Reviews from

in the past

uma pena terem fechado os servidores, o 2.0 nem se compara ao que foi o Warzone Original, muitas saudades de fazer diversos vídeos de melhores classes para ele... aos que quiseram matar a nostalgia:

half the game is in the lobby, waiting for your friends, waiting for the game

O melhor battle royale que já joguei na vida, acho meio díficil lançar alguma melhor que esse.

was free, and played in like the first month. legit uninstalled cuz Im shit and fuck snipers (at the time of the release), it gets half a star for the usage and idea of the Gulag. that shit is so cool and a dope way of getting rebooted.

warzone 1 was beautiful bring back rebirth

A pandemia com certeza foi o que alavancou este jogo ao sucesso absoluto. Lembro até hoje dos momentos divertidos e felizes que passei ao lado dos meus amigos, todas as risadas, os momentos de raiva e da sensação de ser o melhor jogador do mundo, mesmo que fosse só por aquela partida de 15 minutos. O jogo já naquela época era muito mal otimizado mas a comunidade, mesmo reclamando continuamente, abraçava o jogo e o apoiava incondicionalmente. Infelizmente hoje em dia ele não é nem uma fração do que um dia já foi, mas ele ainda tem bem lá no fundo aquela alma iluminada e acolhedora que nos proporcionou tantos momentos inesquecíveis.

J'y ai pas beaucoup jouer c'était ok quoi

one day this game will be 1TB in size and it will still be bad

Had a lot of fun wih friends playing this. Unfortunately it had been shutted down.

Best part of my life
Thank you for making my 2020-21 era good!

Pretty good but I am all Battle Royaled out.

2.5☆ - I mean it was cool but I've never been a CoD fan so it wasn't that great to me.


Bland battle royale. Nothing particularly amazing and nothing particularly bad. The gun play is adequate.

Call of Duty: Warzone had an incredible start in 2020, providing countless hours of enjoyment with friends. However, with each update, the game seems to decline in quality. It suffers from poor optimization compared to Fortnite, and its partnerships lack impact. The game’s skill-based matchmaking makes casual play challenging. One of the game’s redeeming features is the enjoyable Rebirth mode, but it unfortunately shares the same issues as the other modes. Despite its potential, Warzone needs significant improvements to recapture its initial appeal.

I played during COVID so it was actually a fun game back then, idk about now tho

O melhor BR que temos hoje disponível, mas ainda com muitos problemas de balanceamento de equipamentos/matchmaking

A high point of CoD for me. It immediately took over the BR genre; the guns, map, everything felt like a step up to other offerings, thanks to being built off / alongside the fresh reboot MW2019. Yearly releases have since muddied the COD waters once again.

Apesar de eu ser horrível, era um bom battle royale

not the best br but it's fine

Epoque confinement c'était quand même le feu mais j'avoue j'y ai pas trop jouer, le jeu était lourd en terme de Giga, y avait beaucoup de bug, et puis les BR ca m'a gavé.

An ok battle royal, it speaks to the games quality when the most fun you can have is fucking around with friends and crashing vehicles into others

Muito difícil para quem tá começando. Já tentei jogar 3 vezes e nenhuma delas me fez querer jogar mais de 2 partidas.

Was pretty close to the perfect Battle Royale at one point

Releasing a free massive multiplayer game a week before a world lockdown is what I call good timing.

o warzone 1 era tudo de bom