Reviews from

in the past

A fun beat 'em up reminiscent of the River City Ransom series with the stylish art direction of the comics and some very well-animated pixel graphics, along with a great co-op mode and some memorable boss fights. Sadly this game never got a proper PC port but it is possible to emulate the PS3 version on RPCS3 and you don't even need an especially powerful PC to do it.

9/10/20 Update: Nevermind it's coming to PC and Switch soon so there you go.

A classic beat 'em up. Gorgeous graphics, excellent chiptunes, and up to 4 player local co-op support. Lots of fun to play, even from someone who didn't enjoy the movie at all.

A melhor adaptação de uma HQ para videogames que existe, resultando no melhor beat 'em up que existe. É lindo. É belo. É fofo. É masterpiece.

This game getting remastered was what prompted me to get into Scott Pilgrim and I thank it for that, but as a game it's just a fairly standard beat em up (a genre I'm usually not the hugest on due to how repetitive they feel)
It's fun but nothing groundbreaking

I really want to like this - the graphics and the music are both awesome, but I struggle to enjoy the gameplay. I find combat a bit clunky and slow.

Pra mim que sou fã de Scott Pilgrim gostei do que vi,bom pra jogar com os mano

Bwhoever says they like this game are poser

Como beat 'em up es divertido. Seguro que con amigos es mejor.
Lo mejor es el apartado visual y la música.
Está guay si eres fan de Scott Pilgrim y ya.

joguei com meu amigo e o jogo é muito bom

It's fine. Walk about battering people.

Excellent beat'em up based on River City Ransom with tons of videogame references. It took almost 10 years for it to have online co-op though.

should of just stuck with the movie

Diferente. Nunca fui o cara do best 'em up então não tenho muitos parâmetros, mas a progressão aqui me chama atenção. Ao invés de simplesmente bater nos caras e upar, você precisa coletar as moedas e ir em locais extremamente específicos espalhados (e escondidos) em todos os leveis para aumentar atributos diferentes. É legal, é divertido, é bem difícil beirando o impossível se você não descobrir logo onde ir pra ficar mais forte, e tem muito grind, meu deus como tem grind. Terminei o game com o Scott e testei a Ramona, mas a diferença de personagens é bem pequena ao meu ver, então não senti vontade de continuar e nem sequer experimentei os outros bonecos. Deixa pros mais aficionados em beat 'em up. Pra mim foi só uma passadinha mesmo.

TARDE UNA ETERNIDAD EN PASAR EL PRIMER NIVEL pero me enkanta k cuando tienes de personaje a Kim hay un botón para k knives venga a darle un besito me enkanta las expresiones d los personajes kuando pasa eso JAJJAJAA

Un beat em up muy bueno, con buen arte, buen soundtrack y una historia divertida.

muito divertido

mas difícil

mas bom

great and addicting game to play with friends!

scott pilgrim vs the world is a game carried almost entirely by its style, because while its a game with beautiful spritework and a bangin soundtrack, the game itself is kind of a slog to get through alone.

i personally dont like beat em ups, so i think im a little biased here, but MAN is this game boring. every level lasted way too long, the lack of checkpoints and lives meant that if you got a game over, (which was quite the frequent occurrence, since this game gets HARD) your ass was going all the way back to the start.

now, with all that said, i think my experience may have been a little better if i'd played with some friends, since thats how most beat em ups are meant to be played. not only that, but you can tell this game was lovingly crafted by people who cared about the source material, since theres a ton of really cute references. its mostly references to the movie, not the comics, but it counts. also the soundtrack by anamanaguchi is undeniably amazing

if you're a big fan of the source material, id say give this game a runthrough with some pals just to see what its like

not as fun as i hoped it would be :(

Fun arcadey game I used to play with my friends on xbox arcade

Repetitive gameplay that is made up for entirely by presentation