Reviews from

in the past

A really enjoyable match-three game which seems to be much more luck-based, it's just a shame I'm not good at it

Enjoyed the anti-corporate messaging here, although it was quite forced. The puzzle gameplay was serviceable, if a little easy. Still, a pleasant way to while away 20 minutes here and there.

'Pick Pack Pup' is a 'packing and shipping' match-three puzzle game wherein the matching of objects packs them together in a box to be shipped at a later time in a combo with other boxes. It's fun enough and there is a thirty-stage story mode framed in satire on capitalism and corporate practices. There is also a 'forever' mode that I'm unlikely to find much time to play. I found this to be a decent enough time filler with a bit of fun writing and art, but little in the way of actual challenge.

Ein gelungenes Match-3 Spiel für's Playdate. Da stört es nicht wirklich dass die Kurbel kaum genutzt wird. Besonders gefallen hat mir der Storymodus mit abwechslungsreichen Leveln und einer netten kleinen Geschichte.

fun enough puzzle game that doesn't feel as mechanically unique as a playdate game should, but whatever. good game to just zone out and play at family gatherings when you can't connect with your peers on any kind of meaningful level. recommended for people who won't shut the fuck up about hating capitalism.

Cute puzzle game. There's a good sense of humor even if the satire is sometimes a bit on the nose. The classic block matching gameplay also has some nice variety across its 30 levels, with some delightfully unique challenges. It's not the most original or most intricate game, but it's well-suited to the Playdate.

Match 3 games are a guilty pleasure of mine so I got excited when I saw one for the Playdate - this is a quirky little take on it with some fun and cutscenes

I'm not super into Match-3 titles so when I saw what genre Pick Pack Pup was I didn't think I'd get much out of it but thanks to the game leaning more into puzzle than time limit (for the most part anyway) I was able to sit back and enjoy this way more than I expected.

Pup's tale was also quite enjoyable with the obvious real world analogies to certain giant corporation warehouse packing centres - a bit on the nose but no less accurate for it.

Crank usage - I think it would have been pretty hard to get it working with the core match-3 mechanics so only really using it to unfurl the comic strip story was fair enough.

Limitações são a mãe de boas invenções e eu acho que as várias limitações do pequeno, portátil, preto-e-branco Playdate foram as inspirações perfeitas para o que talvez seja o melhor match-3 que já joguei.

A ideia em Pick Pack Pup de trancar as figuras pareadas em caixas que atrapalham e ocupam o espaço é genial, e torna o que poderia ser um jogo de chutes aleatórios em muita estratégia e pensamento espacial. Junte com um visual bem bonitinho (incluindo nas HQs que contam a história de exploração capitalista) e você tem (até agora) o melhor jogo que aproveitei no Playdate.

annoyingly forced anti-corporate messaging, underwhelming puzzle mechanic.

Only decent idea is the use of the crank. you pop it out to scroll the comics between stages and pop it back in to leave the comic.

Pick Pack Pup is a grid-matching puzzle game that twists the traditional premise by having packages be sent only on a verification click by the user. The more packages on screen at once, the more points you get for shipping them. I bleed Bejeweled gems, so this was right up my wheelhouse. And the small mechanical change of cashing in matches felt novel enough to warrant its existence.

While entirely free of crank integration gameplay-wise, it offers very cute story sections presented as newspaper reels that you page-turn by using the crank. Nothing crazy, but it complimented the quirky aesthetic that they’re going for in this anthropomorphic world. The levels were broken up into time-based, move-based, and item-based requirements, and even had a lil Tetris homage. It wasn’t a hard game, so not letting player get too comfortable with level patterns kept the pace nice and brisk.

For those aching for that matching-game kick on Playdate, Pick Pack Pup also offers an infinity mode, chill mode, and danger zone. Just about every variation possible for stress-lovers and lazy-players are available for people who are particularly fond of the genre. For what it is I enjoyed my time with it. The grid perhaps could have been bigger by default, but that’s a minor nitpick of mine. Given its genre popularity it’s almost a given that something like Pick Pack Pup would be made for the Playdate, however it does provide that signature Playdate twist that sets it apart from mindless copycats, if only just slightly.

Eigentlich simples Puzzlespiel, das besonders im spaßigen und kurzen Storymodus durch die verschiedenen Aufgaben die vielen Varianten zeigt, die man daraus machen kann. Der Abschluss der Story bringt dann mMn auch gameplaytechnisch die Message rüber.
Die Modi daneben sind abwechslungsreich, sodass für jede Stimmung was bei ist, hat aber leider nicht die gleiche Variität. Und keinen Goose Cameo.
Insgesamt ein empfehlenswertes Puzzlespiel, auch wenn es jeder Playdate-Besitzer irgendwann hat und eine Empfehlung daher eher so semisinnvoll ist.

This one took my by surprise, I loved it. Ended up blowing through all 30 stages of the story mode in a day and really enjoyed how it kept mixing up the basic puzzle mechanics to keep it fresh. The story was simple but cute. Hearing the Summoning Salt music at the end was a shock. Will definitely keep coming back to this to play the other modes. This is a great game.

Short and fun! I liked how objectives changed regularly so levels never felt stale. My favorite part is the paper noise when you crank through the comics.

I think this is sincerely one of the most infectious games I've played in a long time, and it's incredibly well-suited for the Playdate. Went over to watch The Game Awards with some friends; as I stared at Geoff Keighley stand surrounded by alien geometry and speak about how games are different from other mediums because they have the power to change people my eyes began to glaze over and I started thinking about patterns in Pick Pack Pup. It's a super simple puzzle game, so that probably sounds bizarre- I might be stupid, but as far as I can tell this doesn't have the same technique ceiling as something like Tetris or Puyo Puyo. Still, the fact that your progress and score is constantly being literally fed into a mulcher means that you need to assemble packages in a mad dash- if you're not paying attention, it's easy to panic and pack dismally low-value packages of 3. It requires some discipline and practice in order not to throw points away from being in a rush. Thinking about it while I was falling asleep or experiencing Game Awards Fugue gave me a chance to figure out dead-simple little heuristics for moving packages about safely into high-value positions, something I don't think I could have done easily if it had more complex rules. Pick Pack Pup, largely due to it's very accessible and simple mechanics, has become the first puzzle game of this type that I've genuinely gotten engrossed in/kept feeling drawn back to. It's easy to figure out if you sit with it for a moment, but consistently tricky to actually play given the pressure of the timer. Also the pup is cute! The game is definitely "wholesome" but in a way that feels more reminiscent of charming E10+ Comic Mischief/ Cartoon Violence DS games than like, Donut County. Mean that as a compliment (to Pick Pack Pup). Didn't expect to give this one such a high rating but it deserves it. Good boy!

Another week another Playdate game, with the first of week three's entries being Pick Pack Pup, a match-3 game where you package items in a modern warehouse setting. The game uses the crank to scroll through its story, with the D-pad and A buttons used for the actual gameplay. The story is pretty cute. It has some fun criticisms of corporate greed while keeping a light hearted tone. The match-3 gameplay is nothing to write home about, and it's actually much easier than most as many levels don't have any way to lose. You simply need to match enough objects to move on to the next level. There are a few that buck this trend and have more puzzle or time limit constraints, but it's still never difficult. If anything, some of the point quotas are high enough to become tedious, as there's never any risk of failure, but it still takes a while to complete the stage. This is made worse by a mechanic where the bottom row of objects will be destroyed on a timer, subtracting from your point score. This only serves to draw out the level even longer, and while there is a mechanic to try and minimize this effect, I found it a bit finicky to pull off. All that aside, I like the gameplay and I like the presentation; so much so that this is probably my favorite Playdate title thus far.