Reviews from

in the past

I liked the singe player campaign. The new main lobby is cool and the game plays very smooth. The soundtrack is really good and memorable.
But here are my criticisms: No new modes, a few new weapons and a new dodge mechanic just feel like they could've been an update for Splatoon 2. I recognize that they made some smaller changes. But for me personally there were not enough changes to warrant a sequel on the same console (from a casual perspective). Also the online connectivity is still terrible.
I played the online mode a bit but dropped it after the first Splatfest. At last, I wanted mentioned that I found the catalog way too grindy.
Overall everything regarding the single player was fine. The game has some minor improvements but I wished that they waited until the next console so there are bigger changes. In this state, the game is fun but it could've been better.

every match you play online will feel like hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby

practically identical tetris block shaped maps, a dumb ass battle pass that has no reason to exist, and the horrendous nonexistent matchmaking system (ha ha this isnt a salt post what are you talking about) just fucking demolish this game for me. i feel like i'm just forcing myself to play this shit so i don't look back in a year and feel guilty for not playing in every splatfest.

salmon run will always be fire though. still hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby though. istg they need a separate queue for people who eat crayons

I like the new additions, QoL changes and additions to Salmon Run, but the map design really ruins a lot of multiplayer for me. Feels inconsistent on whether itll be a rotation I can enjoy or not. Also still feels lacking in weapon kit variety

campaign:) multiplayer should be :) but it is :/

idk salmon run is dope but this is quite literally the same game as splatoon 2. not a big turf war or shooter fan though so im not the target demo

A Communication Error has occurred.

i hate the shell-out machine and i hate eliter players . good game đź‘Ť

i hate paint-roller mains with both brain cells I have

Splatoon is amazing. I don't play other shooters so it's hard to say much about it but the mechanics and game feel are both fantastic. The weapons are mostly really good as well both to use and play against. I'm not huge on most of the music and the map design is not great but the rest of the game is good enough for both of those to be easy to ignore.

Confesso que eu comprei splatoon meio expiado com medo de nĂŁo curtir e jogar grana fora, mas bizarro como ele Ă© um BAITA arena shooter
A forma como a mecânica de pintar o mapa funciona parece óbvia, mas cria uma dinâmica totalmente diferente e que funciona muito bem
Apesar de ter familiaridade com alguns clássicos por emuladores, o Switch é meu primeiro console da nintendo e ta sendo assustador ver como a nintendo ENTENDE o que faz um gênero ser divertido

I feel weird rating this one because I feel extremely different between the single-player campaign and the multiplayer, so I'll start off by saying:

Single-player: 9/10
Multiplayer: 4/10

The Splatoon 3 single-player campaign is everything I was hoping for and more. It greatly expands the story potential for Splatoon in a way that was unprecedented considering how bare bones it was in the first two games. The Octo Expansion in Splatoon 2 was also amazing for this reason. Splatoon 3 manages to incorporate all of the best parts of the Octo Expansion into its own campaign while also staying fresh and interesting. It's awesome exploring Alterna and unlocking all the levels with Little Buddy, the levels are some of the best in all of the Splatoon games with some serious challenges, the boss fights are a joy, all of the music is great, and everything comes together in the final sequence which ends up being one of the best experiences I have ever had the pleasure of playing through in a video game.

Multiplayer is uh... a different beast. To be blunt, I do not like it. Right off the bat the online connectivity is a major downgrade from the first two games, and this is a series that is already known for its shoddy online connectivity. Half of the time I get splatted I never even see what hit me, and half of the time I shoot somebody enough to splat them, they stay standing. I've been playing these games since the release of the first one in 2015, and I'll reiterate, it has definitely never been perfect, but it also has never been as bad as it is in this entry.

The new stages are not especially interesting, and the stages that were fun in 1&2 have been redesigned beyond recognition. They basically remove as much verticality as possible, and make stages smaller. Flounder Heights was my favorite stage in Splatoon 1 and when playing it in Splatoon 3 I forget I'm even there. The buildings are half the size and it feels like there are only two viable paths between the bases. Another horror story is the sad state of Hammerhead Bridge. In Splatoon 1 the entire appeal of that stage was how there were two levels, upper and lower. The lower level was the main part of the stage where all the ink coverage occurred, and the upper level was a catwalk you could access that made you vulnerable, but was worth using because it allowed you to sneak past enemy players and flank them if you were skilled enough. In Splatoon 3 the entire stage is just a single path with no catwalk to speak of. I understand that the lore explanation for this is that the bridge construction is complete (as it was under construction in Splatoon 1), but that doesn't make it more fun to play on.

Splatoon 3 by far has the worst specials of the three games. Most of the specials worth using are either reused from 2 or are watered down versions of specials from 1. The Triple Inkstrike is nice but it pales in comparison to the war-ending nuke that is the original Inkstrike. The Killer Wail 5.1 doesn't instill the deep primal fear that the original Killer Wail does when you see the outline of its path manifesting around you. The Tenta Missiles and Ink Storm are reused and unchanged from Splatoon 2, you get the point. Of the specials introduced in this game, the only two I can really think of that are genuinely great are the Zipcaster and the Crab Tank.

A few more minor points:

- Multiplayer music is good, but it does feel a bit repetitive a lot of the time because there isn't a huge selection. Splatoon 1 still has my favorite multiplayer soundtrack but I don't hold that against this game.
- Matchmaking still takes way too long but it's a Splatoon game so what else is new.
- Locker customization is really fun and the amount of freedom you are given is quite surprising. I love that adding physical objects such as weapons and clothing is physics based, makes it feel more tangible. I also enjoy being able to see the lockers of other players, especially friends.
- Name tag customization is also really nice and I especially like the titles you can give yourself.
- I think having seasons is the right move considering it's what every other major multiplayer game is doing. Feels nice to know that there are updates being released on a consistent schedule and it's not up in the air like it was in 1&2.
- I have mixed feelings about Splatfest. There being three teams is a fun idea that works with the theme of the game but Shiver wins literally every single time even when it seems obvious she shouldn't. I think Big Man has won maybe twice and I cannot recall Frye winning more than once.
- Tricolor Turf War during Splatfests is fun but very difficult to win as an attacking team.
- Salmon Run is very fun still, and is greatly improved. The addition of King Salmonids seems like a no-brainer and I love how dire the tone is when they appear. It's exhilarating fighting them but admittedly I have yet to actually defeat one (skill issue).
- Big Run is another awesome addition that is fun to play, and again I love the tone that is set with it being presented as a legitimate emergency. Worth mentioning it is quite noticeable how much the game struggles to maintain 60fps with so many Salmonids running around on the larger maps, but at this point in time that is a problem with the Switch hardware, not the game itself.
- I have no issues with the general gameplay or the weapons/sub weapons. Inkling movement, shooting, throwing sub weapons, swimming, jumping, etc. all feel the same as they always have but a bit more refined, which is all good.

Splatoon 1 is tied with Mirror's Edge as my favorite game of all time so I say all of this out of love. I adore this series and I want to see it continue and flourish even though this particular entry is not the best as I see it.

nintendo trying not to toss the BAG CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Salmon Run is one of my favorite gaming experiences. Everything else is just alright to me.

Fantastic game! Can't wait for the DLC. Story mode was great too, and just very fun over all.

Es un puto banger, lo Ăşnico malo es que es de nintendo

Not enough new stuff. Waste of $60 if you already have the second game

Splatoon 3 me ha molado mil en su historia. Divertida, retante y encima tiene a Cenutrín ❤
El multi más de lo mismo, con pocos añadidos. Faltan más mapas, más modos, buena conexión, mejor matchmaking y blabla
Te lo pasas bien con colegas pero Nintendo vuelve a dar lo mĂ­nimo

Really liked the setting of Alterna for this one, quite creative and a fun addition to the Splatoon world. Good to see a continuation of the Octo Expansion type levels too. Have not been the same after hearing Wave Goodbye.

fun to play if you like to torture yourself online

good game but nintendo online suck

fun game, awesome story, and the new weapons are great! really, the only complaints i have about this game are the competitive scene and the sheer amount of connection issues seen.

Just cleared credits on Hero Mode, the single player story mode. In short, Splatoon is a 3rd Person Shooter, following an inkling squid kid who paints terrain by shooting enemies, floors and walls with paint guns alongside other arsenal like buckets, rollers and brushes.

There’s many modes, Turf Wars probably being the most popular - working competitive in a group of four to cover the most terrain against a rivalling group.

This is mostly a Single Player review, since I’ve rolled credits on that and are still working towards playing the other modes. The single player campaign is always a good time, they’re on the level of the bonus stages of Super Mario Sunshine in terms of platforming but with much more versatility in movement.

The catch in Splatoon 3 is the exploration available in the hub areas, this used to be a matter of exploring zones to find the levels hidden in invisible grates.

Whereas the zones in Splatoon 3 are covered in fuzzy goo which will kill you upon touch, only your buddy small-fry can eat the goo when you amass enough disposable points to wipe them away. It creates an addictive pull between finishing missions to get more points and using them to clear more terrain to unlock mode levels, bonuses like decorations, playing cards and improving the music for each zone as you uncover the terrain - it’s subtle detail but cool addition. Sunken Scrolls are now hidden in the over world meaning stages can be speedrun without needed to check behind every single corner to find a collectable!

The stages themselves are like the Octo Expansion, you start in a desalination box basically with a choice of load-out for the mission. I like replaying stages with different load-outs for the full completion status and nothing else really. The story fills some gaps in the lore, namely Mr. Grizz and evolution of the inklings with some character info drops.

I really enjoyed the single player and are looking forward to more Octo Expansion tiered difficulty. Only towards the end did the levels become more difficult and enjoyable.

First of all, Single Player out the way:
Return of the Mammalians is a fun campaign that even in moments is better than octo expansion. The hub world and collectables is my fav part of it alongside prefering the story and lore. However, OE didn't do any of these poorly, wheres RotM does one thing very wrong. It doesn't have the variety of level themes and challenges compared to OE, as it tries to have standard levels like S1, which whilst fun fill up too much of the campaign for me. That creativity and variety of challenges wasn't as present. The one thing OE did bad that this game does great is boss fights with only one stinker!
Anyways, time for the multiplayer:
This game has my favourite controls in the series that pushes the movement based focus of the games to its limit, with overall amazing special ideas that don't reach the BS of some s2 specials (COUGH INK ARMOR) and with some amazingly fun and creative new weapon classes alongside new weapons within pre existing weapon classes! The season system feels like a non fomo approach to what free to play games do, giving you something to always work to without the pressure of fomo as the game will have the items available in stores 1 or 2 seasons after.
That being said, seasons have been too slow in terms of how much content has been added overtime, especially with weapon kits getting smaller and smaller. A big problem has been how inconsistent the kit quality has been alongside the poor stage design this game has been having, needing more options and openings. Map reworks took too long to happen and it still isn't enough to fix as they clearly have a fundamental issue.
A lot of criticism huh? And yet I still love this game, I adore it and it frustrates me at times how poor the update system has been despite me preffering it so much more in concept than how 2 handled it. It's a shame how many highs and lows this game has, as I adore this game and how queer and creative and FUN it has been.