Reviews from

in the past

Tem gameplay unica, da pra fazer um infinidade de decks bizarros e todos os personagens são bem distintos.

"Roguelike de cartas". En menudo agujero me metió esto.

Imprescindible del género y perfecto en CASI todos sus aspectos (la OST nunca me acabó de ahí la media estrellita menos).

Addictive Roguelite deck builder. I dig it, lots of depth to be found in card interactions.

Basically a perfect game. Only stopped because I want to enjoy other games too.

Every other roguelike deckbuilder is trying to catch up to StS. Easily one of the best games ever made simply by virtue of being pure game. The designers had a vision that was executed on perfectly, and I can't wait for Mega Crit's next game if this is representative of what they can do.

Po vyšších stovkách nahraných hodin na PC (a přesvědčení, že se jedná, když ne hned o nejlepší, tak minimálně o nejchytlavější videohru vůbec) mě překvapila dvě fakta. Jak moc mám hru na PC zmodovanou k nepoznání, kdy pro množství fan modů "nevidím les v podobě původního základu"; znáte to, nejdřív jeden, k němu druhý a za chvíli jich jsou desítky.

A že byť jsem si to na konzoli pořídil čistě se záměrem "podpořím tvůrce svého nejhranějšího titulu i na jiné platformě, ale hrát to stejně budu na počítači", tak po spuštění mi to nedalo ozkoušet "jak se to hraje bez myši". A než jsem se nadál, zase jsem v tom lítal za desítky hodin, protože to je neustále "ještě jedno patro, ještě jedno vylepšení, ještě jedna karta, ještě jeden boss, ještě jeden artefakt, ještě jednou opojný pocit, kdy sofistikovaně pospojujete synergie utkané na míru vaší strategii, ještě jeden průchod denní výzvou".

Čili pokud byste chtěli na vlastní kůži zakusit, jak působí drogy (pocit euforie, návykovost, absťák), tak díky tvůrcům z Mega Crit Games můžete zcela legálně. A to, považte, skrze "pouhou" digitální karetku.

They got cards in this game. groundbreaking stuff.

Like Dead Cells, this is comfort food

Will I die nearly every run? Yes. Is it worth it in order to create a deck where the sleeper makes infinite shivs? Also yes

Its the best game. I don't know what else you want from me

While not being a really complex game, Slay the Spire is very challenging, fun and creative. This makes it a really good roguelike in my opinion.
There are a LOT of challenges you can accomplish (such as steam acchievements), aswell as community challenges (every day updates) for the ones who really enjoy playing this game without stop.
This game helped me in very hard moments (I find it quite relaxing and demanding at the same time, which makes anxiety go away) and that is why is one of the best games of all time for me.

I've played way too much and I'm still trash. 10/10 game

The best card battling Rogue-style game ever made. I'm hopelessly addicted even after putting in hundreds of hours.

I lost control of my life when I started to play it. I beat the regular runs with each of the four characters at least once and I still have a lot to understand about them. I quit the 4th chapter runs because I got scared. This game is amazing.

If you're looking for the best deck builder game, you found it

Really cool game, but the problem is it's not very fun when you're bad at building a deck (like me).

i can appreciate what this game does well, but it’s hard to approach it after beating inscryption. i find inscryption’s gameplay so much more engaging, and the gap in atmosphere is hard to look past.

It's fun and there are a lot of synergies you can do

Es evidente que es un buen juego, pero no es mi tipo. Me perturba un poco no ver casi animaciones en las cartas, y una sensación grande de mundo y aspecto genérico del videojuego me invade mientras más pasaba frente a la pantalla. Le dediqué horas y es adictivo, pero me sentía en piloto automático.

Lo dicho, no es para mí y por lo mismo no recibe puntuación.

He de admitir que no me gustan este tipo de juegos, pero como estaba de muestra en la Switch le di un try y... Ta' bien. Es probablemente el que más me ha gustado de su género (porque Inscryption no entra ahí) y me ha mantenido enganchado unas horitas.

This is, without a doubt, one of the most well-crafted and addictive rouge-like games I have ever played. the details of each character, enemy and card, the way each deck can be built, and the snappiness of each turn and action made, it is honestly a perfect card game rogue-like in every single way. I would only avoid it if you do not like any kind of card game or rouge-like at all. Otherwise, this is an absolute must-buy for any gamer.

This game is like objectively a good one, and one that totally redefined the landscape of the genre, and I also viscerally hate it. I've probably played close to 100 hours, and I'm still bad at it.

i have an addiction to rogue lite card games apparently.

The most engaging card game I have ever played

Un bon jeu de deck-building avec une difficulté assez poussé si on veut vraiment aller au bout.

First played after getting my first gaming laptop and buying a year of Origin PC pass or whatever it was called.
At first the game seems fun and addicting but you don't realize how perfect and well-balanced it is until you play for much much longer. Got all achievements on steam and beat A20.