Reviews from

in the past

Sayonara Wild Hearts is like if someone made the crazy twisty Mario Kart 8 courses into a playable music album and it is just an awesome experience. So lovely that I immediately played through it again after finishing. {I do wish the continuous mode you unlock after finishing the game was just the original experience}

This game is so fast-paced, dazzling and creative. The gameplay is precisely the right amount of engaging to let the banger soundtrack and incredible visual spectacle shine. I adore the style here and quite literally enjoyed every second.

It's amazing how the heart collectibles throughout each stage are the exact thing needed to make the high-speed fair while also being the perfect way to test skill. I love the scaling collectible scoring system

I adore how much this game is optimized for sight-reading, they really nailed being able to react to things for the first time while they came at you at lightning speeds and surprise you in flashy ways.

Each level feels so distinct, yet the whole game is an incredibly cohesive experience. The variations in how you move and perspective shifts pack a lot of punch in adding subtle diversity

I have a favorite level, but that feels like a fundementally unfair concept given how good they all are.

I swear i started levitating during "Begin again" on my first playtrough

I'm surprised another pop artist hasn't done something like this? A playable album is an amazing idea and it works really well here.

Sayonara Wild Hearts ist quasi ein spielbares Album. Kurzes, aber extrem spaßiges Rhythm Game. Musik ballert wie sonst was, Level Design ist unfassabr kreativ und alle Rätsel und goldenen Ränge zu holen scheint auch gar nicht mal so einfach zu sein (Ich denke zumindest alle Gold Ränge will ich mal holen). Alles in allem extrem gutes, quirky Indie Rhythmus Spiel. Klare Empfehlung, vor allem wenn man auf Rhythmus Spiele steht
9/10 Neon Motorräder

Really great album. It's too bad the game attached to it isn't totally amazing at times, with moments where you have to fight the preset camera, but the actual format is fun. I think I do prefer rhythm games like Thumper, where you have something a little more engaging to do, but I appreciate this game for what it is.

Visualmente incrível e gostoso de deslumbrar, músicas bacanas e que vou revisitar com certeza, o meu maior problema com esse jogo é jogá-lo.
Variedade é interessante mas mesmo assim sempre sinto um real controle, o jogo quer que você seja “perfeito” mas faz controle soltos e deslizantes. A variedade de cada “mundo” é muito bacana mas realmente não consigo apreciar e nem me desligar da pontuação que tá sempre lá pra me desligar de aproveitar a experiência.
Sinceramente todo a minha “gostosura” do jogo foi tirada de olhar e sentir as fases e a história e não da gameplay. A experiência ser contida e curta com muita variedade faz com que no fim mesmo o controle não sendo bom acaba não impactando muito a experiência.

Sayonara Wild Hearts is simultaneously dreamlike and exhilarating, blending deeply satisfying, high-speed arcade-rhythm gameplay; a brilliant soundtrack that's bursting at the seams with excitement; beautiful, stylish neon art; fluid, emotive animations; and insane camera work that made me feel like I was flying through a movie.

The game is ultimately an exploration of post-breakup grief. Despite being frequently abstract and symbolic, Sayonara Wild Hearts' narrative seamlessly weaves between the game's stunning sights and sounds to push you to feel the deep pain that accompanies heartbreak — but also, the amazing, exhilarating joy of coming out the other side alive and brimming with more love for yourself and others than you thought was possible.

The game does all of this while remaining unusually accessible for those of us who are less skilled. Sayonara Wild Hearts autosaves progress frequently throughout each level, allowing players to replay sections after a hiccup instead of forcing a hard restart. Whenever I'd fail a section a few times, it nonjudgmentally empowered me to skip that section, should I so choose. Through these key design choices and the game's intentionally simple controls, I felt like the developers were encouraging me to to be curious, put faith in my intuition, and take risks.

A powerfully evocative game. I highly recommend it.

Meu deus do céu, que viagem incrível esse jogo me trouxe! Músicas excepcionais, controles simples, mas muito eficientes, estilo de arte e cenários de tirar o fôlego, tudo isso contido em menos de uma hora de jogo que sei que vai ficar na minha memória. Joguei no mobile, mas reconheço que ele merece ser jogado em uma tela grande para que toda sua beleza seja apreciada.

Vale a pena para todos os amantes de música e video-games.

future landmark of new-sincerity (and also so much freakin fun)

short but super enjoyable experience, just a really clean burst of action with gay stuff and awesome music that doesn't even have time to overstay its welcome (also queen latifah is there)

LOVE THIS!!! Immersive, a lot of fun, and both the songs and the graphics have electropop vibes!

Was für ein Ritt!
+ Sehr kreatives Leveldesign
+ Toller Soundtrack
+ Schwere stellen einfach skipbar <3

every time i play this game i have to cry real hard. i would write something more significant or profound about loving and hurting or whatever but it's pretty hard to do that through the waterfall of tears pouring out of my face

This review contains spoilers

"Not long ago, in a town much like yours
There was a young woman who fell
Out of love
For years she fell through spirals of sadness and anger
Until she could not fall any deeper
And fell right back"

This game really is something else.

The soundtrack, art style, and fluid gameplay will keep me coming back and playing it through again and again. Highly, highly recommended. Play with headphones and, if possible, play through in a single sitting.

are you tired of just hearing music ? what if you can SEE MUSIC ?

So passionate, confident, and uncompromising in its pop-album vision that it's hard not to immediately fall in love (THAT MAIN MENU THEME ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?).

Just like Game Score Fanfare explains in his wonderful video, the entire game is designed around the conventions of pop music, not just copying but integrating what makes pop so darn infectious into the very fabric of the game.

A short but infinitely re-playable joyride that I don't think I will ever get enough of.

tudo nesse jogo é bom, espero poder jogar mais jogos da annapurna

One of the prettiest games that gets the "best vibes" award as well. Very enjoyable from start to finish but too short :( I wanted more!

Slide your way into the hazy waves of neon and electro-pop mania with a brief yet enticing story of a woman finding back her groove through different heartbreaks.

It immediately pulls you in with its excellent presentation, seamless choreography and captivating eye candy. Although, it's mechanically simple, you'll embrace its maximalist aesthetics and beg for it to never stop. It is just that good.

No sayonaras.

What a dazzling game. Best album I've ever played.
It's a catchy pop album fused with a video game with fantastic style, direction, and pacing. You can easily beat this in a single sitting, and you won't regret it one bit.

This is one of those musical/rhythm games you need to beat in one sitting as it only takes an hour to finish. What a journey it was.

Fun arcadey game with great music and visuals.

This is a complete masterpiece and so underrated, this is not completely a game, this is a whole experience, and i must say that this was one of the best experiences i ever had in my life. Im writing this after beating the game and this game left me so mentally exhausted that made me think of the rating, but it was completelly worth it, you must play this, just put your headphones on a high volume and enjoy this one hour magnific creation.


Jogo doido, Musicão do início ao fim.
Bom passa tempo.

an amazing game very stunning and a greaaat soundtrack

fazia tempo que não via um jogo com muita personalidade, a trilha sonora é incrível, a direção de arte é fora do comum além de uma gameplay gostosinha além de uma cinematografia impecável.
(joguei so a campanha)