Reviews from

in the past

This game is a lot of fun at first, the gameplay system is so fun and racking up the points and unlocking new skills is addicting, but once it adds the additional layer of difficulty that comes with the mix and match system and the shielded enemies it becomes a bit too hectic for my tastes.

O jogo é legal, mas não me prendeu muito. Tem várias mecânicas interessantes, mas senti um pouco massante

I had a decent time with this game. I liked the look of it a lot and thought it offered a lot of variety. The powers were neat and the dialogue was cute. I did think it was a little needlessly difficult at times, with some of the dungeon mods being so unnecessary,

Finally got around to this, Drinkbox is one of my favourite indie studios and this was pretty fun all the way through.

A nice casual action RPG, the main gimmick of unlocking new forms is fun and rewarding and the sense of progression kept me hooked.

The game is pretty fast-paced once you get the hang of it and doesn't really stick around long enough to get boring. The completionist in me wanted to do every dungeon and get all the collectibles, but the open nature of the game means you don't really have to do everything, there are plenty of ways to get enough stars to unlock all the dungeons.

If you're looking to go for 100%, it might feel a bit more drawn out, but I had a lot of fun just with the main quest and faction questlines.

Ele começa bastante despretensioso mas se prova uma experiência bastante divertida.

Praticamente um RPG que você consegue jogar com todos da party.

A progressão soa meio repetitiva no início, mas depois se prova satisfatória.

What a letdown. Promising premise, but doesn't really utilize the roguelike structure in a meaningful way as it is not difficult enough to warrant multiple tries through a dungeon. Juvenile humor and mid gameplay don't help .
Maybe it gets fun in NG+?

Um bom beat'n up isometrico, mas com um grind terrivel para progredir. Jogar sozinho ainda foi agradavel, mas o grind é melhor em dois jogadores.

The forced class grinding in this one is actually the biggest positive for me. It really scratched a collect-a-thon itch. Only here the things being collected were new forms and abilities. It was a bit repetitive and though I enjoyed myself, it didn't stick with me for long after completing. A nice diversion though

Got a little repetitive after a while, but I had a blast playing this. I wanted a little bit more out of NG+ but it was still fun.

Really fun ideas, but subpar execution. The audio and visual clarity are lacking, the interface is bad, and the combat is generally a bit unsatisfying. The shapeshifting and build making is really cool, the humor lands fairly often, and the story was better than expected.

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- Zelda mixed with dungeon crawler.
- I like unlocking forms and learning what their abilities are. The variety of forms is great. You get classic tropes such as ranger and rogue but also goofy one like magician and bodybuilder. The monk is OP.
- You later gain the ability to mix and match abilities and this open the game so much. It's fun to find the synergy between different abilities.
- I also like leveling system. Protagonist levels up via achievements and so the achievements push me to experiment with the abilities. Some dungeons and quests also have conditions which encourage abilities mixing.

What a game, I wasn't expecting this to be this fun. Heck it's a game I've seen and ignored for years. It finally came to PS Plus and I heard some people recommend it. I then played it and nonstop played it until completion. It was super fun with decent jokes and a story that only gets better the more you play. I think this game flew under a lot of people's radars as it did for me but please if you ever see this game and think about getting it, I couldn't urge you more to take that leap.

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un po' perusi (l'ho giocato con umbe)

Accessible, stylistic RPG with enough variation and excitement to entice most players, for a while.

Nobody Saves The World would have made an excellent Adult Swim or Nicktoons animated series. The graphic style and writing is wacky, humorous, and slightly off-key without being too ridiculous. Characters are well developed and even NPC's have distinct styles of speaking or acting. Everything looks and sounds good as you endure waves of enemies and some very mild exploring of a pretty strange world.

All of this style doesn't get in the way of some solid substance, as well. The gameplay choices are interesting, as you can use your magic to change form at basically anytime to best suit what the world is throwing at you. I found myself preferring a certain form for a while and then reconsidering my build as we entered a dungeon that required a certain skill to defeat the enemies within. Mixing up skills from some forms into the other forms added a level that kept my interest, as well. My partner and I did a co-op playthrough and having a second player made the game a bit less challenging but made the hordes of enemies an summoned demons, zombies, or familiars a bit more hectic. Pairing up builds was pretty fun and working together to unlock other forms was our main goal.

The game did a lack a really compelling story (we guessed the twist kind of early on) and was a bit of a slog if you focused just on completing quests, but overall, it was a decent time in a fun and fantastical world.

Review from

I think I just dont like rpgs

Slept-on really charming Drinkbox title. This game is pretty simple, but it does everything it's trying to do exceptionally. The unique progression system of unlocking different forms really keeps you engaged.

This was cute, but I got bored after a couple hours. Recently learned it has co-op, so I might play it with my wife.
Update: Played the whole thing with my wife and it was a lot of fun.

This Diablo-like is probably my least favorite game from DrinkBox Studios and still better than almost every other game in this genre.

An amazing co-op experience. Give it a crack I reckon

I really don't like how have to complete ALL the quests using only one form to progress some areas, or have to repeat a dungeon just caused you missed one quest. It just makes it tedious and grindy

An enjoyable yet repetitive dungeon crawler, with inspiration taken from Zelda and Diablo. The satisfying combat features dozens of unique abilities based on the forms that are equipped, enabling players to craft their own unique and often bizarre playstyles.

Full Review:

A proposta do personagem se transformar em personagens diferentes é legal e da uma boa variedade e possibilidades de como jogar, e poer combinar algumas habilidades é bem interesantes.

O mundo é bem criativo baseando e universo com leves satiras, mas voltando a mecanica, por mais interesante que seja, ainda parece bem simples e fica o gosto de poderia ser mais.

Só recomendo se formar jogar com algum amigo.

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Nobody Saves the World is not a revolutionary RPG game, but it brings a ton of innovation to the genre. The game takes all of the classic RPG elements and adds something new. Classes, level progression, quests, skill sets, and character impersonation all have a unique interpretation here.

The story, although simple, is also quite unpredictable. The answer to the main mystery surrounding the game is literally on its poster, but you can only notice it after the first playthrough. Making Astrolabus seem accountable for the fungal infection, while the main character is the real culprit, was an interesting plot twist I was not expecting from a game that initially appears so naive. While not a revolutionary idea, many stories have used this plot twist before, the fact that it was unpredictable is a testament to how well it was told and demonstrates the strength of its narrative.

It is worth mentioning that, at the beginning of the game, I felt a familiar sensation. Indeed, its storytelling is very similar to the Guacamelee! series, and only later did I discover that they were made by the same studio. The jokes are perfectly timed and fit seamlessly into the story, enhancing the charisma of secondary characters and even NPCs with no major relevance to the plot. Once again, Drinkbox Studios has created a game that evokes the nostalgic feeling of playing video games while innovating at the same time.

I postponed playing Nobody Saves the World because I underestimated it. I thought it would be a very simple game, and in some ways, it is. However, it is not just that. It is a funny and innovative attempt to create something new in the RPG genre.

Very fun co-op dungeon crawler! Lots of different characters you can unlock through fun objectives. All characters have their own fun unique abilities.

Pretty fun game. The artstyle blends cute & disturbing pretty well, the writing is very funny, the gameplay keeps things fresh with frequent unlocks. Can get a smidge grindy if you're going for S-ranks with every form (my 100% playthrough was around 50 hours, but my NG+ run was 7 hours). Didn't play co-op, but that's probably a good time. My only real gripe is how small everything is, including some of the UI elements. I had to get up from my couch and get closer the the TV to make details out clearly (which, yeah, #thestruggle, but it was a bit annoying). Altogether would recommend.

Coitado do Randy, o radical sofreu mais que a Juliette

Funny, original gameplay and really well paced. Feels like a Pokemon for adults for some reason (in a good way)!