Reviews from

in the past

Found myself getting more annoyed by the camera and the design choices (couldn't tell whether I was meant to run or hide) than nervous/scared. I'll probably revisit this next year and change my mind like I did with SH2.

Visualmente es una gozada y los puzzles no están mal, pero la versión de Switch tiene tiempos de carga de MEDIO MINUTO cada vez que mueres (y mueres mucho), y eso me ha arruinado bastante la experiencia.

It was an very interesting experience... a perfect game for halloween.

slow walk at the end was #raw

i dont hate this game just knew what the ending was

Little Nightmares is a very creepy puzzle platformer. The ambiance created by the lighting and sound design is excellent, and there's a lot of great environmental storytelling. The controls aren't really explained, which caused me to get stuck a couple times, but the real dealbreaker is the obtuse and infrequent checkpoint system. It's really obnoxious to miss a jump due to the unresponsive controls, then have to sit through a long "waking up" animation three rooms earlier, then walk through the same scripted sequences multiple times. Having such infrequent checkpoints really drives home how clunky the controls feel and greatly diminishes the impact of the environments and setpieces. This game is very successful from a narrative standpoint though, so I was sad to put it down.

i never play horror games bc i hate being scared for fun but this one is actually near perfect. manages to create such a tense and scary atmosphere just from its atmosphere with no words or overtly-told story. i screamed multiple times while playing this and i loved every second of it. peak horror experience

Ah... Like the game, the story, the atmosphere. Even better when played with someone else! Fond memories about my experience with it :)

Yeah it's a pretty cute/creepy little name. Very short, only like 2.5 hours. Neat vibes, very cool setting, gets pretty tense at times.

Love this game so fucking much

eu nunca nunca nunca nunca vou recuperar emocionalmente disso

One of my favourite games!
I love spooky, morbid games but scare easily. This was the perfect balance.
Love the graphics and soundtrack. Sometimes it was hard moving in certain parts as I'd fall down or so due to the 3D side scroll platform nature of the game.
Regardless, had a blast!

bom jogo indie, achei bem original e com qualidade, sé não jogaria denovo :)

o universo de Little Nightmares é muito bizarro e instigante. Quanto mais eu jogava, mais eu queria explorar e descobrir sobre aquele mundo - pena que é bem curtinho. Bom demais.

I enjoyed the evolution of the main character.

great puzzle game with amazing art direction. movement and grabbing are a bit jank

Started very frustrating and sometimes even boring, but there are some stretches of clever level design with a heavy dose of tension. I enjoyed it for what it is but it's not near games like Inside or Far in terms of polish, presentation and narrative. Like Tove Lo once said, it's not the prettiest you've ever seen, but it has its moments. Good on Deck.

Little Nightmares est un jeu qui m'a laissé une impression mitigée. D'un côté, l'ambiance sombre et la direction artistique sont absolument captivantes. L'univers du jeu est énigmatique et terrifiant, ce qui crée une expérience immersive. Les décors sont magnifiquement macabres, et les créatures effrayantes ajoutent une dimension unique.

Cependant, j'ai trouvé que la jouabilité pouvait être frustrante par moments. Les contrôles ne sont pas toujours aussi précis qu'on le souhaiterait, ce qui peut rendre certaines sections du jeu assez frustrantes. De plus, la durée de vie est relativement courte, ce qui m'a laissé sur ma faim.

Néanmoins, Little Nightmares a indéniablement son charme. Si vous cherchez un jeu d'horreur artistique avec une atmosphère intense, il vaut la peine d'y jeter un coup d'œil malgré ses défauts. Ma note de 3,5/5 reflète ce mélange d'enthousiasme pour l'ambiance et de frustration pour les aspects techniques.

i love to skitter around like a little critter

cool art style and silent storytelling, dis was cute and scary

Crianças pequenas em um mundo gigante

I may not have had any idea what was going on, But the art design in this game is incredible.

Por ahora solo lo he probado, pero el poco tiempo que he jugado me ha dejado bien sabor de boca. El juego trata de ponerte incómodo y nervioso, e incluso que sientas miedo, y lo logra. La estética, la ambientación, la música y sonido y especialmente las escenas de persecución. Lo retomaré dentro de poco

This is just a very ellaborate test to check which of your friends are into vore (I'm not I just like the worldbuilding)