Reviews from

in the past

its fine i like the art and story but its not all that
great especially the ending. (chapter 2 and 4 were rly good tho)

i really loved this game but looking back at it. its meh

This game was one of my first horror experience. It has a beautiful aesthetic and everything handdrawn looks amazing. Some of the characterdesigns really look fantastic and straight out of a cartoon. The story idea is really something creative and interesting. The Walt Disney parallels are amazing. Sounddesign was perfection and the voiceacting was so good. Sadly the gameplay isn't as compelling as it could have been and the combat is really bad. Somehow the first chapters are way better, than the last chapters. The game prioritized the horror aspect in the first chapters and sometimes you really felt frightened. After that the game focused more on the combat and with only beeing able to hit and do nothing else, the gameplay got repetitive and boring. Still worth a try for some easily scared people and for fans of this cartoon artstyle.

It took me nearly three years to finish this game, and honestly, I don't know what to rate this so I'm going to convince myself of a score as I write this.

First things first: I love the aesthetic. I love the art style, the color pallet, the dreadful ink filling the corners of the screen, and every beautiful classic cartoon design they managed to stuff into here and warp into a lively 3D Model. If there was any draw I had to play this game, it was all in the art style.

Now the story... well I'm torn. The actual plot of the game is pretty fun, but trying to understand the greater lore is a headache-inducing mess. The amount of rewrites and complete inconsistency makes learning the story and characters nearly impossible.

So that leaves the gameplay, which is extremely varied. Between the long stretches of stress-inducing hallways with unexpected heart-attacks I mean Jump-scares, you have puzzles that are usually pretty tedious, entertaining character moments, and mostly fun boss battles. So... the gameplay is mixed. The horror is pretty fun, and the jump-scares are a not as cheap and unwarranted as you might expect. The first two chapters have the best horror atmosphere, whereas the third and fourth chapters have the best gameplay. Chapter five is the worst of both worlds, choosing the "let's just get this over with" approach and not trying particularly hard with the puzzles, horror, or boss fight.

So in the end, have I decided if Bendy and the Ink Machine is good or bad? Nope. It's really mid. 5/10.

I would never recommend this to any human being, even if you're bored. Lowest pacing I've ever seen, and it's story isn't nearly worth it's wait at all. Don't spend your money/time.

I only played the first couple chapters since I didn't realize it would be a chaptered release. I thought it was a bit cliche but I don't really regret playing it for when I did.

A broken mess, absolutely awful. Save files were broken, hitboxes were scuffed the entire way through, and it became a chore to play through. Do not buy.

Phenomenal art style, unique cast of characters, and a handful of expertly crafted horror sequences. I just wish the gameplay was on the same level

One of the better FNAF inspired indie horror games. Nothing extra ordinary but seeing how other ones turned out this one is way better in comparison

Its atmosphere is easily one of the best indie game immersion attempts yet.

It’s like ordering 10 nuggets from a certain infamous American fast food franchise. They might good tasty initially, but it has the consistency of rubber and tastes of chemicals. That kills the immersion of this game.

Não entendo o hype desse jogo, ja tinha assistido o Alanzoka jogar ele e decidi jogar porque não tinha nada pra fazer, sofri com alguns bugs do jogo, o combate achei horrível e o final também

its very okayish, not much of a awesome game, but the history atleast was interesting

im not trying to be a douche bag but this game was SO boring

apesar de seus erros, eu ainda sou fanboy

Really interesting horror game that slowly falls apart gameplay wise

dogshit experience. Please do NOT play this

A very cute and charming horror game. It was fun to play and decently scary. All the scare factor went away when I realized that dying had zero drawbacks and just let the unkillable monsters kill me so I could continue.

I enjoyed this cute little horror game storyline wise but getting the achievements 100% made me want to rip my hair out.

i've liked this game since 2018 but actually playing it is what ruined it for me. The first two chapters are interesting, rough around the edges but interesting. Chapter 3 is by far the worst one, too tedious and i had to do it 3 times all over because it kept breaking due to the bugs. Chapter 4 is definitely an improvement and chapter 5 is just forgettable. The ending is meh and leaves a not so interesting cliffhanger. Overall the game is just not worth it, it was too ambitious and failed miserably imo

Fetch quest after fetch quest with a little bit of janky melee combat with an ending that was not worth all my pain and suffering. This game sucks.

top 10 mickeys satanicos, um dia eu termino.

I think it's entertaining, I liked so much the atmosphere and cartoon design