Reviews from

in the past

A post-apocalyptic Golden Axe with some wild designs. I like that you can melee enemies with your weapon.

"Shooter" my ass, you always have to be very very close to the enemy. This is a close-ranged beat'em up through and through. An average one, but it's still alright and satisfying.

Hard, ugly, but rewarding alien stomper. somewhat of a step backwards from the previous year's Golden Axe, of which it shares many similarities. The animation feels jerkier to me, and while there is a nice and varied level design, including the Shinobi-style first person interludes, this isn't quite the world beating port it should be.

definitely the least terrible team shinobi game but the only thing i actually care about here is the fact that it did the whole "badass dude guy telling aliens they're bogus, dude" thing way ahead of duke nukem (okay that ending is good too)

Too easy, too short, and too simple to be truly memorable. It ain't bad; there's just barely any content, despite the game offering a surprising amount of variety.

Still, if you have like 20 minutes to spare and have a buddy to play with, I'd definitely recommend it. 

Fun creative arcade game, I quite enjoyed this one!

This game for people who are apt to yell "DO SOMETHING" when a show or movie is dragging. Every time someone yelled that from 1980-1990, this game got weirder and resulted in this. In a better timeline, games get this weird more often.

I walked away enjoying this far more than Golden Axe and the first SOR. It's a bit faster paced and you have the ability to run as well as dodge roll which makes it feel surprisingly modern for an early brawler. The on-rails shooting sections also help break up the monotony that plagues even the best in the genre- the final boss being set up this way really took me by surprise.

It can still play a little dirty in some spots as it is a port of an arcade quarter muncher (I just like saying that because I know it triggers elitists like Mark from the electric underground haha). For instance, there were spots in those aforementioned shooting sections where taking damage seemed inevitable as you're using a slow moving cursor. At least there aren't bosses who can one shot or chop your life bar in half like SOR or anything remotely close to the bullshit that is Golden Axe's magic spamming final boss.

Despite its problems, I think this may be one of my favorite early titles on the Genny alongside GnG and the fantastic port of forgotten worlds.

Até curti, só que não é lá tão animador quanto a versão de Arcade e bem inferior,do nada nessa versão as criança fica amarela,bem travado mas tem seu charme

Pra fechar o ano com um jogo arcade da Sega, esse eu tinha experimentado apenas do Mega Drive, no arcade a parada é outra. Jogo comedor de ficha mas mto bom de jogar.

I can't believe a beat 'em up from the 90's has better nb representation than most games nowadays.

Team Shinobi's final game as Team Shinobi is another iteration on the side-scrolling "beating them up" formula using all the lessons learned from the prior games. It has Golden Axe/Kunio-Kun style free movement, Shinobi's short/medium range attack patterns and FPS minigames, and from Altered Beast they wisely didn't take anything.

The character and enemy designs evoke the 80s special effects films—the designs and setting made me particularly think about 80s homages to 50s films, like Tobe Hooper's Invaders From Mars and Chuck Russell's The Blob. The characters all play differently enough, and the game can be somewhat difficult. It can look ugly, and it can feel awkward and frustrating, but this game has an air and style to it that just makes me want to return to it more than any of their other games. I can easily see myself plucking away at this again during the Halloween season.

Wow this rules. It’s a really tight and classic beat ‘em up but it’s just dripping with Sega. All the visuals pop so hard, the colors and design are all blue sky Sega brilliance. The ports don’t really do the arcade version justice.

Not the greatest game on the NSO lineup, but Alien Storm was fine.