Reviews from

in the past

Individual review for the original game is available on my profile. This is a review of this specific DLC.

Short enough that it doesn't outstay it's welcome but also too short to really talk about in depth other then it's importance in introducing the Batarians to the series. And yeah, the Batarians are immediately interesting with their sleek design, thorny moral implications regarding their own species and culture, and relationship to the rest of the galaxy. Basically everything good here revolves around them and new antagonist Balak, and the final decision you have to make is a great "lose-lose" scenario that Mass Effect thrives on.

Shame this comes with some of the more obvious ME1 issues, mainly in it's mission design and overreliance on the Mako - a mine section is particularly frustrating. The final bit of the DLC makes up for this and feels like a test run for ME2's more intricate side missions, but overall this really is just more of the same for ME1. Not a bad thing, just maybe nothing spectacular.

Mass Effects first DLC, and ME1's only real one of note. It essentially just feels like a better designed and more interesting sidequest planet, which isn't a bad thing. The introduction of the Batarians is great, but their lack of interesting characterization starts right here too. Overall its a cool sidequest, which really shows that Mass Effect's early DLC wasn't quite sure yet what works for itself.

Best side quest in the game, that's not saying a whole lot but still.

Man, I don't know what the codex is smoking, but Batarians do NOT look like that

I forgot how good this DLC was,
It introduced us to the Batarians and was the first Mass Effect DLC and what a good start this was

slightly overrating because I'm turning my mind back 2.5 years and probably remembering the only interesting parts but I think it's pretty good that Mass Effect 1 was able to pull off an engaging DLC like this. compelling scenario with a good payoff in ME3.

Neat little DLC. Nothing crazy but DOES get you one of the best Omni-Tools in the game (give it to Tali) at the small small price of finding 3 deceased scientists (sad)

Also opens up a cool interaction in ME3. I like it but not the best DLC in the Mass Effect saga

And so, Mass Effect's biggest punching bag race was born