Reviews from

in the past

What a charming little mystery game. The presentation is immaculate and the game is paced incredibly well. Honestly this sets a high standard for indie mysteries.

Jogo maravilhoso que te faz criar teorias para todos os personagens e no fim o motivo do assassinato faz a mente explodir.

Even though the art is really pretty and the dialogue remains as funny as in Detective Grimoire, it didn’t grab me in the same way. I think the main mystery is just too boring, and too convoluted for its own good. Towards the end it picks up the pace and becomes more focused.

Jogão, adorei a direção criativa e me surpreendi logo de início com a quantidade de diálogos dublados no jogo. A trama não é nada excepcional mas consegue ser muito boa de uma forma única no gênero de jogos de detetive. Eu realmente acho que o charme do jogo ainda é mais seu estilo artistico, e que seu único problema foi os momentos em que me senti perdido.

this was such a silly little game!! short but sweet, got a few good chuckles outta me, and the visuals and soundtrack are SOOOOO good dude, half the fun of meeting new characters was seeing what kinda fun animations they were going to have :D
honestly my only real complaint is that the Big Twist didn't really land for me but i think that might be because i accidentally spoiled myself on it from a walkthrough like. 5 minutes before i actually got to it lmao

oh my god I loved this game so much!
i’m a sucker for mystery games so naturally as soon as i saw this on the store i added it to my library!

the artstyle was definitely the first thing that caught my eyes, its very Double Fine-esque so no wonder I fell absolutely in love with it!

the animations are so well done & smooth as butter, it shows this Jonathan guy was the perfect guy to do it

some of the gameplay also reminded me of, probably my favorite mystery solving saga Ace Attorney, so i felt right at home with the mechanics. its like they grabbed the more interesting aspects such as the ability of presenting each item/ character to each character in the house & hearing their take in it- brings so much more realism & context to the game

the only critic i have is the console version, the UX can be totally improved, just by mapping some actions to the gamepad buttons instead of making the user navigate & interact with everything only using the pointer! i tapped the button B so many times trying to close menus lol

but besides that, i really loved this game for real. as soon as i finished it i was hoping there’d be at least a rumor of a sequel. so imagine the excitement when i found out about The mermaid’s tongue <3

Pretty fun mystery game with fantastic voice acting and beautiful art. The mystery itself has a good beginning when you interrogate all the new characters (because the voice acting is so good) and solve a few Layton-esque puzzles, a kinda rough middle where you kinda just mash the hint button because the game sort of lacks a way of directing you to the right rooms beyond that, and a good ending where you put all the pieces together and feel a bit smart because the game guides you to answers pretty well I feel.

I recommend it especially at a discount for a short mystery game.

I liked the puzzles and art, it reminded me a bit of the nancy drew games

"Co-Funded by the European Union"

I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want to support such a regime.

This review contains spoilers

Really great game, awesome artstyle, fun characters with interesting personalities and gameplay based on your own deduction capabilities. Only thing that was lackluster was the resolution of it all. Nevertheless looking forward to the next installment of the Detective Grimoire series.

A little handhold-y here and there, then a little obtuse here and there too, but it was a nice thing to play for a day

Tangle Tower is a delightful, engrossing experience.

It looks fantastic, its soundtrack is a treat for the ears, and the mystery it presents to you keeps you on your toes throughout the duration of the story.

The voice acting for Tangle Tower is something that it wouldn't have been half as enjoyable without, imo.
The voice direction for most if not all the characters is excellent and together with the writing, brings the characters to life and makes their personalities stand out.
The puzzles are also very well-done and not too hard although I did get stuck on one of the near end-game puzzles.

Tangle Tower has one looming, rather disappointing flaw, however.

The way the story unfolds is GREAT, I think it does a good job of investing you in the mystery and really makes you think as you try and put the pieces together in your head as to what had happened, and who is the culprit.
BUT, it all falls apart at the very end as the plot seemingly screeches to a deafening halt at the edge of a metaphorical cliff....with no true resolution whatsoever.

It doesn't explain a lot of things and you're left with empty hands and an apparent cliffhanger of sorts. Which is a colossal disappointment for a detective-themed game where you try to unravel a mystery.

Overall, it's just such a good detective point and click game ruined by the disappointing ending, but still a massive step-up to the previous Detective Grimoire game in every sense of the word.
I love it quite so.

a short, charming mystery game with a colorful cast of characters and a good story with a mystery that is enticing due to the well-paced structure of said story. I had my fun, laughs, and enjoyment out of it. pretty much all i have to say about it is that i like it.

My ideal adventure game in terms of production value. The way this looks, animates and sounds is just best in class. There's not a single character without amazing voice work, that enhances the already great animation, which in turn hides its limitations deftly with a lot of careful placement and variation of how these character animations are reused. I really can't say enough good things about the production value of this overall, it's gorgeous and full of heart and character.

The story and overall design is where the game doesn't achieve "all-time great adventure game" status. It's still in my personal top-tier but a few things hold it back.

The final act feels rushed and too many threads are left dangling or are written off conveniently. Truthfully I just wanted to see the whole story play out cause it felt like there's at-least another game's worth of story to be told. I'm fine with leaving things open to a sequel, but this did neither successfully. This is far and away my biggest gripe with it the game.

To a lesser extent, there's a problem of missed potential with it's game mechanics. There's a lot of interesting ideas with it's 'sentence construction' method of puzzle solving and giving you dioramas of the action. But the dioramas are more for visual flair and maybe give you occasional hints. There's next-to-no gameplay element attached to them. While the sentence construction seems like it never evolves or becomes difficult enough for clever solutions or AHA moments. It's fine and functional, but it just feels like a replacement for typical 'use-item-on-X', rather than a truly transformative feature, like the log-book in Obra Dinn was. This isn't necessarily a knock against the game, but more so a feeling of "this could go from great to 10/10 with another iteration".

That's my ultimate hope, that SFB take what they've learned from these games and do another final sequel, blown-out to it's full potential. Take this game, treat it as act 1, and then do 2 more acts that develop the systems gradually, and you've got yourself an all-time great adventure game, that can stand toe-to-toe and surpass most of the greats in this genre.

And even if they never meet that potential, this still remains a high watermark for art, animation and voice work in adventure games, indie or otherwise.

Simpático, carismático y divertidísimo. Probablemente sea demasiado pequeño para su propio bien, pero el misterio es intrigante y los personajes encantadores. Ojalá hubiese pasado más tiempo con ellos, ojalá la trama se hubiese abierto para involucrarlos más directamente; pero Tangle Tower tiene un final terrible que, aunque aceptes el dudoso giro final, resulta insatisfactorio y deja algunos GIGANTES interrogantes.

A parte de ello, lo único que me ha molestado es como al mostrar pistas a sospechosos, los detectives actuarán siempre igual aún sabiendo qué señala esa pista o conociendo el secreto del sospechoso.

El cómo del asesinato me parece de lo más ingenioso y bien escrito, pero la identidad y las razones son tan débiles, y las preguntas sin contestar tan importantes, que sin una secuela Tangle Tower me dejará un sabor agridulce.

Fun mystery, charming characters and a style that left me wanting 20 more of these games.

Picked it up on sale for like a euro, absolute gem. I love solving mysteries, I love great visuals, this has both. It was fun, it was funny, the ending isn't what i hoped it to be but a stellar switch game.

Básicamente un juego de interrogar sospechosos y resolver puzzles para llegar al fondo del misterio. El arte es TODO, un gran diseño de personajes- Los actores de doblaje, en mi opinión lo hacen muy bien. Esperando que sigan con la serie del detective Grimoire.

le jeu est vraiment vraiment cool le fond comme la forme un vrai plaisir mais micro spoiler la fin qui est décevante j’aime pas qu’on essaie de nous faire deviner qui est le tueur mais que l’explication est impossible à faire par sois même zéro intérêt quoi

Muito bem feito, e extremamente divertido desvendar os mistérios

A marvelous and quick little murder mystery point and click game with great music, wonderful art style, and a great runtime!

لعبتها و انا مريض
لن اكذب, حسنت مزاجي
اريد ألعب الجزء السابق يوم ما


One of those games that would end up at like, #8 of a GOTY list. Aka the perfect game

Insanely polished point n click with puzzles that can at wordt be brute forced through by trying everything so I'm never really stuck

Tangle Tower is definitely a GOTY-worthy game in my book, while I loved and enjoyed Detective Grimoire this game really took the breath out of me. They truly perfected everything from the previous game, continuing with high-quality art design, story and voice-acting.

It's a classic murder mystery with a kinda dysfunctional family and it brings my mind to an Agatha Christie novel despite Grimoire not being much of a Poirot. But it's also more than that, it's also uncovering the secrets of three families and the current family members staying in Tangle Tower. Each character is unique and has their own personality, which makes the game very enjoyable when interacting with them.

I can't express how much I enjoyed this game other than recommending it to everyone! It's a bonus if you played Detective Grimoire first, but it is not mandatory to do so. This game is more of a stand-alone sequel than anything. I can't wait for the third upcoming one!