Reviews from

in the past

While the explorable area and party size are smaller, it offers a more focused story and narrative. Having a whole new main cast is difficult to sell to players, but it is done very well - while still honouring their previous protagonists. There weren't many gameplay changes when comparing to sky, just building up on what was before.

I bought the Chinese version with the fan translation to play this game, and it was worth all the effort. Great characters, excellent combat, this series is S tier.

First Crossbell game did not disappoint, the Crossbell cast is great and the plot in this game is crazy in a good way
A big improvement gameplay wise from the very archaic sky trilogy games, was super smooth and fun the whole way through
The ending screwed me up hard.....


(9 might be a little high tbh but we shall see. I think it may depend on how the other games treat this game.)

A pesar de ser la primera entrega del arco de Crossbell y solo poder ver los primeros 4 meses del SSS, aun así es un paso hacia adelante en la saga en todos los sentidos comparados "In the Sky", especialmente en lo jugable que es algo que apenas incias te das cuenta.

Lo anterior es algo objetivo, pero la razón por la cual me gusto mucho más que Trails in the Sky fue debido a su ambientación, el cual si bien el ambiente neomedieval sigue presente, vemos que Crossbell es una región más avanzada en cuanto a lo tecnológico como en el estilo de vida de las personas el cual podemos ver edificios, empresas, espectáculos, parques de diversiones, incluso la manera de vestir de las personas el cual es mucho más urbana, etc... Todo esto me encanto y sumado a que su guion es ligeramente más animu pero que aun así sabe ponerse serio cuando lo necesita.

En cuanto a la historia, como dije, aquí solo vemos los primeros 4 meses del SSS, pero aun así supieron contar una excelente narrativa el cual se diferencia del anterior arco debido a ahora no somos bracers, sino que estamos dentro de la policía y a la hora de contar la historia y resolver los problemas se nota la diferencia entre bracers y la policía. Tenemos una buena presentación y desarrollo de personajes a lo largo de la historia (aunque dejaron algunos cabos sin resolver que espero que se toquen en Azure). Joder, incluso este grupo de novatos consiguieron en solo 4 meses lo que Estelle y Joshua le tomo 2 entregas aunque... Siendo sinceros y esto es spoiler, argumentalmente hablando esto fue debido a que en la recta final recibimos ayuda de Estelle y Joshua, ya que seh, aquí aparecen ambos y para no spoilear más de la cuenta diremos que aunque no son los protagonistas aquí, aun así si juegan un papel relativamente importante en la historia y aparte de ver referencias al anterior arco que fueron puro fanservice para los fans, cerramos el arco de ambos personajes.

He escuchado que Azure es incluso mejor que Zero y no sabes las ganas que le tengo en empezarlo. Me gustaría que con Azure podamos explorar aún más de crossbell, ya que Zero que sintió un poco más centralizado y no exploramos muchos lugares.

PD: The virgin Joshua vs The Chad Lloyd

Loved how intimate Crossbell was and loved the tightknit characters

My favorite game in the series yet. I love the SSS so much, watching their growth throughout the story was satisfying. Loved the whole ending sequence as well.

The Special Support Section are the only cops with rights

Last well written game of the franchise

Lloyd W Bannings HOLY SHIT they COOKED when they were dreaming up this man

The greatest copaganda ever made.

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As a setup for a new arc in the Kiseki series, it was alright. I think that my favorite aspect of this game was the premise for Crossbell itself, a country that is locked between 2 major powers. You can see the clash between the powers reflected from locations in the game(West Street vs East Street) to the main plot that has both factions and their underlings vie for power. I really love that Crossbell city has it's own flair to it with distinct locations like Arc En Ciel, Geofront and the central square with various factions operating within it, all with their own agendas

The SSS crew being from different backgrounds should make them standout from the casts of the other Kiseki games but looking back on this game after finishing Azure, I can say that their potentials were not properly realized.

In fact most of my enjoyment in this game stemmed from watching the characters from the previous games show up. I'd go as far as to say that the game ends up spending a lot of on Renne & the conclusion to her story when it could have been used to flesh out the SSS cast more. There's a proper lore reason to this and it will blow your blow once it's revealed in Azure but all of this comes at a certain cost. Honestly I don't know why people recommend this game as a good starting point to beginners as the payoff to lot of key moment requires you to have played through SkySC and Stardoor 15 in Sky3rd

Other than that, the game is very short especially when compared to FC and CS1. Joachim Guenter pales in comparison to Alan richard & Crow and Zero doesn't go a good job of setting up the actual villains of the Arc. In conclusion, I'd say that Trails from Zero feels like Trails in the Sky 3.5

Randy is just T-rated Kaname Date send tweet

boy those trails games sure do love their entire RPG-length prologues, never change.

The best set up game so far.

Un juego muy bueno que sirve para entrar a la plataforma, simplemente peak

Very solid RPG, differing a bit from trails in the sky with less adventure and more focus on developing a single area. Some sidequests were quite the chore so ended up skipping a couple in the last chapter as they kind of interrumped the rythm from the main story, which slowly got better with time.

boutta go take a shit ton of percs and other narcotics now

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Trails once again left me speechless. The gameplay here is the same as the others, more or less, but leaves a bit to be desired at times. The story though? Another absolute banger, left me sobbing at the end of it. The game wrapped up a lot I wasn't expecting, and I was surprised about how quickly Estelle and Joshua showed up, and even more surprised when characters like Kilika and Lechter made reappearances. Azure is going to be an absolute banger of a game, and I cannot wait.

Works as a fantastic introduction to Crossbell and has some really high highs but the third act of the game left quite a bit to be desired and just felt poorly executed.

Azure better be as good as everyone is hyping it up to be,

As a fan of the sky games this was liberating to say the least.

MID GAMEPLAY AMAZING STORY AMAZING CHARACTERS if you aren't a fan of the words...

One of the best parties I've seen in a JRPG