Reviews from

in the past

Probably the hardest Borderlands game. Why? Because there is nothing in this game. But this doesn't mean it's bad. Actually, I would recommend this game if you like the Borderlands franchise. However, if you're new to the Borderlands franchise, I wouldn't recommend starting with this one.

Пройдена в рамках DGG
Нормальный лутер шутер, стрелять есть, лутать есть. Больше сказать даже ничо не могу
Пройдена винтовкой полученной в середине игры

Borderlands is a groundbreaking genre defining title being the first looter shooter to genuinely be fun, as opposed to a certain game title that rhymes with bestiny that require more grinding than a male stripper. It’s one of the few games where the comedy not only makes you laugh but enriches the world, characters and stories. The final boss defies all expectations changing how the player views their main goal in all following titles. It can’t conquer a slight dip in elevation thoudgh.

I have still yet to play a full playthrough, just a bit dated to me after starting with BL2.

The game is sorta outdated. Gunplay is kinda weird and the voice acting is not really the best. The atmosphere and world is amazing though. 100% a good play.

And the intro is just legendary. It’s so iconic it’s crazy, Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked is a legendary song.

Main campaign played through. I had fun with it. Loved blasting guys and leveling up. A lot of the animations and story prompts were weak or non-existent, appearing instead as text. It streamlined moving forward but made immersion in the story a little bit trickier.

Welp....looks like i'm addicted to looter shooters now.

I was worried this game was not gonna hold up and be a bad experience but I was wrong. Graphics still look good in 2024 and I didn't have any problems playing it after Borderlands 2. It got just as much fun gameplay as the rest and the dialogue/plot/atmosphere/ambience still holds up very well. The only thing I don't like is the hud as it looks very boring and outdated but it's alright.

Not much to say, I found the side characters kind of aggravating.

One of my least favorite kinds of games are those with task after task, errand after errand, with little to no story to keep you captivated. It's like somebody took the gameplay of Dead Island with the vibe of Fallout or Mad Max, and it provides for a mad boring experience. I've heard the sequels are much better but Borderlands 1 was underwhelming, and I tapped out midway through.

Holds a near and dear place in my heart, and i continue to come back to borderlands to this day, but definately rough around the edges

A fun looter-shooter, but loses its luster pretty quickly. Personally, I'm not really into the grind, so unless I'm playing with friends, this game gets old really fast. Regardless, it's a great FPS, and I would still recommend it for people who love clicking heads, and looting corpses.

incredible first entry to the series

Muito divertido na época... lembra até hoje da introdução dos heróis no busão. Jogar com os amigos também era muito bom. História muito rasa e simples, talvez por conta disso que ninguém esperava que borderlands 2 faria literalmente tudo melhor, incluindo história.

One of those games were the sequels are so good, it makes you wonder how the first game even got them in the first place.

A fun looter shooter but story was buried in text I didn’t wanna read

I love the entire borderlands series, with Borderlands 2009 being my introduction to the series. Borderlands clearly feels a lot more basic than the sequels, but the gameplay and story still hold up. The art style is truly unique, and the main reason i picked up this game. The Looter-Shooter combat is fantastic in this game just like the entire series, with the gun play being fast, fun and every changing as you loot more guns and upgrades.

If Halo and Diablo had a baby it'd be Borderlands.
Liked the main game.
The DLC's made me want to crawl in a hole and never come out again.

got this for free on xbox live gold, got the car stuck, and then unisntalled it

It's very boring and repetitive if you are playing solo. Also, my eyes hurt every time I try to play this game. The story sounds lame too.

All good, but ultimately gets incredibly repetitive and tiresome. A decent set up for the next game.

Kind of alright, really can not blame it for being a first in the series, yet we all know what comes after this, really respectable.

Fun if you're playing with someone else,but bad if you're playing solo

*Completado en PS3 y Switch.
Un juego de disparos en primera persona de mundo abierto y rol. Podemos elegir entre 4 personajes y cada uno tendrá sus propias mejoras y habilidad especial. Nos encontraremos en el planeta Pandora y tendremos que abrir algo llamado "La cámara" para venderla, el problema es que otras facciones estarán interesadas en ello también, además de los problemas que nos darán los bandidos y psicópatas de la zona y la fauna local, lo cual nos ofrece una gran cantidad y variedad de enemigos. La historia además es divertida, con un humor muy granuja. La ambientación y estilo recuerda a Mad Max, siendo el juego consciente de esto y haciéndole algún que otro homenaje. El gameplay toma elementos del primer FarCry, una acción frenética y muy divertida y los escenarios son muy amplios, la mayoría desérticos, y tendremos un vehículo tanque con el que podemos desplazarnos mas rápidamente y defendernos. La parte de rol no solo se debe a las mejoras de personaje, sino que afecta a nuestras capacidades y daño que causemos, siendo necesario estar a un nivel concreto para poder completar las misiones sin problema (como en Kingdom Hearts o The Witcher 3) así que es importante ver el nivel recomendado de la misión antes de hacerla. Nuestro nivel también afecta a las armas que encontremos. El videojuego tiene una especie de algoritmo que crea armas aleatorias con cualidades al azar referentes a tu nivel, de ahí que la variedad de armas sea infinita, literalmente hablando. La gran cualidad de este videojuego es la posibilidad de jugarlo en cooperativo local y online de hasta 4 jugadores, convirtiéndolo en una de las mejores opciones que existen para jugar con alguien. Además encontraremos por algunos escenarios pequeños lugares donde tendremos distintos modos de juego para disfrutarlo con nuestro compañero, incluido pvp.
Como detalle, decir que la música es de Jesper Kyd, conocido por los primeros Hitman y los primeros Assassin´s Creed entre otros.

Conclusión: Un arpg de tiros muy recomendado, divertido y sin duda uno de los mejores a la hora de jugar con amigos.


my summer as a middle schooler was just this game with friends, would not have any other game take its place