Reviews from

in the past

A ver. Tiene peor historia que la Vara de la Verdad pero mejor jugabilidad. Gracia hace y mucha pero se nota con peor narrativa. Recomendable de todas formas.

(Requiere más conocimiento de la serie para disfrutarlo bien)

Not as enjoyable as The Stick of Truth

n tem o que fala eh humor besta eh isso

Não tem o mesmo brilho que o primeiro.

So Underrated
I dont get why so many people are saying that this is a stepdown from stick of truth,dont get me wrong,i love that game is a 8/10 for me,but,this is a step up on every single aspect.The combat is way better and is more strategic,the story is way funnier,it has way more content,has better side missions and the final 5 hours from this game is probably top 5 ending parts from any piece of entertainment ever,i was on litteral shock when the final battle happened and the final cutscene appear.

This game no joke is one of my all time favorites.This is perfect,i have so much to say about every single aspect of this game but if i keep writing i probably be 5 hours here and i dont have that much time.In conclusion one of the most perfect games i ever played and probably the most underrated one.

Very good game, with great pacing.

dreaming about stick of truth's story with this game's battle system

not quite as good as the first one

More RPG's should implement Toilet Shitting Mechanics.

Os dois jogos de South Park oferecem algo que não muitos jogos oferecem que é uma experiencia genuinamente engraçada e criativa capturando muito o estilo do desenho, é o que fazem esses jogos pra mim, mais que a gameplay. Apesar do Fractured But Whole ter uma gameplay mais desenvolvida que o Stick of Truth, os dois são de qualidade similar pra mim em questão de charme, por isso a nota igual.

pra mim há um downgrade deste para o anterior, apesar de ter melhores gráficos, a jogabilidade é pior.

im glad episodes of south park are 21 minutes long

wait a second that title makes you say butthole

no se porque le saque todos los logros, juego pedorro

I remember when I stopped playing this for a day and went on the internet to see NeoGAF burnt to ash. What a magical day!

-Descripción: XCOM con skin de South Park.
-Explicando las estrellas: Arregla muchos de los problemas que tengo con "The Stick of Truth" pero aquí tengo que poner incisos; los coleccionables siguen igual de redundantes e inútiles pero el problema que mas pesa es la ausencia de un modo "New Game Plus", volviéndolo demasiado difícil de retomar en el futuro.

I love this, south park always had some sick games

Os jogos de South Park são absurdamente excelente. O humor é muito bom, as piadas são muito boas. O sistema de combate desse game é pior que o jogo anterior, porém a história é superior. Entretanto, ambos são excelentes. Vale a pena.

En partant, j'ai préféré le premier. J'aime pas les RPG, encore moins les jeux de statégie. En plus, le début est tellement lent, contrairement à The Stick of Truth. Mais les 5 dernières heures sont génial et ca reste un jeux de South Park

This is the game I’ve probably beaten the most times definitely recommend this and can’t wait for the new game

only good modern boobysoft game

Customisation (outfits and powers): S
combat: A+
Character designs: A+
Writing/humour: B (can be pretty repetitive with some jokes but I guess that’s just South Park in general)
Story: B - 1st half, C - 2nd half.
Navigating the world: F

After finding the first one average, this one was mostly more of a same and I lost interest after a few hours. It's really not very funny to me tbh. Everything else falls pretty flat when the main draw doesn't interest me.

Como eu esperava, diversão sem fim, ótimos personagens, história e tudo mais que um bom jogo de south park tem que ter. Achei que não iria gostar da mecânica de combate mas acabei amando! O final é meio nada a ver mas fazer o que né kkkkkk. E sem falar que a dublagem desse jogo ficou maravilhosa!

The gold standard for adapting a show into a game.

What do you mean HP Lovecraft was racist?