Reviews from

in the past

yeah maybe this was kinda funny in its prime but there is NOBODY funny on here anymore

| What I Like |
- Good setup for some funny moments
- Occasionally some chill people

| What I Don't Like |
- Reliance on having a good community
- Incredibly racist, homophobic and annoying community
- Rest of community is either an old Call Me Kevin fan or an Adin Ross fan
- Game is pretty much dead and given up on

| My Score |
1/5 - Can't give this game much praise at all aside from its concept and how it was probably fun at its most popular

Nice trendy game, but died out

why can't "person" play soccer, cause in every corner they are,they open a kebab

Was peak when people actually played it. Haven't hopped on in a few years but apparently it's just people being racist now so L

É interessante a premissa desse jogo, mas você rapidamente enjoa dele. É aquele típico jogo que você joga algumas e hora e fica entediado depois. Não recomendo.

this is basically completely unplayable these days but me and some friends had fun with it when it first released. still it's not much of a game

More people found this review funny than my set.

almost impossible to play this game nowadays without being called the hard r every few seconds

Should be good in theory, but instead it's an excuse for people to say slurs and be weirdos.