Reviews from

in the past

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Would rate it higher if it wasn't for some buggy stuff during my run. There were a good amount cool ideas and moments throughout. I also liked the atmosphere. I hope the sequel improves on the tracking and movement of your character.
There were too many times where I was sure I hit an enemy but the game said I wasn't close enough.

Overhyped youtube slop, started out alright but ended up disappointing...even to 2018 me.

this game is carried by art and concept and not much else. very bad gameplay, fetch quests up the wazoo make this a chore to play. really didn't like it.

Boris is pure alice angel is the worst person alive. Great game, meatly.

Bendy and the ink machine es un videojuego de terror en primera persona de unas 6 horas de duración (aunque te animan a rejugarlo una vez mas) con un diseño artístico sublime, una historia realmente interesante, escenarios laberínticos y jugabilidad limitada (tampoco es que necesite mas) Al igual que Resident Evil 7 (que es del mismo año) bebe mucho de esa demo que salió del videojuego jamás lanzado llamado P.T, y no es casualidad, ya que el juego tiene una gran influencia de Silent Hill (el concepto de la tinta, ritos, maquinaria y sonidos, la forma de contar la historia, secretos, paradojas...) En lo jugable, solo podremos caminar o correr, atacar cuerpo a cuerpo solo si tenemos un arma y saltar, aunque no nos sirva demasiado (nada) pero tampoco se echa en falta mas, ya que el juego te ofrece una serie de puzzles y desafíos muy variados que hacen de Bendy and the Ink machine un juego realmente entretenido. Sin embargo, lo peor de este videojuego son los bugs (al menos en la versión de PS4, que es la que yo he jugado) siendo realmente molestos. Por lo visto, los problemas empiezan a partir de la misión de los 5 corazones y yo los he tenido. Los errores que he experimentado son: La puerta del ascensor no se podía abrir y yo, que me abstengo de mirar guías, me pegué casi una hora dando vueltas hasta que descubrí que se trataba de un bug. Los otros errores son acerca del guardado de partida, no se guardó la partida en dos ocasiones habiéndola guardado, obligándome a repetir dos horas de juego. Por todo esto, le quito media estrella. Pero, en general, es un juego muy interesante, con momentos realmente chulos (el demonio de tinta es genial) y merece mucho la pena. Es un videojuego al que se le coge cariño fácilmente y lo recomiendo.


The game feels like a smaller part of a bigger game

This review contains spoilers

abandoned at chapter 4 i HATE bertram so bad

Nice horror game oozing with style. It manages to be scary while not relying on gore or shock.

I did get lost a few times, but I would say the game does communicate nicely what you need to do, which is what games like these often struggle with.

Walking Simulator. spare yourself the money and just watch a playtrough online, youl be having the same experience.

Really fantastic atmosphere and character design. Though many of the games segments feel clunky and I don’t enjoy the ‘stop and go’ nature of them.

The Projectionist is my personal favorite character, his design is very well and feels evocative of Silent Hills famous Pyramid Head, his segment in chapter three was very stressful and exciting.

Brilliant concepts and an excellent soundtrack. Just doesn’t quite meet its incredible potential.

Overall, I found the game's ideas interesting, like an abandoned factory and a show from an old forgotten cartoon. However, I think these themes weren't explored very well. I really wanted to know more about Henry's whereabouts in that place, since he worked there, but it's hardly relevant during the game. Henry should at least remember the area from the first chapter, considering he worked there for 30 damn years. Also, the mysteries surrounding Henry's friendship with Joey Drew (since nothing is shown about their friendship in the game) and how they created the character Bendy, why Henry decided to leave the company, or what Joey's greed for the show did to the employees and the company, etc. Many things were left unanswered, and that's that!
Speaking of the game, it's pretty basic, following the typical genre formula. Grab a weapon to open a door, hide in a closet to evade the monster, and filled with cheap jump scares. I can't recall any specific moment where I was genuinely scared playing, but I remember several instances where I got startled. I don't think it's spectacular, but I don't regret playing it either.

This game is very frustrating in the sense that it starts off really good, but then once chapter 3 ends the whole thing just goes to shit. I like what this game was going for but the execution kinda falls flat.

Quelques défauts, mais le lore est énorme. Et j'adore les cartoons, mais... J'aime pas les jeux d'horreur. Heureusement celui là ne fait pas trop peur, j'trouve.

(complété sur PC sur Steam, avec tous les trophées, et sur Switch)

meu resumo;
cap 1: muito foda, curto e gostoso lá ele
cap 2: muito bom tbm, igual o de cima
cap 3: é ok, é mais longo doq deveria ser e enrola pra cacete umas missões ai
cap 4: curtinho mas interessante, a parte do parque de diversões foi bem boa
cap 5: é confuso, muita coisa acontece de uma vez e nada faz muito sentido, parece rushado sabe?
• graficos: bem bonitos, acho irado o estilo que usaram
• musica: agradável, nada muito fora da curva, tirando obviamente a "Conserte nossa Máquina"
• gameplay: nada fora do comum, é oq vc espera de um jogo assim
• historia: boa mas com o final confuso e brocha(?), espero que o Dark Revival conserte isso

Eu n tenho palavras para descrever o quão esse jogo fez parte da minha infancia - pré adolescencia...esse jogo e muito foda e tem uma historia do caralho e fico animado que vai ter um filme dele

Been around since the beginning and overall a pretty decent game! though definitely has issues in the gameplay and story department.

O jogo e muito bom, não chega a ser perfeito mais e muito bom, os gráficos não são dos melhores, porém, eu joguei a versão de Android por isso n da pra pedir muito, o jogo as vezes trava ( acho que por conta do meu celular) mais ainda sim da pra tomar uns sustos, mas a melhor parte são as boss batles, sem spoilers mas são muito boas mesmo, em resumo o jogo e muito bom vale muito a pena.

Really solid and a bit overhated to me

Great story, awesome world, cool art design, mostly alright gameplay (some rough spots), and an intriguing ending. Furthermore, IT SCARED THE BLAZES OUT OF ME!!!