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in the past

The original Demon Turf had the problem that the stages were way too big for it's own good and it was also bloated with things that were unnecessary at the end of the day. This expansion sets up for something different.

While still keeping the core mechanics of the base title, it made the levels much more enjoyable by basically turning them into a speedrunner focus platformer. Levels are linear and platforming is absolutely great because of it. Instead of 10 minutes or so, at best most levels take 3 minutes or so to complete without any type of filler in between. But if you somehow liked the exploration aspect of the original Demon Turf, this ain't going to cut it.

It stripped down a lot mechanics the original Demon Turf had, specially combat that I honestly found was really annoying and not fun. Just leaving up the best parts to shine, it's great.

Give it a try in case you didn't like Demon Turf level structure, it will probably change your mind. I don't necessarily recommend it to a newcomer, since it's a lot harder than the base game.

Fun platforming with cute characters and a good variety of mechanics/ moves to traverse with, nothing too grand but a good game for pretty cheap

Platformers são um dos meus géneros favoritos de jogos, mesmo com um medíocre eu tendo a divertir-me. Eu terminei o 1º mundo de Demon Turf em 2 horas e senti a minha alma drenada. Maus controlos, arte feia, mau level design, feature creep, este realmente foi um bingo de defeitos que um videojogo pode ter para me deixar miserável. Após constatar no HowLongToBeat que deveria estar a contar com outras 20 horas do mesmo, decidi, respeitosamente, droppar o jogo. Acredito que se o tivesse terminado teria sido um candidato para um dos meus jogos mais odiados de sempre. Mas hey, o jogo veio incluído com a sua mini sequela que podia ser passada em apenas 3 horas e a sua receção crítica era bem melhor, porque não experimentar?

Relativamente ao seu primeiro jogo, Demon Turf: Neon Splash é sem dúvida uma melhoria, suponho. Feature creep deixou de ser um problema (removeram combate, NPCs e puzzles que eram maus e atrapalhavam a flow do jogo principal), os controlos ficaram tipo… 30% menos maus, a arte ficou… com uma palette de cores mais agradável e o level design… continua mau. Como eu disse, indubitavelmente uma melhoria, mas não um milagre. Se não fosse pela duração curta e pelo facto de ter ficado a ver vídeos no YouTube no 2º ecrã do computador enquanto jogava, eu duvido que tivesse conseguido chegar ao final.

Eu gostaria de ser mais construtivo com esta review, mas não tenho mesmo mais nada a dizer. É um platformer 3D tolerável que conseguiu entreter as minhas mãos por 3 horas.

This is exactly what I was hoping the base game would be the whole way through. Faster more creative levels, less bloat in the design, feels even better with the default triple jump and reworked special moves assigned to button presses. Even better: all the combat is removed.

I hope they make a full fledged sequel using this as the blueprint.

The 4/5 star game that was buried within the original, dug out by better pacing, refined mechanics, and no fluff.

A short and focused little expansion for Demon Turf. Feels like it takes on board frustrations from the original and does a lot of smart things to address them. The level design is really strong here.

A neat game. Hard as nails and movement is a little slippery. Fun though.

If the original Demon Turf was bloated than Neon Splash is the exact opposite. Trimming so much of the fat from the original makes for a much better experience, with tighter platforming and incredible level design. It still has some quirks from the original like the collectibles being annoying to gather and some rough sections but regardless I loved my time with Neon Splash and would call it the definitive Demon Turf experience.


Neon Splash improves massively upon the original Demon Turf’s structure, and while a few unique quirks from the original fall to the wayside, this is a more rewarding, complete experience. Only the best parts of Beebz’s moveset and the levels she’d navigate are brought to Neon Splash. And while your options for movement can lead to rote paths through each level, there are enough windows for creative expression and sequence breaking that are really fun.

Collectibles are still an issue, often slowing down the pace to crawl if you choose to go for them. And when the speedrun clock, and the amount of lollipops you’ve collected, are given the same real estate in the UI, this sends some mixed messages. I think these collectibles would fare better if the game didn’t track how many you collect or how many are in each level, and if their placements were more closely tied to the main path, maybe tempting players to take a harder route through a segment.

While this game does suffer from some of the same issues as Demon Turf, notably with collectibles and a rigid movement system, steps were taken to improve the flaws of its predecessor, and Neon Splash is a huge improvement on every front because of it, ESPECIALLY structurally. Great rebound!

This game is infinitely better than the first one, it fixes many of the issues present. The level design is FAR better and it's much more clearer where you have to go.

The collectibles are also not as annoying to collect as in the first game, it feels like they fit in fine!

The game is also visually great, the colors are so nice to look at. This game overall is much faster making it so when you spin you don't slow down, placing checkpoints is far faster (more like 2-3 seconds instead of 5-6), and resetting your character is fast as well. I also like the glide ability being more of a fast dash of sorts, it really helps with the platforming and feels far better than actually gliding.

I think if someone doesn't enjoy the main game then they should at least give this one a shot.

What Demon Turf should've been.
Movement is better. Level design is better.
No combat!
It looks better (mostly because there are no NPC's...)
And its cheap!

An actual improvement of the game but it's now too short.

cute with some good platforming

Better than the main game, probably!