Reviews from

in the past

both this game and saints row 2 are the only games i know where you can be a female in them, but because youre canonically still the person from the first game and in that game you can only be male, you have to be trans. and i think thats beautiful

Fantastic sequel, like the first it captures the show perfectly and is just really fun to boot.

Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole probably have got to be the best Licensed Games and Adaptations ever, at least in the top 10. I never really watched South Park like that, just saw some episodes sometimes, but yeah these games are just so explicitly what it is.

The gameplay in this one is pretty fun and making the build you think fucks everything up is dope. It drags a little bit towards the end cause I played this shit for almost 27 hours in 4 days (including DLC), but its not too bad and the ending rules.

Also the bit about picking what gender you are actually kind of touching to me, and the Craig/Tweak being gay, idk that shit rules genuinely.

A sequência do primeiro jogo do South Park tinha tudo para ser épica, mas infelizmente é inferior ao primeiro jogo. Mesmo sendo uma continuação, a aventura heróica começa ficar muito monótona da metade para o final do jogo.

As batalhas agora tem um esquema de movimentação, que incomoda muitas vezes e em outros é usado como desafio para enfrentar os bosses. Por falar em bosses, aqui eles empurraram diversos, um pouco entendo por satirizar a questão das histórias de super-heróis, mas as piadas durante a jogatina ficam repetitivas e entediantes.

O apelo ao bizarro como no primeiro jogo, aqui é bem pouco explorável. Aqui os cosméticos não influênciam em nada no poder do personagem, só servem para ser coletados, comprados e fabricados (sim, você tem que lootear tudo e comprar itens para fabricar seus itens).

O jogo satiriza bem mais ou menos a questão dos heróis, diferente do primeiro jogo que simplesmente zoa todo o estilo de jogo RPG. Os coletáveis não servem para nada, você só coletou a toa, nem conquista recebe pelo feito.

Tirando todos esses problemas, e o bug que ocorreu em certo momento. O jogo conta com a dublagem brasileira original, o que deixa a imersão excelente para os fãs, ainda mais com referências a muitas coisas da nossa cultura, desde Silvio Santos, a música do Raimundos (Pipoco do Trovão) entre outros, além de uma maior quantidade de personagens jogáveis, o retorno de alguns personagens antigos da série, aparição dos novos personagens e o retorno da morte do Kenny que é devorado pelos ratos e pode ressuscitar ahaha.

É um jogo OK, ainda prefiro o primeiro pois é muita mais zueiro e tem momentos mais bizarros! Esse jogo parece uma versão mais family friend para novos jogadores!


Fun combat system, definitely the highlight of the whole experience. There's more complexity present without any drawbacks, and the enemies are tougher to a reasonable degree. The soundtrack is great too, especially early on. A lot more jokes here whiffed than in Stick of Truth (there are some highlights however), and the plot is some real eyeroll stuff in the last few hours. Overall it's a game that outstays its welcome but is fun to play nonetheless.

fun game, i like the character creation that was improved upon from the first game. lots of funny moments, fun storyline to play though. i like the mechanics of the "superpowers" in the environment to access loot and new areas.

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Had to replay the game to get the 1 trophy I was missing for the platinum. My 91st. It was “Beat the game as a black character on the hardest difficulty setting”. It was during this playthrough that I realised the game wasn’t as fun second time through. I grew very tired of the gathering of followers on Coonstagram.

Superhero fatigue is very real at the moment when it comes to marvel and interconnected franchises therefore the story really bored me.

The combat is pretty fun, with fun abilities, teammates and summons. But some of the bosses on the hardest setting annoyed me. Mainly the ones that required something different of the player. Other than beating them to death. Butter’s dad grounding team mates proved to be a tougher fight when compared to a later fight with an Eldritch nightmare.

The farting grew very stale. It’s funny but then it’s not, and blocking off progression behind fart abilities got very boring, very quickly.

The jokes hit. Some had me howling and carried me through a game I just wanted done for that satisfying platinum popping sound. Bling This isn’t a bad game but it’s not as replayable as Stick of Truth. This game shines as a one and done.

i could write a whole essay on how this game has better explicit trans representation than about 90% of other media but the world isn’t ready to have this conversation yet

a história do protagonista é uma das mais tristes de todos os games... você vê seu pai comendo sua mãe. Realmente é uma história chocante

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sinceramente não tenho muito o que falar sobre esse jogo, o senso de humor é impecável e se mantém assim até o fim, o sistema de luta é bastante divertido e te faz querer experimentar um pouco de cada personagem e cada classe (por isso ficamos surpresos quando o novato consegue todas as habilidades de todas as categorias), a história evolui de forma legal e todos os bosses são bem decentes e bem feitos, o jogo termina e deixa vc com um gostinho de quero mais, porém ao mesmo tempo satisfeito com o quanto ele durou.

se fosse um filme de herói esse seria o lego batman (o goat)

Nessa segunda leva de "episódios jogáveis" de South Park, vemos uma sequência direta de seu antecessor, que se arrisca mais e acerta na maioria de suas propostas.

A essência da série continua intacta, extremamente fiel e bem feita, dessa vez nos levando a uma aventura com uma temática de super-heróis e vilões, que eu achei mais interessante do que a de Dungeons e Dragons do primeiro jogo.

No que se diz respeito a gameplay, ainda vemos um RPG por turnos, mas com mecânicas diferentes em relação ao primeiro jogo, o combate é muito mais dinâmico, sendo possível controlar mais personagens e usar um arsenal maior de habilidades, sem a limitação do custo de mana.

A customização do nosso personagem também melhorou absurdamente, são inúmeras opções de fantasias, que agora não dão mais status extras e servem apenas para a aparência em si, o que ao meu ver é positivo.

Eu não consigo definir de qual dos dois jogos eu gostei mais, então eu colocaria ambos no mesmo nível, sendo essa sequência também uma experiência obrigatória para fãs de um bom RPG por turnos ou fãs de South Park.

Super solid game that imo went on just a tad to long. I thought it should have ended in the engineering plant. Better gameplay than the Stick of Truth but while still funny not near as funny as the stick of truth and the overall story isn’t nearly as good. Overall though this is a good game that slightly overstays its welcome.

Sights & Sounds
- Looks just as faithful to the show as The Stick of Truth did. I never personally saw this season (I watched until season 11 or 12), but now I'm a little tempted to go back and view these
- The VA work matches the energy, tone, and attitude of the franchise as well. Matt Stone and Trey Parker are all over this title
- Ditto for the soundtrack

Story & Vibes
- Fractured but Whole takes place not long after the events of Stick of Truth; however, the LOTR LARP that overlaid the events of the previous game are quickly ushered out for Avengers-inspired shenanigans
- While amusing, the plot doesn't reach the same levels of outlandishness as its prequel. I would hesitate to call it "muted", but definitely doesn't go to the same lengths as the first game does to shock or surprise you. Then again, giving you an achievement for farting on a dead nazi zombie baby was always going to be a tough act to follow
- Still, though, if you enjoyed the first game or the show, you're almost sure to enjoy the narrative and tone of Fractured but Whole

Playability & Replayability
- Although the game is a very slightly less silly version of its prequel in terms of story and vibes and the town map is essentially the same (though updated to match the events of the show), it quickly becomes evident that the mechanics in this game are very different
- The most obvious change is the battle system. The JRPG combat has been shown the door and replaced by a grid-based tactical RPG system (think Final Fantasy Tactics on a small scale). While I eventually adjusted and came to appreciate the strategic battles, I don't like how drawn out combat is in this game. Stick of Truth was really good about getting you in and out of battle quickly, but the slower pace here wasn't to my liking
- Fractured but Whole also drops stat-altering gear and weapons while introducing a crafting system that allows you to construct artifacts to increase your team's combat capabilities
- Making a build for your character is somewhat improved. You add multiple superhero archetypes to your character throughout the game, which gives you access to new attacks and abilities. You can min max by picking abilities to match your gear, which can boost body (melee), mind (magic) and, uh, "spunk" (ranged/support) skills
- Thankfully, the little map puzzles that are solved by your farts and other map abilities make a return. I really enjoyed these little adventure game diversions from the prequel, and I'm happy to see that they're still around
- In terms of replayability, I think I'd be more tempted to replay the first game or wait until Snow Day, the next game in the series, releases

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Overall, Fractured but Whole was a worthwhile playthrough and should satisfy fans of the first game. Some may bounce off the combat changes, but the game is easy enough (and non-story combat avoidable enough) that it's possible to just focus on the plot. Just make sure that your stats exceed the suggested power level for each mission
- I played the game on the Steam Deck. You'll probably have to install/update the Ubisoft launcher. Unfortunately, since you need it to play the game, you'll be saddled with long boot times, intrusive modal popups, and a bad exit process that will require you to close the game manually while hoping your Ubisoft cloud save synced properly. Just an annoying bit of overhead to sully your enjoyment courtesy of the pinheaded troglodytes who run Ubisoft. The industry would be better if their C-levels decided to embark on the first manned mission to the sun

Final Verdict
- 7.0/10. A step down from the series' previous entry, but not a huge one. There's still plenty of South Park goodness to enjoy, and fans of the series will still be pleased with this game. Looking forward to the sequel!

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Excellent laugh out loud experience. At points the game can be too easy. I would suggest jumping straight into Mastermind difficulty. Strong recommendation!

They really took a look at the combat and exploration abilities from the first one and thought, “what if everything took ten times as long?”

Like dang Ubisoft I’d love to finish this combat encounter before I get my AARP card

Blows Stick of Truth out of the water. Did every fucking thing in this game including the DLC. Just a good time, and the music rocks. Again, this game is way solid enough that you don't have to be a SP fan to enjoy it, you just have to have a taste/tolerance for crude humor

New Kid setup: Dragon Reversal, Soul Slash, Grim Fate usually w/ Kenny and Wendy for range

Let's be honest, nobody is going to play this game "on accident" right? You know what the franchise is all about, and that's exactly the appeal. I was pleasantly surprised at how solid of an actual game it was.

Theme: It doesn't get much better than this. The writing was exactly what you would want. The dialogue was freaking hilarious and the call backs to past episodes were icing on the cake. This is great example of a game based on an existing property done right.

Gameplay: The grid based strategy was simplistic yet satisfying. Don't go into this thinking that it's going to be the next Brigandine or FF Tactics. Think more along the lines of a slightly deeper Plants vs. Zombies interface with a turn based overlay. It works surprisingly well. The rest of the game plays like an episode of South Park. If that doesn't appeal to you then I don't know why you would be considering this game.

Story: We aren't going for a gripping and vast narrative filled with drama and such. This is written by some of the folks that help bring the TV show to life. It's exactly like that. You assume the role of the new kid, and you are largely along for the ride as the boys uncover a devious plot to destroy the town. All of this happens while playing super heroes of course. Even as a South Park fan I was surprised at how clever the story was. I was actually expecting much less.

great game based on the fact theres a dedicated side quest to yaoi

Wow so many characters with unique abilities, but what if I make a #fuckcartman squad instead

Fantastic game. Perfect for South Park fans!

Nice and funny combat, funny characters, cool story. Lots of variety in combat and setups. I just love South Park and the game was great. 😁

Honestly didn't have as much fun with this one as I did with Stick of Truth back in the day.

holy shit they made me actually really enjoy a turn based combat system

Not as fun as the first one, but improved a lot on gameplay!

Como esse jogo lembra guerra civil, é muito engraçado.
A pegada do desenho com toda a sua loucura é hilário.
Vale a pena jogar de novo.

O passado mais sombrio já visto