Reviews from

in the past

you can run on your own knives that you threw

I dont know what to say, this game is amazing. The narrative is meh but the gameplay is the best part of this, and also, I love it's aesthetics

Познакомился с серией Touhou Project благодаря этой игре, спустя 5 лет наконец-то решил её пройти. (до этого запускал немного поиграл, даже до первого босса не дошёл) И игра просто что говорится мастерпис, достаточно простенькая по левл-дизайну метроидвания с интересным геймплеем и механиками. Боссы с интересными паттернами, которые вместе с механикой замедления времени и механикой Грейза из оригинальных игр Тохи при заучивании превращаются в смак. Музыка в игре балдёжная как в принципе и во всех играх франшизы. Прошёл весь контент весь контент за 2 дня, игра балдёжная.

One Sakuya Izayoi fumo has been deposited into your account, thank you for your service.

Super fun game. Wonderful movement, loved the time stop, great characters, fun to explore. Only downside is the length, I would have loved to have kept playing for a lot longer. Also the time stop + knives trivializes a lot of combat.

You ever think to yourself, "Damn, I sure love Dio Brando, but I really wish he appealed more to my degenerate coomer brain. It would be really cool if he was a cute anime girl in a fun, combat-focused metroidvania with a godlike soundtrack."
Say no more.

Muito divertido e me fez sofrer bastante, mas como um bom masoquista adorei o jogo. O jogo tem puzzles que uma criança de 7 anos saberia fazer, mas eu com meus 2 de qi inteligentão complicava o que não era complicado

Genuinely super fun game. The gameplay is solid, the aesthetic is nice. There isn't much narrative but it really doesn't matter when it has that Touhou charm to it with the music, gameplay, and careful integration of the mainline Touhou mechanics into this game.

This would genuinely be a billion times better if it was just a linear platformer. Every good thing about the game (engagingly challenging level design, cool ability unlocks, excellent boss fights) is nullified by needing to conform to the Metroidvania structure, with the exception of the music and art direction.

Those cool level designs become real fucking tiring when you have to backtrack through them again to use the item you just got on the door it unlocks (seriously they don't even wrap back around to let you skip the return journey, its not even good metroidvania map structure), or find maximum stat increase items hidden behind future ability unlocks

The abilities are cool until you realize that some boss fights basically expect you to have unlocked them, despite hiding them behind unmarked breakable walls.

The bosses themselves are all challenging and creative, but the stink of 'Am I supposed to have gotten a higher level/found more max stat increases before I fight this chick?' taints them in the heat of the moment.

I usually hate acting as though I could've done better or would know how to 'fix' a given game, but in this case the better scenario is so blindingly obvious and staring me directly in the face whilst playing I can't help but be that asshole in regards to this one.

...Also Sakuya's run animation is fucking terrible, why does she hunch over and shuffle her arms like that???

A fantastic Metroidvania that's worth a shot even if you're not a Touhou fan. Beautiful spritework and fantastic level design all working itself well into the whole gimmick of pausing and slowing down time. Also a fantastic soundtrack too, but that's a given considering it's all remixes of Touhou tracks and a great roster of bosses. Backtracking can get annoying at times.

La mecánica de parar el tiempo es increíble aunque debería el juego dejar de poner enemigos en sitio tan puto molestos

touhou luna nights é um metroidvania ok, com design de fases decente (ocasionalmente meio sacana) e com boss battles espetaculares. algo que é engraçado, considerando a quantidade de jogos que gosto que são bons APESAR de seus encontros com chefes. acredito que isso é (parcialmente) um resultado da maneira que os elementos de shoot-em-up estabelecidos nos jogos principais de touhou são traduzidos para o gameplay de luna nights: passar de raspão dos ataques te dá bônus de vida e mp, o que te incentiva a tomar atitudes ousadas de alto risco. queria muito que mais jogos (fora do gênero shmup) utilizassem uma mecânica de graze! o único além de luna nights que faz isso (até onde eu sei) é deltarune.

enfim. um jogo bem bom. os arranjamentos de músicas clássicas de touhou são excelentes e atmosféricos e eu gosto muito dos visuais. as animações da sakuya tem uma finesse em um nível alucard em symphony of the night, o que eu aprecio MUITO. parar o tempo e pular em cima das próprias facas para chegar em lugares altos é uma solução TÃO mais elegante e prazerosa que os wall jumps e high jumps dos castlevanias de GBA (ainda não joguei o aria of sorrow, desconsidere ele nessa crítica).

pra finalizar queria mencionar que eu não gosto muito como fangames de touhou tendem a seguir a estrutura de embodiment of scarlet devil, mesmo com luna nights até executando isso de forma decente. eu sei que é o mais popular, mas eu sempre fico com mais vontade de ver as interpretações de fãs de inimigas como a yuyuko e a kaguya, que não são tão batidas quanto o combo "meiling - patchouli - sakuya - remilia - flandre". seria um sonho maravilhoso se o team ladybug fizesse uma sequência utilizando o elenco de perfect cherry blossom ou imperishable night. talvez um dia.

decent game, but a lot of the game's disparate parts don't really fit together. the metroidvania elements not relating to the bosses most of the time (not including the final boss of the base game) is a huge hinderance. getting keys and not abilities is largely uninteresting. most of the game is quite easy until the last area hits a huge difficulty curve, and most enemies become bullet sponges. the game has great music and wonderful visuals yet the story and characters are incoherent without a basic understanding of what touhou is. not a bad thing on the last bit being that the name of the game is touhou but it meant i wasn't attached to anything going on. additionally, the characters didn't have enough dialogue to feel like anything other than the tropes they likely fall into in the original touhou games

Decided to re-play this again recently just to experience the additional content and I have to say, this game still holds up. There are probably better Metroidvanias around but I bet in none of those you can stop time, go around the enemies and "nothign personnel, kid" them with a bunch of knives until they explode. So yeah... it's peak!

My only gripe is that the RPG component of this is very basic, could've used more item management (yes, unironically) and the game itself is quite short for a metroidvania standard. Also, did the devs forgot to add Cirno to the Boss Rush mode? Kinda lame.

I'd been meaning to beat this one for a while, and I finally did!'

What we have here is a very short, solid Metroidvania. I'm not that familiar with the Touhou world and lore, but the characters are cool and it doesn't really impact the enjoyment of playing the game. There's a mechanic where you can risk getting close to enemies in order to earn back health and mana. The cooler mechanic is the power to stop time, which gets a LOT of mileage throughout the short run-time. I believe mechanics work well when they have enough depth, but are only dragged on for as long as they need to be. Metroid's implanted that ideal into me of what a short, but rich and re-playable experience is, and I got that here.

Yes, would recommend.

A very solid Touhou inspired by the Metroid/Castlevania SOTN fusion genre we all know and love.

cute short little game that excels in gameplay, sound and aesthetics (also u play as a girl which instantly makes it goated)... sakuya as a character is really cute and the knife abilities she has are so so fun to mess around with
its just about the perfect length, if it goes on any longer without more abilities or challenges etc it would have gotten old; but as it stands its just about perfect
towards the end (dlc area) the enemy's are more designed to be annoying than an actual challenge (purple aura ghosts) which is disappointing only to meet the goats of touhou in a boss fight that dare i say rivals ds1 artorias battle-wise
its a good game!! i wish i liked metroidvanias more

there's this one time i walked under a chandelier. it fell on me, but i stopped time just before it hit me, so i walked under it, then jumped on top of it in midair, used it as a platform to shoot an enemy that was otherwise hard to reach. when i resumed time i had gone past the obstacle and the enemy died by knives, avoiding me the trouble of dealing w it ever again. this took like 2 seconds , enough time for me to realize that this game is really fucking badass.

its a lil short tho so 4/5 :(

bro it's Castlevania with Sakuya tf else would you want in your game

good bosses. okay metroidvania

Fire fire fire fire

Graze mechanic is genius, and the high difficulty and bullet hell boss fights are super sick.

Luna Nights is absolutely stellar, probably the best metroidvania I've ever played. The elements are light, as most backtracking is just to acquire unnecessary stat upgrades. I actually appreciate this though, as it cuts down on monotony and put the focus on puzzle-solving and combat - which it greatly excels at. You play as Sakuya, a maid with the ability to manipulate time by slowing it, or stopping it completely. The game stays true to its bullet hell roots, especially in the phenomenal boss encounters. They really throw everything at you to balance out the power differential your time powers create. Having to juggle your time, health, and mana creates a fun gameplay loop that encourages you to take risks to recover them. This is the second time I've played through this game. The first being before the bonus level was released, and it's just as good as I remember. All this, and I haven't even mentioned the gorgeous pixel art and awesome Touhou jams that play throughout the game. I only have a two small issues with the game. One, towards the end they send a few too many spongey mobs at you, but they are at most a mild inconvenience and easily ignored. Two, you can get the ability to sprint in the bonus level, but it's a double tap input. The sprint is never necessary, and misinputting every now and then hurt me more than it helped. In the end, it's a short time, but damn if it isn't a good one.

great shit. combat and controls flow like a damn waterfall. so much fun to stop time, pile knives into an enemy's face, and resume time again. soundtrack is awesome. spritework is gorgeous. where it kinda falters for me is the length, its a bit too short and the level design doesnt feel as tight or as interconnected as the games that inspired it. plenty of late game frustration to be had because of bs enemy types and placements too.

I can tend to get bored of metrovania's somewhat quickly sometimes