Reviews from

in the past

As a kid i loved this although i believe if i went back to it today it wouldn't be anywhere near as enjoyable.

Te conviertes en dios y creas los seres amorfos más extraños para vivir toda una civilización y luego sentirte vacío como cuando terminas una película, lo recomiendo muchísimo

it'll be forever my comfort game

Jogo muito daora, porém peca demais na parte final espacial que fica muito chata e repetitiva.

the only game i ever pirated out of pure spite

Doesn't really hold up, but I wish it did. A Spore game made in 2024 would probably be amazing.

Joguei só um pouquinho....

Super fun all the way up until the space stage. Loved the creature creator despite how silly it is and always had a blast running around looking dumb.

12 year old matt is thrilled that 23 year old matt owns this game

game that could've been a lot better but is still so fucking fun holy shit this was a huge part of my childhood.

i love allying with genocidal cyborgs.

Rezo a los cielos para que algún día aparezca una secuela de este juego tan único

Fun concept but a bit poorly executed

Disguising my space sim as an evolution sim and not telling anyone.

Menudo vicio con 8 años. Hoy en día probablemente no lo disfrutaría tanto, pero no puedo darle menos con lo que lo disfruté en su momento.

The Spore Says: i won't forget the day i grinded from the cell stage to the outer space stage while forgetting to save the entire time. i will forever be scarred.

Un jeu unique dans son genre, je ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi on a pas eu plus de jeux dans ce genre malgré le succès de celui-ci.
Certes certaine phase dans l'évolution de ta créature ont de gros défauts, mais le jeu dans son ensemble est une pépite et voir sa créature que l'on a créé et personnalisé nous même est un vrai plaisir.

mt bom amo esse joguinho, mas é mais pra descontrair mesmo

this is one of those games i can look at and objectively say: yeah its not very good

and then because i have free will i can look at it SUBJECTIVELY and say: YOOOOOOOO LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO

(i literally saved up coins to buy this game when i was 8 because i saw a commercial for it and thought it looked cool as fuck)

id like to show you me beautiful spores

Shoutout Matt for letting me play this game through discord cause I dont own this

Unlimited replayability and user-generated content to date make Spore a must-have for fans of the evolution genre

I hope i'm not blinded by nostalgia but I LOVED this game

Graphic wasn't great but I loved the concept at the time.

el primer juego que jugué en toda mi vida, realmente era demasiado bueno te amo maxis