Reviews from

in the past

Unbelievably cool and interesting game, don’t care that it’s a chore to play

This is a really sick game. Aesthetically, this game really is a masterpiece in my opinion. The must, cell-shaded art style, character design, and animations all work perfectly to create a rebellious, 2000s-era, funk-filled world. The gameplay, despite being frustrating at points, is silky smooth and incredibly fun to play with. Many of the boss encounters are pretty forgettable, but I did really enjoy the train boss and the final boss and thought that their inclusion made up for the rest of the lackluster cast of bosses. There are some technical limitations with this game only being playable on Xbox, like the frame rate slowing down to a crawl in certain highly populated areas. However, for the most part, I could look past it. I think if this game got a remake, it could be one of my favorite games of all time.

such a huge improvement over JSR
i did have a hard time cause i sucked and got stuck but most of the game was a blast, The OST, the Visuals, the movement, all amazing, that Final boss was unhinjed but really unique aswell.

Easily my favorite game from Smilebit and is a certified classic

The gameplay still feels fresh and is a joy to roam around the city of Tokyo-To

The music is absolutely crazy with music from Ad-Rock and Mike D of the Beastie Boys to the eclectic techno themes of Hideki Naganuma and Richard Jacques.

The game still remains incredible and it’s a damn shame that it hasn’t seen an official rerelease onto new consoles. But if you do happen to own a powerful PC or og Xbox, I can absolutely recommend it.

A significant improvement over the first game in every aspect, but still not really for me. I get the appeal.

This review contains spoilers

First of all, I want to praise this game's unique sense of art style in the gameplay and level designs.
I didnt expect myself to enjoy this game so much to the point that i was binging the game without going to take a piss.
Hell! Even the DJ aka Professor K aka the narrator of the story is f*king cool as heck.
The gameplay gets progressively better and I didn't expect this game to have so much variety and each chapter was not repetitive to me at least, with the constant switch ups in the gameplay mechanics.
I cant stop rambling about the music used for this game like come on now, this game would be like free if not for the music, which are all bangers and have been stuck in my head like a mouse on a wheel in my brain ever since completing this game.
Each character each have their own unique personality and soul and was surprised to see that they each have their own stats ranking.
This game has taught me to live freely and do whatever the f*
k I want with my life and not to let anyone tell you how to live.
Overall, a masterpiece for the XBOX and if you are looking for a similar game style, i recommend you to check out Bombrush Cyberfunk.

The core mechanics have become as high as possible, i can’t argue with that, the game has become more casual and for me the series has turned a little in the wrong direction, even if we don’t talk about the more faded visual.. if the first game offered small but well-thought-out locations in terms of game design, offering a challenge, now we have a kind of open world for 40 hours of spray farming, I accidentally deleted my saves, and now I don’t even want to complete it, although one of the last locations with a roller coaster is cool

All these remakes, and no one has touched JSRF? Please SEGA.

Incredibly fun game. Creating your own graffiti and spraying it around Tokyo-To is incredibly fun and addicting. Pulling off tricks and gaining speed while listening to the amazing soundtrack is certainly an incredible experience. Some parts of the game are questionable however, and I felt lost near the end of the game. Overall, the game is worth playing for its unique style, amazing music, and great gameplay.

good game, combo mechanics can feel clunky at times

proper review will be added

Incredibly stylish, aged properly unlike its predecessor and overall a wonderful platformer with great replay value

It makes me smile whenever I see it on social media, I hope this game gets the recognition it deserves once the sequel comes out

More of the first one, same pros and cons.

even with a soundtrack on par with the original and controls that are unquestionably better, the worse character designs and less vibrant colors make this the weaker game. still good tho

it’s a cruel fate that a series with this good of a soundtrack and style has been abandoned by its creator, before it was given the time to grow into something much greater. Anyway, play this absolute gem.

Jet Set Radio Future carries all the character and charm of the orginal and maximises them making for one of the coolest games ever, this is especially true for the soundtrack which is even better than the last game with fantastic remixes, original songs and licened music that all fits incredibly well and keeps the relbious punk spirit by including a varitey of punk and hip hop songs that all fit with the games spirit and themes.

The gameplay has also seen an improvement as well with lighter more precise controlls and a better but still flawed handling of enemies that doesnt cause an imense amount of frustration along with much better tagging missions that doesnt kill the camera. While the game is an improvement on the whole there are several problems with level design that only amplifies the problems the last game had. The games level design starts off pretty good with verticallity playing a role but not being the main focus, instead the main focus was performing tricks and comboing them together and when the game is focused on this the game is actually kinda awesome, janky but still cool because of how confident the game is but the more you progress the worse the levels become leading to a frustrating expirence that doesnt reach the lows of the originals but it does leave an unfortuate taste in your mouth. The main problem with the levels is the focus on linear platforming which wouldnt be a huge problem if the camera was fast enough to keep up with you so you could see the rails you need to jump to which becomes monotonous since if you just get sent to the bottom of the challenge and just having to repeat the process over and over again. There are also levels here with huge bottomless pits that disencourage expirimentation and leads to a monotonous level that feels like it goes on for far too long.

Another problem with the game is how the enemies are handled, better than the orginal but they still interrupt gameplay and the 'combat' is downright terrible with the end game focusing on bosses that are also absolutly terrible and go down in a matter of seconds and the last part of the game is also terrible.

While I dont think I love jet set radio as a whole and its nowhere near as good as I thought it was when I was younger, I still think these are two very special games that opened up a whole new world of expirmentation in games and I can see why so many people love these games especially when they came out, there wasnt really anything like jet set radio when it and this game came out and its gone on to inspire many developers and different people and I think if sega did continue the series then we wouldve gotten a game that actually lived to the potential the series has but for now we'll have to look to the indie scene for games that are similar or carry the same spirit as these two games.

Too poor to buy Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.


The trick system is so satisfying, especially when holding a really long combo.

The sound track is pretty good.

The areas/levels are great.


The camera still uses tank controls despite the Xbox controller having 2 sticks.

You don't have much control when you're in the air making chaining tricks a little hard.

Only legitimate way is to play this game is to buy a used copy and buy an Xbox or Xbox 360 (and apparently the emulation on 360 sucked) since they decided that this game wasn't good enough to be compatible with Xbox one or series s/x.

This was the last we've seen from the series at all until cameos in superstar tennis, and the all star racing games. Now hopefully that leak with persona 3 reload in it was true.

One of the most stylish games ever made, its a little clunky and has issues but the sheer joy this soundtrack brings me is unmatched.

this game is a whole ass vibe and i think its safe to say that more people play this game for the music and visual style than strictly the gameplay and i think that is perfectly fucking fine, it keeps the music and overall love towards hip hop at the time from the first game, with a Y2K futurism aesthetic this time. The gameplay though is still good and satisfying, the first one did have clunky movment but this one moves fucking beautifully. I'd say to check this game out but you cant because it is permanently stuck on the first xbox, sooooo hypothetically if there was a way to magically get it on a commonly used personal device nowadays im sure nobody would care, obviously hypothetically, please dont pirate the billion dollar company's impossible to play game, that would hurt them im sure and crimes are bad dont commit them :)

It just wasn't grabbing me. The original "Jet Set Radio" is one of my favorite games ever - was it actually bad, and I'm just blinded by nostalgia?

Tagger's Tag is the worst fault of this game, and its a shame how frequent these are during story mode because they break the entire flow of the game.
With that said, there are some really interesting concepts and approaches to combat that i wish we could see be expanded upon on a sequel, if only SEGA didnt pull the plug on this franchise so early. Will probably add more thoughts to this review once i get all the Jet Rankings.
Pretty good.

This was very cool but I shelved it because the camera controls are unbearable.
Sega wtf???? The xbox had a second stick!!!
I’ll just play the original jsr on my psvita for now.

Truly a cult classic. Iconic soundtrack that people still listen to. Cel-shading artstyle that still holds up. Gameplay is simple but fun. Still one of GOATs in terms of level design. Was a bit rushed over half way through but thats the only bad thing I can think about

Truly ahead of its time. A banger in every imaginable way.

Crazy that everybody played this for free and bundled with a racing game nobody remembers.