Reviews from

in the past

Como eu esperava, diversão sem fim, ótimos personagens, história e tudo mais que um bom jogo de south park tem que ter. Achei que não iria gostar da mecânica de combate mas acabei amando! O final é meio nada a ver mas fazer o que né kkkkkk. E sem falar que a dublagem desse jogo ficou maravilhosa!

Just a really good RPG. The grid based system is much more engaging and is approached very creatively making the gameplay always interesting. The story is a bit too bloated but it has moments where it is very memorable and hilarious, it's up and down just like the series is. However the boss fights are great, the soundtrack is immaculate, the superhero gimmick and the party is used to its potential and its just a really solid game.

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This game does many things better, and many things worse.
The Story is that Cartman tries to rebuild his friend's hero franchise, while crime is increasing throughout the town, this is a great idea for a sequel and it easily surpasses the original game's story, and the twists and turns help make that the case too, and as great as the story is, the intentionally abrupt ending is too abrupt. The Characters are the same as the original, but even more now, with the thanks of taking place a few seasons of the show later, and your parents are seem to have more to them than you thought, though even I can't believe even KYLE would fight you when you fight her mother, because he told you to do something that lead to it, AND then asks you for help afterwards like nothing happened, that is always a dumb cliché and impossible to have make any sense what so ever. The Graphics are the same as last time, but even more HD and polished, as I said in the previous game's review, and the colors of the atmosphere are more appealing than even the last game's fantasy feel. The Gameplay is slightly inferior though, the RPG style fighting system is replaced with a chess like moving grid, where you have less options to fight enemies, while exploring the same world, doing the same things as the first game, with loads to explore, and buy to help, but with less side quests and even less summons than the previous one, you can upgrade your powers, they make a great job enjoying exploring the same places, but with hero aesthetics, and feel fresh, collecting many interesting things, and fun discoveries too, it's also very funny, but the first game was funnier overall. Music is as great as to be expected, and works even more for this game, than the original's music did to the original game. South Park: The Fractured But Whole does an alright job at surpassing the original, but barely though.

Caaaara no quesito gameplay, pegou tudo de bom do 1 primeiro jogo e melhorou, pegou tudo de ruim do primeiro jogo e tirou do game. MAAAAS a história realmente deixou a desejar, sem contar alguns trechos beeem repetitivos e com o uso excessivo dos ajudantes. E a cereja no bolo de merda foi o final... sem emoção, sem graça e com o estranho sentimento de: foi isso??? No geral a gameplay é ótima e muito divertida, porém a história é decepcionante. Nota 3,5/5

Tantas veces que me lo he pasado que me se los diálogos de memoria

The gold standard for adapting a show into a game.

Sucessor do cajado da verdade, as histórias entrelaçam entre si, mudando somente o gênero da brincadeira, antes medieval, agora super heróis; O jogo tem um combate aprimorado, mudando um pouco a famosa e boa fórmula de jrpg, tornando-a pouco mais "complexa" mas continuando intuitiva, portanto apresentando uma dificuldade maior nos níveis mais difíceis; cada acontecimento surpreende mais, e para quem é ligado ao próprio desenho, é um bolo extremamente recheado, com inúmeras referências e agora com um mapa mais explorável, dando acesso a mais alguns lugares, os personagens são cativantes, engraçados e diferentes, habilidades únicas mostram muitas combinações diferentes de companheiros, isso incluindo as do próprio protagonista, possuindo diversas classes e poderes diversificados. O jogo é muito bom, tendo para mim um único defeito de, aparentemente ter coisas colocadas somente para aumentar o tempo de jogo, como por exemplo puzzles repetitivos e fáceis, tendo uma mecânica que torna esses segundos em que passa neles, chatos, enfim, se é fã de South park, compre, se não é, jogue o primeiro e depois esse, pague em promoção.

Me ha gustado mucho el inicio pero la verdad es que el final es algo extraño y pesado. Me gustó más el primero.

What do you mean HP Lovecraft was racist?

Overall not as good as The Stick of Truth. The writing really went downhill and relied too much on toilet humor. I was disappointed to find out that it was actually written by Matt and Trey, though it does get better as it goes on particularly past the point of no return. I'm glad to say that the gameplay is a lot better, I enjoyed how it had a higher level of complexity compared to the previous, simply put, there is a ton more options this time around.

I liked it, vulgarity at it's finest

The game that got me into "South Park"
I was missing out omg

RPG de turno BOM
Engraçado, tem dublagem, o jogo é fácil (até mesmo no modo difícil) e é South Park do começo ao fim

South Park: The Fractured But Whole brings a new theme and combat system, but the jokes are tamer and the exploration is slower and less rewarding.

Os dois jogos de South Park oferecem algo que não muitos jogos oferecem que é uma experiencia genuinamente engraçada e criativa capturando muito o estilo do desenho, é o que fazem esses jogos pra mim, mais que a gameplay. Apesar do Fractured But Whole ter uma gameplay mais desenvolvida que o Stick of Truth, os dois são de qualidade similar pra mim em questão de charme, por isso a nota igual.

Honestamente muito divertido, não sou mt fã de rpg de turno, mas quando é algo q eu gosto eu abro exceção (pokemon por ex) enfim, esse aqui é mt bom msm, a história super ridícula mas isso q a torna boa, a dublagem original do desenho tornou a experiência aq ser mt boa, mt foda esse jogo


The real villain of this was Jared Fogle.

Solid pacing, distribution of rewards, and fulfilling combat. Sadly, I feel like it overstays its welcome towards the end, and the plot becomes gradually more nonsensical. Yes, I know this is a game about fourth graders playing super heroes, so a lot of the humour stems from randomness and arbitrary play rules. But it could’ve easily been five hours shorter and just as good. It’s like they freaked out towards the end and tried to pack in as many tangential show references as they could.

pra mim há um downgrade deste para o anterior, apesar de ter melhores gráficos, a jogabilidade é pior.

I cannot tell you exactly why I did not finish this beyond a prevailing sense that I had seen it all before.

No doubt this is well put together and often times genuinely funny, but occasionally you need some more grit for your gums and this was not providing it.

im glad episodes of south park are 21 minutes long

This game has completed the impossible: being just as funny as the original. I struggle to think if one game is better than the other.

Alright, maybe the gameplay is better in this one. But that's the largest improvement. It's difficult to improve upon near-perfection, anyway.

Creo que es peor que el anterior, pero sigue siendo genial.

(Difficulty: Diabolic)

Good game, sadly it ends here since the “sequel” is ass

Everything about this game was done to perfection. it was funny, it was addicting, and the combat was difficult but very rewarding went you start to get good. the character designs were a highlight. I loved seeing superhero versions of my favorite South Park characters and the story always had me holding my sides laughing.