Reviews from

in the past

Short game. not as good as the blackwell legacy, mostly because the art style isnt as nice as there are no animated faces and the puzzles aren't as intuitive. the characters as still great, the "interlight" of laura is really cool looking which was nice and i liked the switching character mechanic. it was worth playing but didnt live up to the first one.

Well, Unbound was a step up from Legacy in basically all ways, I think. The atmosphere was particularly great, with the jazz-filled soundtrack and gritty backgrounds giving an even stronger noir vibe. Characters and voice acting were great again, too.

Sights & Sounds
- The pixel art is quite good, just like the prequel. The character portraits are improved, though.
- The sound design is far improved from the first game. In addition to using higher quality mics (the step up in voice quality is noticeable), the voice actors for Rosa and Joey sound much more comfortable and natural than they did in The Blackwell Legacy
- The music is also way better. Very jazzy in a way that emphasizes the noir influences

Story & Vibes
- The story, unfortunately, takes a small step back. Don't worry, there's still plenty of intrigue to be enjoyed, but the overall narrative just isn't as interesting as the prequel
- That's not to say there hasn't been any improvement in the writing. The reduction in exposition from everyone you meet is a welcome change
- Without giving anything away, you're given the option of choosing between two separate cases. By the end of the game, those stories intertwine, eventually leading to the plot's climax
- Hope you enjoy noir overtones, because this game leans much more strongly into those than Legacy

Playability & Replayability
- It's a point and click adventure game. 'Nuff said
- Not sure I'm ever going to come back for the achievements I missed

Overall Impressions & Performance
- I'm only on the second game out of five, but I like where the series is going. Hoping to see it keep up its momentum
- Played it on Steam Deck. The trackpads are nice, but it's probably still going to feel more natural playing it with a mouse

Final Verdict
- 7/10. In all, it improves quite a bit on the first game, even if the narrative was a little ho-hum in comparison

A Interesting sequel. This time you play as the girl's aunt and get to switch places with Joey, which adds more to the gameplay by using the ghost for certain things and her for others, including how to interact with ghosts.

Things have certainly become more interesting and there are now bigger questions to ask, leading me to want to know more about what'll happen in the future and what's going on behind the scenes as well as who Joey was when he was alive.

Lazy bum that I am I'll just copy my review of Blackwell Legasy ;-)

A short game, took me a little over 2 hours to complete. It's a good point-and-click game. After you finished the game you can play it again with commentary, which is quite interesting if you like that kind of stuff. I recommend. Will probably play again.

A couple puzzles that I got frustrated with but I really like the small scale these games operate in and that theyre basically solvable without a walkthrough. This one doesn't have a wild twist the way the first one did but it's got a better intertwined set of mysteries and the way you can swap between the two protagonists is smart. Good stuff!

Přijít po prvním dílu, který sotva stihl položit základy a ještě se sám nikterak nerozjel, namísto regulérního pokračování s prequelem je zvláštní, ale budiž. Ještě zvláštnější je, že je to prequel, který nemá dějově pro hlavní linii žádný význam a nic (ani nikoho) nikam neposune. Ještě divnější pak je, že je to tak kraťoulinké, že to dohrajete rychleji než si v kdekterém RPGčku stihnete vytvořit postavu. A vůbec nejzvláštnější je, že je to odfláknuté; po stránce hádanek, příběhu i grafiky. Co tím chtěl autor říci nevyjeví hra samotná, ale až komentář tvůrců. A vysvětlení to sice pochopitelné je, nikoli však i ospravedlnitelné ve chvíli, kdy za to chtějí peníze. Zbytečný díl, který sérii dělá spíše medvědí službu.

Second installment of the Blackwell series. This one acts as prequel and brings two ghostly mysteries to solve. AS enjoyable as the first entry and adding a new mechanic to switch between characters taking advantage of the perks of being a ghost.

Played on Steam Deck.

Now we're talking! Huge step forward from the previous game; some great bits of lore here too...the scene with the saxophone player always gets to me

Leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessor, which a much more interesting protagonist. Blown out of the water by some of the later entries, but still excellent.