Reviews from

in the past

7 Days to Die; o jogo em eterno Early Access.
Minha primeira expêriencia, jogando com amigos, foi divertidíssima, a experiência de Sobrevivência + Tower Defense + Construção de bases é coisa de outro mundo, o que torna ainda mais infeliz o fato de ser um jogo com um incrível potencial desperdiçado por desenvolvedores incompetentes e acomodados.
Mais de DEZ anos em Early Access, com uma otimização horrível que parece só piorar com o passar do tempo, além de você precisar de um PC da NASA pra rodar liso, seus amigos também precisam ter, o que torna MUITO difícil achar amigos pra jogar junto.
A jogabilidade nos servers é muito divertida, pelo menos, se você gosta de construir bases incríveis com ajuda da comunidade, mas é péssima se você também tiver interesse em construir "Bases Anti-Hordas de Zumbis" porquê... bem.... não tem zumbis nos servidores, wut.
Ao contrário das noites de lua sangrenta nos servidores solo ou multiplayer com amigos, os servidores públicos/da comunidade não aguentam mandar mais de 1 ou 2 zumbis pra cada jogador se defender na noite de lua sangrenta porque como a otimização é um lixo total há mais de 10 anos, é impossível ter muitos zumbis atacando ao mesmo tempo sem o servidor EXPLODIR.
Passei um bom tempo jogando os dois modos de jogo: servidor pessoal com os amigos, defendendo nossas humildes bases contra hordas de zumbis, e também jogando em servidores públicos brincando de construir cidades, castelos e a porra toda com gringos de tudo quanto é canto do mundo.
Resumo; Um jogo muito divertido com grande potencial desperdiçado devido aos maus cuidados dos devs, principalmente com a terrível otimização.
Tempo de jogo: 572 horas

Spend almost 20 minutes finding 5 rocks and got insta killed my a zombie 13 feet away from me.

Divertido, mas joguei sozinho

frankenstein ass game i sincerely think this awful

This game controls like hot ass on Xbox. No FOV changing, no video options while in-game, 30 FPS so everything feels choppy, the crafting system is insanely convoluted for new players, and the combat feels unrewarding and punishing. It honestly looked better in 2013 in Markiplier's playthrough

Addictive like crack, fun gameplay with good mechanics and great with friends.

Comecei a jogar com o objetivo de ficar 30min para experimentar a gameplay, porém acabei ficando 5 horas seguidas.

Divertido, não é cansativo, tem muitas coisas para se fazer, muita coisa pra aprender, para um jogo de sobrevivência zumbi, realmente me surpreendeu.

Como tenho poucas horas de gameplay, por enquanto é isso, em breve atualizo.

Meh, didn't like playing it singleplayer, I imagine with friends it is far more fun.

Love this game honestly the devs could do so much with the game if they keep working on it amazing to play with friends and gives hilarious moments

this game is rlly fun if only the ps4 version didn't suck so hard lmao

Depois dos 7 dias você começa a ver como os dias passam rápidos...
E percebe o quão bom é matar zumbis hehehehe

It is a janky, unstable, unoptimized mess of a game that is more addictive than nicotine.

Amazes me how long this game has been in development for and still feels the exact same.

Super cheap to buy on sale and was fun to play for a couple hours with friends. Gameplay gets stale fairly quickly and you have to try VERY hard to find fun after a while.

The 7 day zombie horde mechanic is fun but just becomes a chore very quickly.

If you ever plan on buying this game with friends, become a mole man and create a sinkhole under your main base.

For some reason I was trapped in lag limbo, but it seems like a fun game

Excited to get this on PC and replay it one day

Honestly I didn't really engage with this game's systems because the immediate impression was so off-putting. Console controls are just PC controls but you have to push the mouse cursor around with your thumbstick. The draw distance is about 20 feet; even with absurd levels of fog you’re constantly watching the environment pop in. Everything is monochromatic and generally ugly, the UI is too small to read and it seems to have a really inconsistent framerate.

It is a great survival game with RPG elements, such as level and perk system. It isn't finished yet, but it got high potentials.

Don't understand how to play, get bored

I don’t even feel like giving this a proper review to be honest. Bored to death the whole time I played it. I would rather put a toothpick in my big toenail and kick a wall than play this slop again.

A lot of glitches but overall a fun experience!

The game is fun, but unfortunately it is very poorly optimized, buggy and quite ugly ir you're not at max settings.

Dropped this game after 7 days

I found this as a fun time-waster of a game and love the idea of building up my own fun little fort that I can return to after a day of running around and collecting supplies, but really the main fun is gained from playing it with friends and I love scavenging supplies to help them out. Especially if they have their own private server I can jump into when they're offline since I live in a different timezone.

The basic game itself has the same fun qualities as many typical survival games with zombies and the unique take of, as the name suggests, every seven days the zombies go wild and do all that they can to get to you, trying to tear down your walls when a red moon rises which makes them tougher and spawns more dangerous zombies than normally spawned during the other days and night.

As the game is still in Early Access, STILL, you can quite quickly finish the techtree and build everything, however, mods exist that make the game a whole lot more fun! Not only adding more zombies, but also a larger variety of weapons, vehicles, weapons and tools.

The best I can show is the comparison from these short moments of gameplay I streamed/uploaded during an intermission:

Main game:

Undead Legacy Mod Videos: and

I still find it fun at times and have a lot of fun deconstructing items and collecting all kinds of salvaged items and hand them over to my friends for us all to have a good time and benefit from our hard work!

Like quite a few games I like, mods certainly enhance it however, unlike those ones, this one isn't that good by itself imo and can get very boring, even with friends as there's a limited selection of weapons and such. Especially compared to the aforementioned mods.

fun for a couple hours, then lost interest

Its good but it gets boring like fast

Minecraft with a ticking clock.

There were roughly 4-5 years between my two play sessions of this game and it still felt like an unoptimised, clunky mess. It's been in "Alpha" for a whole decade, which to me says it's never getting finished. Don't waste your money.

I'm not joking, this thing is a piece of dogshit. Booted this rancid shit for like 45 minutes before uninstalling. Disgusting ass graphics make it genuinely unpleasant to even look at, it's way too convoluted, even early on, combat feels terrible, like genuinely awful. Don't even waste your time, this thing sucks.

Game came out during the zombie hype. Its what you would expect from a survival zombie game.

It's a very weird game for sure. It stiff, it feels broken but the things it does, it does really well. The realistic survival mechanics are actually quite fun and best part about the game so its a shame that's all there is. I would love to see a full on rework of the game, giving it a more modern mechanics alongside all the good things they have. Maybe one day but considering how slow development has been for it alone, I doubt it.