Reviews from

in the past

Great, fun update of a classic game. As it is so faithful to the original there are some BS old school annoyances in there, but you go in expecting them

No le pongo las cinco estrellas por las bajadas de FPS constantes y la afrenta de sustituir la quest del fotógrafo por el tedio absoluto de las mazmorras de Dampé. Dejando eso a un lado, es el Zelda de mi infancia solo que CUQUI AL MÁXIMO.

Great artstyle, surprisingly emotional story (not in the beginning, just keep playing) and a memorable experience overall. This is what an excellent remake looks like, hopefully Grezzo remakes the Oracle games aswell.

Link's Awakening DX is better. This game is definitely not worth Nintendo's price for it.

super cute and i love the setting

I'll be honest, I don't remember much of this game so it can't have been that exciting. I did finish it though, so it must've been alright. I only played it once.

This game is among the most charming and cute Zelda games. As a remake, it seems fine. I never played the original. I'm not a fan of the art style.

Overall, I think Link's Awakening may be one of the least inspired 2D Zelda games. This doesn't mean it's bad, I just think it can't really compete with later entries in the series or those on more powerful hardware.

I'm going to keep it honest with everyone, this game is kinda annoying. I can only imagine how much more annoying it would have been in the original Gameboy version. Look, as always Zelda has fantastic music, and this is no different. In addition, I personally love the art style, I think beyond it being visually pleasing, it fits the story of the game perfectly. And speaking of the story, the dialogue, story and "vibes" are wonderfully melancholy. A strange mixture of joyous and also deeply sad. All of that being said, the game is just constantly a little annoying, whether it's strangely designed dungeons and bossfights or esoteric overworld quests that you just have to guess at. I still overall liked the game, but it would be a hard recommendation to most, and one with a number of caveats.

Why is a remake of an original gameboy game getting frame drops it dont even look that good.

El estilo artístico que le dieron en la versión de switch es precioso y encaja a la perfección con el tipo de juego que es. No es el Zelda con mejor historia, ni mejores mecánicas, y en general es bastante simple, pero cumple con lo que promete: un buen mundo para explorar, puzles y aventura. Es muy entretenido y no es muy largo así que vale la pena probarlo

Now I want to buy a big diorama with all the little guys from the game

This is the first of the Zelda series I've completed. You can feel the Gameboy roots here, but it's absolutely not a flaw. The mechanic of acquiring new tools and skills to progress the story is ridiculously addictive. I'd gladly "listen" to more tales from Hyrule, just maybe in a more contemporary rendition this time.

Polish review
To pierwsza z serii Zeldowych legend, którą ukończyłem. Czuć tu Gameboy'owe korzenie, ale absolutnie nie jest to wada. Mechanika nabywania nowych narzędzi i umiejętności aby posuwać historię do przodu jest absurdalnie wręcz wciągająca. Z chęcią "posłucham" kolejnych opowieści z Hyrule, tylko może tym razem w bardziej współczesnym wydaniu.

literally just the GBC game again, dungeon editor isn't much of an addition.

If you had asked me which Zelda game was inspired by David Lynch, I would've said the one where the moon crashes into the earth because of a creepy mask salesman, but this probably would've been close

well. uhm. im not sure. i have no idea why this game didnt click with me, im struggling to find words to explain it. the graphics of the remake are adorable and i love them, however i feel like the world is very stuffy. the chibi art style makes it feel more like a big puzzle board compared to when the series is pixels or 3d, something i am not the biggest fan of. none of the dungeons really stood out to me and i didnt like the ending very much.

i do like marin though! one whole star for her ♡

Played on release -- makes me want a new, original 2D Zelda even more. Super good, I personally like the updated visuals, and it encapsulates a fun, quick Zelda game.

It’s a shame I never finished this game because it’s really good, just not worth $60

it was ok. I didnt think much of it but the aesthetic is cool (I had bought this for christmas the year it released but never finished it til like 2 or 3 years later)

İlk yarısı süper ikinci yarısı deneyim ettiğim en sıkıcı işlerden

Una delicia visual que nos trae de vuelta un juego extremadamente bizarro y diferente. Sólo por lo bonito que es el juego, ya vale la pena jugarlo, pero es que cuando descubres la historia y lo que realmente ocurre... Jugadlo, pero preparad los pañuelos

My first completed Zelda, even though it's a spin-off, the game's story captivated me and surprised me with its "dark" ending.

Gameplay captures

Pretty good, waiting for a time when I care to pick it up again.

Full of charm, this is a pretty clever way to remake some of the top down 2D adventures. Simple controls, and a really quick journey - it has everything you expect from a Zelda game though.

I wish that Nintendo does remakes for the Oracle games in this style please

The most confusing game to play and get through ever.

oh my god this game was so hard!!! It was really fun and cute but very hard!! I’m glad I finally got to play it, it was challenging but in a good way and I don't feel that way about many games.