seemless way. The combat feels great once youve got into the game. Plot is bland and nothing interesting. Artstyle is cartoonish and it follows through and through the design, love it. Overall a great title from bethesda which arent known for their bright adventure games.

Amidst so many incredible games in 2023, Hi-Fi Rush had gone over my head. After a Digital Foundry mention I finally had the curiosity to play it and it impressed me a lot. Simple progression, rewarding and addicting combo-based hack n' slash gameplay combined with a simple, light-hearted, fun story and an incredibly nostalgic cartoon-like art style made it an unforgettable experience.
Tango Gameworks has conquered my utmost respect after such a breath of fresh air of a game.

I want more. Insane that this just dropped one day.

gostei, bom jogo, gameplay e música legal, vale a pena

Un juego muy divertido que me ha entretenido los fines de semana.
Los personajes son muy carismáticos y el sistema de combate es original.
Lo recomiendo bastante.

This review contains spoilers

This game is a masterpiece all the way through. Combining rhythm and action effortlessly, each level, game mode, and bonus in this game is a work of art. Not a music person? The wonderful accessibility options ensure you can still enjoy this rockin' experience. Hi-Fi Rush captures the essence of a Saturday morning cartoon, and I'm sitting two inches away from the TV soaking it all in.

100%: Be prepared to do a substantial amount of replays to grab everything. Luckily, I never felt the game get stale, as the action-packed combat and different game modes, special attacks, and chips meant I could always try something new.

another case of pretty good but eventually i found that i was forcing myself to play it instead of the other way around and i sort of just stopped. not opposed to picking it back up.

Um jogo divertido, com muita atenção dada principalmente ao visual e às músicas. Aliás, as animações é um dos pontos mais altos, e no geral o jogo é muito bonito.

A história é bastante simples e unidimensional. Creio que a ideia era ser algo mais infanto-juvenil, mas não acho que algo precisa ser simples pra ser acessível pra todas as idades.

Tá longe de ser um jogo ruim, é perceptível que teve muito carinho envolvido na sua produção, mas também tem muito potencial não aproveitável.

This review contains spoilers

pretty fun game for the most part. struggled to enjoy through the first half and took a long break from it, but once I picked it up again, I enjoyed the second half of the game a lot more. Chai is a fine vessel, but its the sidekicks that are the stars. Peppermint, Korsica, Macaron, and CNMN are great and once they are all together, lots of fun is had. Peppermint and Korsica are totally hot, love them as a couple. 808 is adorable, and I was in awe when it did the Twin Peaks dance. plenty of other good references as well, most obviously of course is Vandelay.

Some pretty good boss fights: Korsica, Mimosa (LEFT SHARK), Roquefort are kind of the standouts, others are not so memorable or good.

a big problem I had with gameplay is that at points it just devolves into QTE: the game, especially when all the mini bosses are introduced into combat scenarios. other times when you're just trying to push buttons or something and you have to go through a QTE song and dance, its just a bit much. so while you don't have to be good at rhythm or on time throughout most of the game, eventually you have to figure it out or lower the difficulty, or you just won't be able to get past the avalanche of QTEs in the second part of the game.

The last level was a lot of fun, beginning with the awesome hero shot of the team walking through the fog, and carried along by all the friendship and the great song.

Unexpectedly awesome and inspired. I found the game started a bit slow but picked up quickly enough for that not to matter, reaching a high plateau for most of its run and having a pretty satisfying climax.

The combat is as satisfying as one would expect, with each mechanic getting plenty of extra little layers thrown onto it for a high ceiling when it comes to ranks and scoring. The party members helping Chai out are a great addition to an otherwise solo character-action formula and can really feel like a stack of assists to use when things are heating up too quickly.

I wasn't a huge fan of the way the platforming and non-combat movement felt in the game. I feel making the dash-dodge be infinitely chainable when not in combat would have fixed a lot, as well as maybe making horizontal aerial movement a bit more significant outside of combat so that the forced platforming sections would feel a bit more controlled. Still, they weren't a huge blemish and they were fine, just not really bits I thought were nearly as fully baked as the main meat of the gameplay. They were a sigh rather than a groan.

General level design was great! Gimmicks for partner characters were well utilized and well balanced, and the environments were varied and with lots of interesting geometry. The game could have done with more arenas than just squares and rectangles with invisible walls, but it's generally fairly excusable within the genre. On another note, the collectibles and secrets were a treat, and even with the sort of meh out-of-combat movement it was fun trying to find everything you can. I especially liked the golden statue heads that served as combo practice, too, giving them an added benefit that feels particularly smart.

The amount of effort put into the postgame is also commendable. There's so much unlocked that the end hardly feels like the end, something which I find rare in the medium. It helps, too, that you get to customize your characters by that point to get a nice fresh start of sorts. It's such high effort customization, as well, with lots of new models. Almost unbelievable!

Speaking of characters, the character writing and world writing in this game was a lot of fun and had a distinctly real edge: it was just cynical enough to feel like a mildly futuristic version of the here and now, but not so much so that it was frustrating or grating to listen to. The small bits of characterization the side robots would get through dialogue, descriptions in the museum, and the random journals were great, too.

When it came to the main cast I don't think anyone stuck out more than anyone else, though I did find almost every party member was less than likeable at first yet grew on me as they grew as characters over the course of the game. I would quickly believe that to be intentional, so I applaud the writers for that. The cutscenes were a wee bit long, especially early on before the characters come into their own, but they're generally enjoyable and are well animated.

It helps that the character designs and art style of the game absolutely pop, too! 808 was probably my favorite from the beginning but the bosses and main cast have very fun designs that vary plenty -- Roquefort's boss design in particular was a treat to be sure. All the random enemies all look fine, too, and with the style of the game showing through even in 3d, I think they're all more than serviceable. The animation quality was high as well, which I have to give props to for pretty much every character and environment I could see.

I don't have enough time to unpack all the writing right now but I do appreciate the thematic shitting on the systems we have now throughout the story. I suppose it could have been wider-spanning than what it was but that'd be an entirely different game in terms of scope, so I'm satisfied with how things are handled for the most part. I'm a little iffy on how the ending works with the main corporation changing hands, but with the context given to its power in the system I think it works well enough.

That all the social commentary is expressed through the robot workforce is also clever, I'd say, as it adds its own sort of symbolism to it all. To wrap things with a big bow the game was a shadow drop rather than having mass marketing, which was something of a breath of fresh air for such a quality piece. I find that goes quite a lot in line with what the game is going for.

I don't need to say too much about the music as I'm sure everything's already been said about its quality both with the score and the licensed stuff. It would have been cool to get some more licensed tracks but what is used works plenty well and is thrown in at appropriate times. The game's general aesthetics and its presentation all come together incredibly effectively, intentionally too. There are some bits here and there that reveal the likely relatively low budget the game would have had, but they don't really detract from the experience so much as simply being observations.

I think that covers pretty much all I've got to say on my experience with Hi-Fi Rush. Every time I booted it up after the first couple sessions I had a stellar time, and I found myself wanting to go back to it even after the credits rolled. I'm not sure if I'd give it a replay rather than simply focusing on postgame stuff, but regardless it cemented itself as a strong contender for my Game of the Year this year. It's worth any gamer's time and support and it's a great ride all in all.

Krlhow que jogo divertido, sério mesmo fazia tempo que eu não me divertia assim num jogo. Voltei a jogar jogos modo história recentemente, e esse foi o primeiro que eu queria jogar. Estava na vontade a tempos, e cara, como valeu a pena! Não sei dizer que parte eu gostei mais. Vou deixar ele 5 estrelas, pq eu gostei de tudo. Deve ter muitos defeitos que não sei ver, e não me contem, viu. Kkkkkkkk.

PS: Podem me contar sim só estou brincando.

Tying the combat to the rhythm makes it feel clunky. It's a stylish beat 'em up (ala Devil May Cry) that doesn't feel cool.

juegazo total, se nota el cariño que le pusieron, las animaciones, los dibujos y el gameplay para mí son perfectos

update cagaron cerrando el estudio matense

I was so impressed by this game, and I would hugely recommend it.

It's an excellent character action game mixed with a rhythm game. It's an innovative combination, although there were times when I wondered whether it would be better just as a character action game. There were plenty of fights that I finished thinking I had done really well only to get an awful ranking because of how many of my hits were on the beat, which was very disappointing.

The soundtrack is excellent, as you would hope for a rhythm game, but what really goes above and beyond is the story which is surprisingly effective.

This is a game that had no right to be as good as it was. The one thing that really lets it down is the platforming, which feels horrible.

JOGASSO, totalmente diferente do que temos por aí, jogo totalmente focado na gameplay e na diversão, espero muito que a Tango continue assim, papo reto, jogasso.

this game makes me smile. I like smiling.