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CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

SPRAWL is a good FPS, but it just doesn't offer anything new and neither is it really outstanding in anything.
It starts slowly, with two weapons that are not really that satisfying to use. The game improves once you get the shotgun, which might just be one of my favorite shotguns out there, but it really starts to get repetitive after that. Enemy variety is just not enough and all feel kind of similar in their way of attacking, although some are weaker to some weapons and that does make it somewhat interesting, its just really not enough to make this a great game.
The music is great, but the atmosphere, levels, visuals and gunplay really feel kind of stale.
Recommended for FPS fans that really already played everything available, but with how many great shooters are released recently, I just think that this one does not really stand out, and I would recommend it if the price wasn't above the average for this kind of games. If you like the general gameplay style and movement, I really recommend severed steel, which is, in my opinion, better.

For some reason, whenever I try to review indie games, I nearly always end up wanting to say something like "has potential, would be much better with a proper studio and budget".

At the risk of being generic and unhelpful, Sprawl has potential, and would be much better with a proper studio and budget. I wish I had more to say. My single largest complaint is the lack of enemy soundclip variety. Enemy variety itself matters, and Sprawl has a good few things it can throw at you, but even in the 5 hours I spent to beat the game, I still got very tired of hearing the same voicelines. I'll recommend it to my friends who like boomer-shooters that they pick it up when it's on sale.

Extremely solid game but the biggest issue is the enemies feel repetitive by the end. Still fun for what it is. I'd like to see them do a second one and iterate on this a bit more.

Just a real bummer of a game. LOVE the look of it, but the movement feels too slow and the enemies are too tanky with extremely simple AI. They're patching this again and again, and it's starting to feel better, but it's a bummer that it was so disappointing at release.

Excellent artstyle, aesthetic and soundtrack, gameplay just doesn't reach that high bar.

Sadly it looks better than it plays
Most of the first episode is good, 2nd is kinda aimless, and the 3rd is far too short

derrubar governo autoritário etc

Absolutely could have been a great game but there's a good few things holding it back for me. Your guns don't feel like they have much power behind them, the damage they do feels balanced, but enemy feedback is lackluster. On the topic of feedback, it's easy to die in this game if you're not keeping a close eye on your health bar. It's kinda hard to tell when you take damage when your only indication is a hardly noticeable red outline and the grunts Seven makes. The parkour is serviceable, if a little floaty. Really just didn't feel that fun to play overall.

buen gunplay pero andar por las paredes a veces parece que son de mantequilla y te resbalas, un poquillo repetitivo las ultimas horas, pero como primer juego de estos chavales está rico, saltaescopeta

Es un juego bastante bueno, es muy cómodo y satisfactorio moverse, tiene buena actuación de voz, tiene su buen nivel de dificultad.

La historia esta de adorno y a veces podes llegar a perderte un poco por el nivel, tambien el juego es un poco corto.

el problema con este juego es que la inteligencia artificial es muy tonta, la cual no se percata de que estas matando a sus compañeros, también por ejemplo los drones si te alejas lo suficiente o te pierden de vista dejan de darte bola y se ponen a patrullar como si no te hubieran visto.

La verdad que lo recomiendo

Wife’s Reaction:
“I like that I could measure the stress of each level based on the frequency and creativity of your swearing.”

Nightclub Rebellion:
When I was at PAX West 2022,I saw game dev/music producer Carlos Lizarraga speak on a panel about his game SPRAWL.I knew I had to pick it up when it dropped. I love the game’s soundtrack and art design, and the gameplay is intense and frenetic. Just an awesome time!

first things first, this is a game that I respect; it's crafted by only two people after all and I can see how they created a whole new thing with their inspirations, although unfortunately, I can't say I like the creation that they did. it doesn't play really well (at least not in my hand lol), and it has a lot of ideas that feels like scattered ideas that don't go anywhere. like, the game has a lot of guns, but some don't really fit the gunplay and even holds it back sometimes; the parkour can be a lot of frustrating in some segments and I felt they weren't well designed because of that. it's a shame cause I really like the idea of slowing down time in shooters, but I don't really used it here and I feel they wasted this mechanic because it's only purpose is for combat and even that is just for making it easier. my feelings with this one is basically this, in surface is a pretty good job but it doesn't exceed anything that I had already played.

Movement felt a bit off to me, and the guns were hit or miss. Art design was nothing special and same goes for the soundtrack. If this hit me at a different time i may have still played it to the end but honestly i have way too much in my backlog to play more of this when im very meh on it in the first place.

Of course, I don’t want to encourage “cheating” boomer-shooters with futuristic cyberpunk themes that have already "set teeth on edge", so rather treat my review as “neutral”, although like for a quite pleasant visual,
It can be seen that the team is small, they tried to make a budget Titanfall or Ghostrunner with guns - there is many wallrun platforming + identical storytelling and setting.
You notice a lot of small oddities in the game, so it’s at least interesting to review it, for some reason I see in the clumsiness a sign that the developers tried / experimented, but I can, of course, be wrong,
for example, the second digit of the number of cartridges is for some reason a constant showing the max. ammount in clip, because of which you get confused and don’t understand why you can’t reload your weapon .. it turns out that in the game there is only 1 clip for a weapon or something .. For some reason, crouching on shift button, difficulty can only be changed from the menu, also on pause my mouse didn’t work, and I had to scroll menu with wasd, which is actually quite convenient, but longer,
No running at all! What makes you feel like a heavy tank, and, remember that the cartridge is very small, and the arenas are large, sometimes you will have to barely crawl from enemies from one end of the map to the other for a clip, and not all places have structures where you can jump off the wall,
In terms of impact from shots, everything is basic, the impact from hitting with a katana is nil, but heads fly apart well, and btw, basically you need to do headshots, and for this we are given the mechanics of the basic slow-mo on the right mouse button.
There is no upgrades, the locations are a little different, but not enough,
In general, the game has room to develop, there is room for the authors to grow.

p.s. Damn, at least take the logo of the game not from the "neural network". The game was even shown at Gamescom, but I think it`s the publsiher "rush in".

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Не хочется, конечно, поощрять "читерные" бумер-шутеры с футуристической киберпанк-тематикой, набившими уже оскомину, так что скорее относитесь к моему обзору, как к "нейтральному", хотя - лайк за достаточно приятный визуал,
Видно, команда маленькая, пытались сделать бюджетный Titanfall или Ghostrunner с пушками - тут постоянный воллран-платформинг +идентичная подача сюжета и сеттинг.
Очень-очень много странностей небольших замечаешь в игре, поэтому её хотя-бы интересно обозревать, и, не хочется прям засирать, почему-то я вижу в неуклюжестях знак того, что разрабы старались/экспериментировали, но могу, конечно, ошибаться,
например, вторая цифра количества патрон - это почему-то константа, показывающая макс. запас обоймы, из-за чего путаешься и не понимаешь, почему не можешь перезарядить оружие.. получается, в игре всего 1 обойма у оружия что-ли.. Приседание почему-то на шифт, сложность можно изменить только из меню, ещё на паузе почему-то не работала мышка у меня, и, приходилась перелистывать на wasd, что достаточно удобно на самом деле, просто дольше,
Вообще нет бега! Из-за чего ощущаешь себя, как неподвижный танк, и, вспомните, что патрон очень мало, а арены большие, придётся иногда еле-еле ползать от врагов от одного конца карты к другой за обоймой, и далеко не везде есть конструкции, куда можно запрыгнуть от стены,
По импакту от выстрелов всё базово, импакт от удара катаной никакущий, но бошки хорошо разлетаются, да кстати, в основном, надо делать именно хэдшоты, но для этого нам дают механику базового слоу мо на правую кнопку мыши.
Прокачки никакой еще нет, локации ну немного разнообразные, но недостаточно,
В общем, игру есть куда развивать, есть куда расти авторам, так что "заочный" лайк просто так, почему бы и нет.

p.s. Блин, хотяб логотип игры не с "нейросетки" берите. Игру кст аж на gamescom показали, но тут издатель подсуетился, наверное,

movement like titanfall and a little bit of krunker too with the slide jumps
looks like quake plays like doom
got the maypayne time slow down thing
wallrunning is cool too
the game lacks waypoints tho but pretty cool game prolly will get better with time 3/5

very cool retro-style cyberpunk FPS

Pretty solid! The musics good but feels like there's too few tracks even for its shortish length at ~5 hours. The wallrunning and bullet time combo is pretty sweet though I feel like enemies often took inconsistent damage from seemingly identical shots.
The game could also use a touch more signposting, I got lost in the city street level because it's just a fairly open space with a lot of identical streets with no indication of where to go. I'd think with this kind of game you want to go go go but thats broken up by spinning in circles for a few minutes pretty frequently trying to know where to go.

Oynaması bir yere kadar keyifli. Fakat hem silahlar hem düşmanlar hem de bölüm tasarımları kendisini çok tekrar ediyor. Birde bazı zamanlar loop'a girebiliyorsunuz. Bu yüzden de sürekli olarak ölüp duruyorsunuz. Kafa dağıtmalık 4-5 saat süren bi oyun olarak ele alırsak. Çok da fena sayılmaz fakat oyuncuyu çok elinde tutabilen bir oyun olduğunu kesinlikle düşünmüyorum.

somehow has both demanding tight controls in its traversal mechanics and laughably easy combat at the same time, completely uninteresting at its core.

Sprawl is not a bad game but one that never shines. It takes a lot of ideas from other games but often doesn't really know what to do with them so. The wall running is slightly too janky to feel good. Bullet time is way too generous and you will hardly ever run out which leads to an overreliance. A game that does wallrunning and bullettime a lot better is Severed Steel where both elements are integral to the gameplay experience. The weapons feel unbalanced, I never found a reason to use the smgs or minigun and even the railgun turned into an occasional "Well, I guess I could use this now for variety" gun. All I'm gonna say for the story is that you are woken up by an comically evil sounding AI that constantly says things like "Muahahaha I love seeing you kill people, you are so good at killing, yes! bathe in their blood" and wants you to "set it free". Ultimately it's hard to recommend that game. If you want a game set in brown corridors play Incission. If you want to play a game about stylishly jumping around in slow motion, play Severed Steel. If you've already played all of them and need more, you can try this. I guess

Fantastic atmosphere. The art direction is doing a lot for me here, with it's dense, decaying cities and waves of cyborg cops that you get to Matrix/Ghost in the Shell style kill. Bullet time is a classic mechanic that I adore and it's perfect in this game. Pretty cheap and only about 5 hours, well worth your time!

Great for the first 2 hours (Part 1), but the other like 3-4 ish hours are so boring. Such a slog. The guns get repetitive and the bosses are just blah. A good time waster.

Plusy: świetna muzyka, ciekawy styl graficzny rodem z drugiego Quake'a
Minusy: słaby level design, anemiczny gameplay, żadna broń nie ma efektu „oompf”

someone played all the quakelive, titanfall, ut99, cs surf etc stuff and made a game for my tribe thats not quake arena again but will remind most of nudoom just with matrix wallrun stuff. It's just a shame a lot of enemies are quake stormtroopers mostly meant to fit in small arenas with enough verticality which is where the game works. Everything else is about plain arenas where enemy projectiles are too easy to dodge and the combat is mostly strafe to win. Tldr, there is some cool combat in this for real fps fans, it's just too little because enemies suck

A movement shooter that sticks to the basics.
The gunplay is satisfying and the movement, while simple, has it's own style.
Level design is clean, arenas match the gameplay well.
Enemy designs work well by the end of the game, but for a long time they just don't provide enough of a challenge, partially due to the disappointing AI.
Overall it's just a decent game - think of those AA games you'd pick up at a store just because the cover looked cool.
The only major issues are micro stuttering (had to limit the fps to 100 instead of almost twice that to make the drops disappear) and some oddities with the controls - switching weapons is really slow and clunky without using hotkeys for the 7 guns, and sliding and slow motion can't be toggled, which could be pretty uncomfortable for some people considering how much you use them.

I'm not sure how I properly feel but I honestly think this game does rule in a lot of areas and has insanely satisfying gunplay to it. I just think maybe some battles were more or less tedious, and I kinda wish the bosses were more varied, especially the final boss. Having a 1v1 with a human sized boss or two would've worked much better.