Reviews from

in the past

I thought it was pretty good at first, and then it really started to drag at some point and I got to like 3 bosses in a row that were just really annoying to deal with and weren't fun and am just kinda done with the game for now, idk if I'm just bad lol

This game felt magical to me as a kid, seeing a portable system have the capacity to breathe a world like this to life. Graphics, combat, story, and the aesthetic come together to make a charming and engaging game. By today's standards, the graphics may not hold up as well, but it is still a worthwhile experience for any RPG enthusiast.

Y’know, Being forced to play this on a Small Old TV really makes it FEEL like im playing on the GBA, even tho im playing Via NSO

The game is good, but it really is just one half of a whole. The story is extremely sparse, and it's over before it even begins. That said, the systems are cool and it feels nice to play, but it doesn't necessarily stick to mind as something amazing or spectacular. It's also not particularly long, ending at around the level 25 mark, so it's worth a try to see if you want to stick around for the rest of it. Now onto The Lost Age...

I appreciate what it's going for, the idea of the elements and having Psynergy that manifests in puzzles outside of battle. Combat was rough, luckily I had a turbo mode button...
The final boss took me over a year to beat, as you can see. I even used tons of save states, but he was just so tanky

This one took time to grow on me. If someone played this like a standard rpg, I think they may be bored to tears. The main cast mostly has nothing going on. Like there's enough there to distinguish them, but outside of that they're more like lightly toasted white bread. What makes it for me is the sense of world. It feels like this place has stuff going on. Little rivalries and discussions amongst the towns and cities. The characters acknowledge you when you come back home and they respond to changes in the world. The puzzles seem like they're working towards something more. Feels like they're figuring it out, but I like how psynergy is grounded in interactions with the environment. Like the fact that you can read everyone's mind is fantastic.

Outside of that the combat initially felt very standard rpg, but when the tough battles came the djinn really shined. You need to balance the stat drops it takes to use them while prepping summons, while also making sure you don't take too many that important psynergies drop off. When it works, it really works, but unfortunately it was just for a handful of good bosses. Outside of that it's the general standard rpg encounter affairs. This didn't grate on me though, mostly because I'm playing it the way it was originally intended, while commuting to work and on my lunch breaks. When taken in small chunks, it's a very cozy game. I can't remember, but someone said something similar of DQ11. This is one of those that should be taken piecemeal and casually. I'm very excited to finally give Lost Age a shot. According to everyone that's where this series really shines and if it's anything like this, it should be great.

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There's just something about Camelot games for me. It's probably mostly Sakuraba's music, but the characters and story of Golden Sun totally won me over as a child, and the combat + class mechanics centered around Djinn were so refreshing and interesting. I wanted to know every little secret about Golden Sun, and spent many hours just roaming around the map to make sure I had found them all. I convinced my entire friend group to get the game, and finishing the Deadbeard fight with my friends looking on is one of my fondest gaming memories.

I can't leave this review without mentioning one of the most effective cliffhangers of all time. Seeing that "To Be Continued" made my heart drop, and the wait for The Lost Age to come out was a LONG one.

idk why this had to be split into two games, but pretty decent rpg with pretty bland characters and a mildly fun battle system, but overall nothing special. had a fun time tho.

If you like story in your RPGs, Golden Sun is not for you. Not only is there little to no story throughout the game, but the game itself is only one half of a total adventure. Golden Sun as an experience is fairly mid, nothing really sets it apart from other RPGs but it’s not bad per say. With so much available to play, I can’t recommend it, my recommendation is to play something better.

A lot of the dialogue stunk. It seems like it was written for story illiterate people. Like the amount of times people just repeat what someone else said was wild. While this did bog down a lot of the major plot moments, I loved this game.

Bounced off this as a child whose relationship with their family involved a lot of Shining Force. Came back to it after the switch re-release to discover how well made this game is, especially in the face of recent playthroughs of the kinds of classic games this one walks in the wake of. Fiercely economic in word and action.