Reviews from

in the past

I tried to get through this game because the idea of Paper Mario on the go is cool. I made it to World 2-2 and stopped, and it sounds like I'm not missing anything at all

The story of the game is good and the concept works. It has good parts of the game, but then this is probably the worst Paper Mario game for me. The fact that you need stickers to attack means you just farm the best ones and never get into fights with any enemies in fear of losing your stickers. I ended up avoiding as many things as possible and farming basic stickers. Not as fun as just attacking normally like in Bowser's Inside Story.

I will eventually finish the game, I got pretty far in it but then stopped playing it once the switch was released.

This game is legitimately awful

sticker collecting was awesome, everything else less so

Honestly this game is overhated. Not great, but over hated

Tried to power through this game at least 3 times, the furthest I've ever been able to get is the mansion before I quit.

What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said:

Oh hey, it's the only Paper Mario I've ever tried playing, and it's so bad, it killed any enthusiasm I would have had for this series! At least the soundtrack is quite good...

After playing TTYD, really expected this one a lot (especially with the trailers showing Paper Mario was going to come back as a real RPG), I was a kid so I still enjoyed seeing a 3D Paper Mario with some great humor on 3DS, but there was definitly a big downgrade of what this serie was.
And deleting every original story element for what once was the best RPG Nintendo ever made was probably one of the mosy ununderstandable things Nintendo has ever done.

This game is alright if it wasn’t a Paper Mario game. No RPG elements whatsoever, the collecting isn’t fun and the story is very lackluster.

A masterclass in exactly how not to design a video game.

Worst Paper Mario game I've played.

Look if I went back and played this now I would probably dislike it, but honestly when I was a kid I really liked it.

Instead of ranting about how this game "ruined the Paper Mario series" like most people would I'm gonna list off the actual positive qualities this game has because yes those do exist:
-The soundtrack is a bop, some of the jazziest Mario music ever
-The writing and dialogue is still good
-The level design is surprisingly fun
-Things are a fun and genuinely memorable take on special attacks
-The artstyle and visuals of the game are really charming and honestly the best the series has seen up to this point

...but yeah, as a Paper Mario game, Sticker Star kinda blows lol

I get why people hate this game, but I don't think it is THAT bad. It has a certain charm to it, and I think that its individual levels are actually pretty good in spite of its subpar battle system.

My favourite Paper Mario is 64... But I really liked this one
I'm sorry if you didn't like it

absolutely horrendous even if TTYD didnt set a high bar (it did)

I was talking with my cousing and I told him one of my favorite games was Paper Mario, to which he responded "Oh cool I played that on 3DS, it was great" and that's why we don't speak anymore

Not a good video game, but come on, its not the worst thing ever

The only game that gets worse the more you know about it. Don't waste your time.

Wow this is bad ❤️

Only good part is the music and like... One level. Even nostalgia can't redeem this one