Reviews from

in the past

es muy divertido este juego sobre todo la locura que es la noche 7 que si aprovechas sus mecanicas de sandbox puedes crear distintas estrateigas para defenderte, y como buen survival es mejor con amigos lo malo que el juego es muy lento y puede ser facil que te aburra

le jeu en lui même est éclaté mais entre potes c'est très fun

Man I wish my friends weren't regular's at weenie hut junior, after like 2 saves that probably went on for like 10 to 20 hours of playing with everything on sleepy easy mode, I wanna try and play the game for real, but by myself I'm not super interested in it.

Anyways, great game with friends, honestly nails the zombie apocalypse, world has ended vibe. Still receiving consistent updates to this day, and all things considered I'm eager to see if the game can improve anymore, who knows.

It's buggy and has been in early access for a looong time, but I really enjoy playing it

Occasionaly still playing with a friends when updates drops. Very enjoyable especially in multiplayer.

hitting zombies with a burning sledgehammer is pretty funny

Yes this game is utter shit, runs like it too, but it was fun having a worse version of Rust on xbox

Great game, but it's been stuck in Alpha for 11 years. Yes the developers still update it but the updates are so minuscule that they should honestly just release the game already.

Two things I personally feel are pretty over saturated mixed together, mediocre survival game and zombies.

7 Days to Die; o jogo em eterno Early Access.
Minha primeira expêriencia, jogando com amigos, foi divertidíssima, a experiência de Sobrevivência + Tower Defense + Construção de bases é coisa de outro mundo, o que torna ainda mais infeliz o fato de ser um jogo com um incrível potencial desperdiçado por desenvolvedores incompetentes e acomodados.
Mais de DEZ anos em Early Access, com uma otimização horrível que parece só piorar com o passar do tempo, além de você precisar de um PC da NASA pra rodar liso, seus amigos também precisam ter, o que torna MUITO difícil achar amigos pra jogar junto.
A jogabilidade nos servers é muito divertida, pelo menos, se você gosta de construir bases incríveis com ajuda da comunidade, mas é péssima se você também tiver interesse em construir "Bases Anti-Hordas de Zumbis" porquê... bem.... não tem zumbis nos servidores, wut.
Ao contrário das noites de lua sangrenta nos servidores solo ou multiplayer com amigos, os servidores públicos/da comunidade não aguentam mandar mais de 1 ou 2 zumbis pra cada jogador se defender na noite de lua sangrenta porque como a otimização é um lixo total há mais de 10 anos, é impossível ter muitos zumbis atacando ao mesmo tempo sem o servidor EXPLODIR.
Passei um bom tempo jogando os dois modos de jogo: servidor pessoal com os amigos, defendendo nossas humildes bases contra hordas de zumbis, e também jogando em servidores públicos brincando de construir cidades, castelos e a porra toda com gringos de tudo quanto é canto do mundo.
Resumo; Um jogo muito divertido com grande potencial desperdiçado devido aos maus cuidados dos devs, principalmente com a terrível otimização.
Tempo de jogo: 572 horas

Meh, didn't like playing it singleplayer, I imagine with friends it is far more fun.

Con amigos y un server el juego mejora mucho mas recomendado asi

it's not good. at all. there is none artistic value in here. none.

A game that I might end up coming back to! Definitely a game that I enjoyed at first, as I adore the crafting/survival genre. But this is definitely a game more enjoyable with more people. Overall would love to come back to this title though! We shall see :)

Don't understand how to play, get bored

Uno de los mejores juegos survival para jugar con amigos, por su sistema de construcción y ese 'séptimo día' que suele ser frenético y muy divertido.
Pero el desarrollo del juego es muuuuy lento
Aunque en algunas cosas se ha quedado desfasado (son 10 años de desarrollo), sigue siendo divertido.

Love this game honestly the devs could do so much with the game if they keep working on it amazing to play with friends and gives hilarious moments

i never get to the 7 days xd

Spend almost 20 minutes finding 5 rocks and got insta killed my a zombie 13 feet away from me.

A really fun base builder about surviving the zombie apocalypse, doesn't look inviting but can drag you in quick.

this is what is happening in texas right now

Jogo muito foda, tudo é destrutível, dá pra construir, se upa, se tem perks, é bem satisfatório matar os zumbis e o mundo é bem customizável. Muito muito bom principalmente jogando com amigos. Recomendo.

I found this as a fun time-waster of a game and love the idea of building up my own fun little fort that I can return to after a day of running around and collecting supplies, but really the main fun is gained from playing it with friends and I love scavenging supplies to help them out. Especially if they have their own private server I can jump into when they're offline since I live in a different timezone.

The basic game itself has the same fun qualities as many typical survival games with zombies and the unique take of, as the name suggests, every seven days the zombies go wild and do all that they can to get to you, trying to tear down your walls when a red moon rises which makes them tougher and spawns more dangerous zombies than normally spawned during the other days and night.

As the game is still in Early Access, STILL, you can quite quickly finish the techtree and build everything, however, mods exist that make the game a whole lot more fun! Not only adding more zombies, but also a larger variety of weapons, vehicles, weapons and tools.

The best I can show is the comparison from these short moments of gameplay I streamed/uploaded during an intermission:

Main game:

Undead Legacy Mod Videos: and

I still find it fun at times and have a lot of fun deconstructing items and collecting all kinds of salvaged items and hand them over to my friends for us all to have a good time and benefit from our hard work!

Like quite a few games I like, mods certainly enhance it however, unlike those ones, this one isn't that good by itself imo and can get very boring, even with friends as there's a limited selection of weapons and such. Especially compared to the aforementioned mods.

Excited to get this on PC and replay it one day

Excelente game de sobrevivência completo com craft, loot, farm e elementos de rgp. Gosto muito, pois o jogo tem gráficos e jogabilidade bons e otimizados. Indico demais para quem gosta de jogos de sobrevivência apocalipse zumbie.

Conquistas: 24 de 43

Minhas Lives do Game:

Feels stale and outdated. Even games in the same year have done the survival mechanics better. Nothing impressive.

É bem legal com amigos, e até solo.