Reviews from

in the past

Very nostalgic and my introduction to FPS games. Have not played in a while, but from my memory the Xenomorph controls were awkward and Predator was the most fun for me. Decent story for what the game (and source material) is, does not drag on for too long.

Não joguei a campanha, mas eu vou dar logo um 5 estrelas pq o modo online com os amigos é EXTREMAMENTE DIVERTIDO! Junta de 4 pessoas pra cima e é diversão garantida

was gifted to stream as a joke for alien day but it actually was really good LMAO. will come back to it, but with a controller. alien is nauseating with mouse controls.

A surprisingly novel way to approach AVP in a game, as the two non-human campaigns (particularly Alien) are actually a decent time. I don't think there's really enough here to justify writing a full review, but if you can play it for a few bucks and you like Aliens/Predator, might as well give it a shot. Can't say anything about multiplayer since its deader than the horse that is Ellen Ripley in Alien Resurrection, but I assume it was pretty unique for its time given the asymmetrical nature of the campaigns.

This game is definitely better than "Aliens: Colonial Marines" and as the "Aliens vs Predator" from 2000, it includes 3 amazing storylines, except the game is not as hard as the 2000 one. The environment and gameplay are amazing, along with the story. The campaign mode requires also some exploration since it has collectables. The multiplayer is fun with friends, I remember playing it until late, and sometimes I wouldn't even sleep. The multiplayer mode also includes the 3 classes to play with: Aliens, Predators, and Marines - just like in the campaign mode.

Surprisingly, the game is not as fun as it looks from the outside. Especially the marine part was horrible. It has an extremely unbalanced difficulty and the weapons have no effect on the predators or aliens. On the other hand, the gameplay is very repetitive. The marine part was so bad that it completely killed my desire to see and experience the other parts of the campaign. If you are going to play this game, I suggest you skip the marine part completely. It's not fun and a waste of time.

Gonna be completely honest, this is a game I do not remember a whole lot about. I played this game a long time ago from a friend, and played for maybe a solid half an hour. Very possible I try and find this game for cheap and actually play it but for now it goes into the abandoned group.

Everything and Aliens + Predator fan could ever hope for. Just wish the campaigns were a touch longer.

This game does probably suck, but I had so much fun with the multiplayer bullying my friends as the Alien

Dropped back into this after not playing since its launch.

Where this game shines is the multiplayer, which is essentially dead. If anyone sees this and wants to play online, hit me up!

Other than that, AVP is dated. 3 campaigns that mirror each other in setting, but play drastically different. Predator, Aliens, Marines. The Predator is more stealth based, Alien feels like a speedrun and its controlled in such a nauseating fashion. The Marines is the biggest chore, and you mostly just fight Xenos which become overwhelming at times.

Even on Normal, this game poses some challenge! Although all the boss fights are incredibly easy. The hardest parts come from horde sequences. It's playstyle is dated, but the textures and surroundings look good for its time. Predator can feel a bit stiff, Alien is wild and too loose, and the Marine being only able to hip fire and has the cardio of a 260lb male doesn't help when trying to escape a group of xenos to reload or heal.

Story mode, the flaws are glaring. Online though, with all of this mixed together was a beautiful barage of violence and competition. When I owned the game I hardly touched the story due to how much fun I had online. If there was a way we could remaster this for its online or something. That'd be rad!

It's a regular shooter, which has 3 variable play-styles so it doesn't get boring. Can be finished in 1 day.
I cannot say it's a masterpiece, but if you have some free time and don't know what to do, here you are.

What's that ScreenGAME, the Notorious Backloggd user? You didn't like this? What more could you ask for? We have Aliens AND Predators, you're asking for a lot

this doesn't really feel like a real video game, but somehow it is... the older games in this series are absolutely worth playing. this one not so much.

A decent enough game. Remember seeing this back in the day. Never got to play it till a few years back. Marines were probably the most boring gameplay byfar.

A more nostalgic game but this game actually isnt to bad nowadays
if youre a fan of the films or a fan of more linear FPS games, this is super fun with all three paths you can take
favorite was the alien route but all three are mad fun

i'd give it 3 to 4 stars originally, but it gets 5 stars cause of how important this game is to me. as a lil kid this was a huge hyperfixation of mine, discovering that you can play as a xenomorph (they need to make another game where you can be an alien btw) was so exciting. I never played the human / predator campaigns cause i only cared about xeno. very nauseating & all over the place gameplay, but i didn't care, it's worth it, I only wish it was longer.

Aliens and Predators vs Uninspired Game Design.

Why did this game come and go? Licensing I assume.

It's fine. The weapons are pretty unbalanced especially when you character swap. The marine campaign is boring. The Alien campaign is too short. It's a cool concept, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Fue una experiencia divertida para la ps3 en su momento, pero siento que hay muchisimo potencial desperdiciado en este juego. Me encantaria que hubiese algun juego en el futuro que fuese similar pero con mejores mecanicas.

The humans campaign is boring, the Predator missions are pretty good, and the Xenomorphs are absolutely AWESOME!

Have a good time with your friends until the novelty wears off. This game is not great. Super shallow and hyper repetitive

Non ho avuto il piacere di provare l'unica cosa probabilmente divertente, il PVP

Such an Awesome game i've finished right now for Xbox Series X Backwards Compatible, the graphics are good, the gameplay is cool, the marines campaign is decent but the Aliens & Predators campaign in this game is so awesome, the stealth and everything alongside the predator gameplay in it is so badass, is what also made AVP 2010 the best Aliens & Predators games ever, i really wish there should be a sequel to this if only Rebellion had the gall to do a sequel of this certified masterpiece.

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Three campaigns, all of them fairly fun and interesting. Solid game, but definitely not perfect. Specifically, I found that the Predator's stealth is poorly implemented, often AI do know where the Predator is located. Certain mechanics are outdated and feel janky. There was even the boss battle with the final Praetorian alien, and the AI killed itself.

Solid game, and fun game, but it's definitely dated. Definitely not a perfect 10/10.

not very good BUT i get to scamper around as a little xenomorph!! wee yay!!! yahoo yay