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Wouldn't wish this game upon my worst enemy. The mindless head slashing is really fun but somehow the developers thought people would like it better if they introduced a horrible rpg quest design that no one even asked for and make it the main centre of focus for 80% of the game. The characters were so uninspired and boring that even ubisoft pales in comparison. The mission design is so bad, most of the missions you're just solving some bs conflicts between people and climbing up towers and hitting the button prompts, either that or an abysmally designed boss fight like the final fights with Waltz. The waltz fight is so godamn awful and broken, you also lose all your resources like medkit and weapon durability after dying to him, it's easily the worst boss fight ever put in a game, don't know if they fixed it via updates, since I played the pirated version of the game. The parkour also felt frustrating and janky almost all the time. The only few good things I can say about the game is the Veronika mission where you kinda sympathise with her and endlessly protect her during the entire mission but then the whole thing where you turn into a volatile like being they've been hyping about throughout the game comes into picture at a very inappropriate moment and you see her character die in the most horrible way. I think that was done really well, I kinda felt bad for the Veronika character and the game gets a bit bearable during and for a while, after the mission. For a moment I thought the game's latter half is kinda redeeming it but then the whole Waltz fight dropped and I had to just shelve the game. The graphics are good and the music is kinda decent as well but man does the game have horrible mission design and pacing. Game did feel very unpolished and the version I played was 1.14 which is pretty new. I feel like if they had a cheesy but bearable story like the first dying light and focused more on the combat and gameplay mechanics rather than introducing half baked rpg concepts and replicating some of the worse far cry games and still ending up doing injustice to those games, I feel the game wouldve easily won me over. This game in no way is comparable to the first dying light. Hopefully Techland learn from their mistakes and make a comeback with a better sequel.

Was excited to play a zombie parkour survival game but instead got a tutorial screen and crafting menu simulator with a story that NEVER EVER STOPS HAPPENING. Quick survey, you know the people you work with that casually game? Do they like this shit? Is just brutal time-wasting and barely functioning grab bags of mechanics really what they are into?

This game is trying so hard to be every game ever made that I can't actually discern what it does well. It looks amazing but it means nothing reads very well in this parkour game, and the parkour feels really messy and unwieldy, just generally cancelling itself out in every facet.

also can we do away with the protagonist commenting on every thing they see? At the beginning of the game when you find multiple dead bodies for an "end of the world" party, Aiden just will NOT stop explaining how sad and tragic this all is. I can discern with my own eyes if something is sad or not, I don't need Poindexter to explain how I should be feeling.

There is just so much from the first 3 hours that makes me realize just how much I'm not liking anything Dying Light 2 is doing. I really think games need to be simpler and get to the point quickly, because I genuinely don't know who I'd recommend this too. Yeah, this game has an absolutely bloated opening and turgid buildup to a plot you will be incapable of caring about. Fuck AAA.

Boring story, boring gameplay, bland world building. Completely lacks the atmosphere of the first game. Huge letdown.

I hated this game, couldn’t even force myself through it, same with the person I played it with. I don’t understand how it was worse than the first game in basically every aspect. Extremely disappointing.

A continuação legítima de Dying Light 1, tudo do primeiro jogo foi melhorado, mapa mais intuitivo, história muito direta e sem enrolação.

Gameplay pra min foi super satisfatória

Pretty entertaining sequel to the first Dying Light. Just more of the same zombieslaying goodness. The added features like the paraglider and improved grapple hook are nice for traversal. And the weapons are all fun especially Lucille from The Walking Dead.

Also glad to see this game getting more updates. Feels way better to play now.

The only thing I guess I don't like about Dying Light 2 is the human combat. I don't find the parry system too engaging. But good news is they're easy to take out with a crossbow!

Loved 😍

-First cutscene (2-3 minutes)
anniversary event ad
dlc ad
uhhhh okay techland

This game is nice, it really is, it's a massive improvement on plenty of the gameplay elements from the first game. And alot of the features added in subsequent updates really highlight this game well. But the story isn't for everyone, I enjoyed it but I can definitely see why it wouldn't be enjoyed by someone else. I also on subsequent playthroughs outside of the very endgame don't understand why you would do anything other than side with the peacekeepers. Whenever I thought about it the survivors don't do much to earn your trust outside of a simple "I'm sorry" and playing the sympathy card against a militant force despite being ready to hang you in front of everyone moments earlier. I also find it hard to give a fuck about most of the characters in the DLC. They're not very well written.

Definitely started rough, but Techland did an amazing job working on this game to get it to where it is now, its incredibly fun, the new environments, gameplay, and parkour mechanics are amazing, the grappling hook in my opinion is alot better than the first game. The story lacks, but its made up for by pretty much everything else.

First played and finished during July 2023, after more than a year of post-release support.

Above anything else, Dying Light 2 is fun. It's an almost direct evolution of its predecessor in terms of gameplay, retaining and improving upon a very solid core loop of slicing zombies and hopping around rooftops. This is what Dying Light has always been all about to me, which is why I think this game deserves a solid recommendation nowadays, despite the rocky launch and the faults that remain.

Parkour is the big highlight in this iteration, making the first game seem underexploited by comparison. So many more moves have been added to spice up the flow and the city is now far better designed for uninterrupted and fun traversal that basically never gets old, especially with the addition of the paraglider and a physics-based grappling hook (as opposed to the "A to B" hook of the previous game). While this does make for a more "gamey" feeling city in contrast to the first entry, I do believe the tradeoff is very much worth it for how much more fun traversal becomes, especially once you arrive to the city center. It's just an overall joy to get around the environment and almost makes you wish for a bigger map in which to run in a straight line for hours.

Melee combat is not as much of an improvement from the first, considering how much that game nailed it, but still manages to hook. It's pretty much on the same level in terms of feel and slightly improved here and there thanks to the addition of some combat moves and more readable human enemies. Plenty of juicy sound effects, dismemberment, fountains of blood, x-rays and slow-mo's, just like the first game (except for some slightly downgraded zombie physics).

Another smaller element that was thankfully translated into this sequel is the soundtrack, which still manages to fit the new mood of the game perfectly and can really amp up parkour sequences with its hopeful and invigorating tones. It's not necessarily better or worse, it simply fits the game like a glove just like the first time around.

Where this game faulters is basically everything else. As much as I would prefer to recommend this game based on its strengths, the incredibly messy story, lack of polish and very last gen looking visuals do have to be mentioned. You'll encounter just as many misplaced props and textures as annoying characters, plot holes and filler arcs, with a fair share of buggy zombies. It's a game that still bears very obvious signs of a troubled development, which was exposed even before the games release. There's a feeling of lack of cohesion and care in many corners of the game, all of it running on a dated looking engine that can produce some serviceable visuals but really falls behind something like Remedy's Northlight or Ubisoft's Snowdrop. Fortunately, Techland still remains firmly behind what they make and they've clearly made the game much better since release, from bug fixes to system overhauls (not that this is the way products should be released but... here we are).

Even in a messy experience like this one, I think enough of what makes Dying Light special is very much retained and I don't feel like someone new to the series would have a lesser experience when trying this one first. It's simply a fun time that levels up the first game where it matters, while falling short of high praise due to its many mistakes, which can't all be fixed with patches.

This game suffers compared to its predecessor for investing too much into its narrative. Tragically, it wouldn't have been so big a problem if the story was any good. For all the mystery it builds up, you get one of the most unfulfilling narrative climaxes in gaming - while in the meantime you engage in lengthy dialogue trees with an entirely bland and forgettable cast of survivors.

This game was a massive disappointment. Not only was it plagued with performance issues but it was a step down in almost everyway from the first game. The combat feels so much less impactful and the parkour is fun but becomes pointless once you acquire some upgrades for your wingsuit and grappling hook. The story is also soooo poorly paced and written it felt like such a slog to sit through characters who I couldn't care less about just vomit exposition and nonsense at me when all I wanted to do was jump around and bash zombies. What a letdown.

Après avoir joué à dying ligth 1 j'attendais avec impatience la sorti du 2 et je l'ai même précommandé. Cependant le jeu avait énormément de bug à sa sorti à tel point que ça ma sortit du jeu avec mes amis. On s'attendait réellement à mieux en terme d'histoire (surtout après le 1 qui était vraiment cool) et de gameplay. J'avais l'impression que le jeu n'était pas fini quand il est sorti. Bref déçu du jeu et si un jour ils décident de sortir un 3 alors j'espère qu'il ne saura pas aussi baclé que ce dernier

Dying Light 2 has gotten a year of patches, and is now surprisingly good. Well, if you consider Dying Light 1, but bigger and with a story that scrapes into average territory instead of awful to be good, then you're in luck.

This game is huge, and there's like 120 side quests, at least 40-50 of them are of decent quality (aka have plotlines). The combat is even better than the first, the graphics are gore are much better, and you generally get a lot of bang for your buck with this game. I would recommend it over any Ubisoft sandbox, and doing parkour tricks and dismembering zombies stayed legitimately fun for the almost 40 hours I spent playing.

The games main flaws are some atrocious sound design and most obnoxious completion requirements I've seen since the PS3 era. Zombies in this game love to scream. Low quality, bitcrushed screams that hurt my ears. And they don't fucking stop! The sound mixing is so bad in this game I played it mostly with the volume super low. The platinum trophy is also horrible, requiring 30 hours of controller rubber banded to move in a circle, farming 50 super rare random encounters, somehow grinding up 1 million dollars when top tier rare items might be worth 10K, and getting 200+ collectibles, many of which are permanently missable. I had every intention of doing this until I got to the endgame and realized how big of a waste of time it would be.

So play it, enjoy it for the fun combat and parkour, do lots of side quests and pack it up. A good live service game this is not, but it is a very decent open world adventure compared to nu-Ass Creed or Horizon. I don't mind a AAA sandbox if this gameplay is this fun.

Dying Light 2: E a sua grandeza inconsequente.

É impossivel fazer uma análise de dying light 2 sem citar o primeiro jogo, em particular eu gosto muito do primeiro jogo em diversos aspectos, a sua história, sua gameplay, sua inovação pra época, praticamente tudo no primeiro jogo é simplesmente perfeito, porém é notável que no segundo jogo a techland resolveu mudar drasticamente algumas coisas dentro da franquia, dentre elas é a coisa que eu mais odeio nesse jogo, esse sistema rpg acompanhado dessa ubisoftização, parece verdadeiramente que estou jogando um jogo da ubisoft, que mundo aberto poluído, quanta coisa inutil, simplesmente pra inflar e criar conteúdo exagerado pra prender o jogador sem qualquer qualidade ou construção para tal.

Esse mesmo sistema de rpg, consegue simplesmente quebrar o jogo em tantos níveis, fazendo com que várias lutas contra chefes, se tornem risórios com tamanha facilidade.

Agora falando da história, ela é boa, existem vários personagens muito bons e que te deixam com vontade de saber mais da história, justamente pelo carisma deles e de alguns plot-twists que ocorrem mais pra frente no jogo, porém acredito que a história se estende mais do que deveria em alguns momentos, voltando novamente aquilo que eu disse que o jogo cria um excesso de conteúdo absurdo sem pensar na qualidade.

A ambientação é bem bonita e um dos pontos chaves desse jogo, o level design também é muito bom e se torna basicamente um playground de parkour com as opções que você tem, uma pena que algumas features como o gancho só são liberados mais pra reta final do jogo.

A respeito dos zumbis, não achei eles tão impactantes quanto no primeiro, principalmente os volátils que nesse jogo são meio tanto faz honestamente, e em questão dos zumbis normais, eles parecem muito mais um plano de fundo pro jogo, já que não apresentam nenhuma ameaça durante a gameplay.

Se você gosta do primeiro jogo assim como eu, é bem possível que você vá gostar muito desse jogo também (ou não), é uma experiência muito individual, somente jogando pra entender, eu recomendaria esperar ele entrar em uma promoção muito boa, já que aí sim vale a pena.

Esse jogo se tornou um dos meus favoritos de apocalipse zumbi, eu realmente gostei bastante do início ao fim, principalmente da gameplay e do gráfico que são INCRÍVEIS

A história me prendeu também, muito emocionante e o final foi brabo demais

Zerei junto com o meu amigo Ricksson

Com certeza esse jogo é um dos melhores pra jogar com amigos, tiveram vários momentos engraçados, tensos, difíceis, tristes e emocionantes

E claro, os personagens são ótimos, gostei bastante de todos eles

Sem dúvidas o que eu mais gostei do jogo foi da gameplay (o combate e o parkour principalmente), era muito viciante ficar matando zumbis aleatórios e pulando em prédios kkkkkkkkkk


no começo achei que estava mto repetitivo e sem sal depois melhorou mto tanto o enredo como a gameplay

Dying Light 2 is just... painfully mid.
Maybe it's me just being unhappy at the moment but the gameplay just isn't that fun until after you finish the story (which sucks btw). The characters and story are still painfully bad, and there's no amount of updates that can fix that. The store is frankly really stupid and the new(ish) bounties and mission systems are super grindy and tedious. They finally added guns! Hooray, right? Unfortunately not. All the guns besides the basic pistol are locked behind incredibly grindy bounty missions and it might have been the absolute worst way to implement them. It's also still super buggy (on PS4, at least). All I can say is that the graphics look a lot better and the Tolga & Fatin mission is kinda cool.

Overall, really fucking disappointing.

Superou as minhas expectativas! Esse jogo me fez gostar muito mais da franquia! Adorei a forma como a história foi se desenrolando. Peguei um final bem emocionante, gostei dos personagens e também das músicas do jogo!

Observação: Gráficos sensacionais kkkk

I dislike it. Dying Light 2 has all of the ambition and none of the execution required to pull it off. Even after 2 years of retooling to make the game systems more like the original, the quest design and map are still dull and needlessly complex. I am also begging the writers to read a book, any book!

Enjoyers of the original Dying Light should be wary of claims that this benighted product has been "fixed" by Techland's dedication to the sunk-cost fallacy. Lipstick has been liberally applied to this pig and no amount of flowery sophistry from Aiden Caldwell should convince you otherwise. We should have all been more bullish on Dead Island 2.

Whoever decided to put health bars over enemies in this game should be prohibited from ever designing a video game again.

dying light 2 impresses with its expansive open world, somewhat engaging narrative, and fluid parkour mechanics, offering an enthralling experience for fans of the zombie survival genre. The meaningful choices and consequences system adds depth and replayability, ensuring each playthrough feels unique. However, technical glitches, overwhelming side activities, and unbalanced difficulty spikes slightly tarnish the otherwise exceptional experience. Despite its imperfections, Dying Light 2 remains a must-play for those seeking a thrilling and immersive post-apocalyptic adventure especially after the new Updates.

ilk oyunun tadı yok ama yine tema ve atmosfer mükemmel

The first one was pretty enjoyable zombie adventure and I was expecting more of that but somehow they totally blew it and turned it to another open-world game with nothing interesting to add to the genre. At times the movement can still shine through all the other systems but then you're forced to a another cutscene for one billionth time about a story that I did not find one bit interesting.

DL2 foi uma grande decepção para me em 2022 pois eu estava acompanhando seu desenvolvimento desde seu primeiro anúncio, e ele consegue ser 10x pior que o primeiro jogo que por outro lado é maravilhoso um dos melhores jogos de ação de zumbi já feito tudo que o primeiro game tinha de bom eles conseguiram piorar nesse game, começando pelo parkour que nesse game eles meteram um sistema de estamina que so fica aceitável lá pro final do game, o gancho que era super divertido no primeiro game se tornou uma corda chata que você quase não usa, os gráficos consegue ser pior que o primeiro game, a história é uma chatice as motivações do protagonista é um clichê do caralho, sem falar no sistema de missão que virou um FarCry da vida, você é literalmente um escravo de qualquer NPC que aparece na história, se você estava pensando em comprar esse jogo eu indico testar mas não espere um DL1 melhorado, Dead Island 2 ta a frente desse game

I hated this, I forced myself through it. The first was so good, why did this have to be so bad? Thinking about this makes me angry :(

I will rate this as 4 stars, even though I feel like putting it to 3.5
I pre-ordered ultimate ed because I loved DL and was waiting for it sequel. Yet was disappointed at how developers released it as "early access" with many bugs. One of them made me abandon it for a time. Its recent updates make it look like a final product at last