Reviews from

in the past

Another example of a video game homage done right, along with a nice amount of content for the price. The game is also getting solid dev support as of 2024.

Hardcore Anti-Gravity Racing. Possibly the best one out there right now.
Ship balance and AI tuning irks me somewhat though. I feel like only a small sliver of the roster is worth using.
NX2000, my beloved...
It has custom BGM support. Load up a folder with your favorite adrenal infused tunes and prepare to rocket off at speeds that will test the very limits of human reaction time.

scratches that wipeout itch

wait i always sucked at wipeout

when looking for modern interpretations of agrav racers, most people will point you to a couple different options. BallisticNG, Pacer/Formula Fusion and the two Redout games. while both Redouts are decent games, BallisticNG is by far and away the best game of the three, and outclasses even the games it emulates.

the first thing to understand about BallisticNG is that the core of the game is, to put it blatantly, a copy of the feel of the original wipEout games, particularly 2097 and 3. in this, the game is sublime - it honestly feels better than those games, mostly because you can run this on near everything, but also because it not only replicates the feelings of 2097 and 3, but expands them.

a greater variety of ships (with some having completely different handling characteristics), dedicated spec series with their own ship types, ag motorcycle racing, and series with the physics of the later wipEout Pure/Pulse/HD style. this is on top of a truly massive track roster (that only becomes bigger with updates and dlc) and modding support, allowing for custom made ships and tracks.

in all honesty, its hard to find fault with BallisticNG. its cheap, frequently updated, easy to run, greatly customizeable and moddeable and has a wealth of content. give it a shot. its really great

Des sensations fortes à chaque virage avec un contenu massif qui, en plus, peut être étendu grâce aux mods.

Voilà, ça, c'est ce que je cherchais au niveau des sensations de course ! Le jeu offre un gameplay légèrement complexe au niveau de la prise en main, mais juste ce qu'il faut pour qu'une fois fait, le plafond de maîtrise paraisse infini. Les sensations de vitesses sont très bonnes, différentes épreuves et circuits permettent de varier les saveurs lors des campagnes et c'est franchement addictif. Beaucoup de choix en termes de véhicule aussi, et alors que le jeu supporte officiellement l'ajout de mods. Sur le plan visuel, le jeu offre une palette d'option rétro très appréciable. Cependant, sur le plan de la technique, le jeu n'est pas très au point non plus, je n'ai pas trouvé ça dérangeant vu que je préfère les options rétro.

En petite complainte, et c'est peut-être dû à mon skill risible, mais je trouve que le jeu monte trop rapidement en difficulté sur les temps à battre. J'ai fini la première campagne en "Plasma" sans aucun souci, et dès la deuxième campagnes certaines médailles d'or (tjrs en épreuve "meilleur temps") me semblent complètement inaccessible, et ce même si le jeu me donne m'attribue des "tour parfait" :/. L'ego mis de côté, les courses restent appréciables, surtout que celles avec des IA restent franchement très simples.

Très honnêtement, pour ce prix, je ne pense pas qu'il puisse y avoir meilleur "wipeout-like" à la fois en termes de gameplay/gamefeel et contenu.

Very much a Wipeout 2097 clone not just in visual style but mechanically as well. It feels great to play because of this with the high skill floor and ceiling that the franchise was known for.

Best wipeout clone I've ever played, put this game on everything and keep support going for it please.

The difficulty gets unfair as you keep going