Reviews from

in the past

Amo o jogo, principalmente os personagens,mas sinceramente ultimamente a empresa está criando cada vez uma barreira q vc só consegue passar comprando coisas dentro do jogo, fora o lag sem motivo

This is a game that I pick up once every six month, play nonstop, and then give up again and forget about it. I think I just prefer Ovenbreak.

the most boring game i've ever played

To be honest I probably don't like this game. I played it for a while. I think I liked it initially. Like, I like the designs for the cookies and that cookies are generally easy to get and that there are a lot of different modes etc etc.

What I don't like though is like...this game just feels bad to play, kind of in the same way as Shop Titans. This game is really costly. Specifically, doing anything daily requires a lot of resources, and producing anything daily requires a lot of time and sometimes manual management. You want it to feel like Satisfactory, but it will never be Satisfactory. Because the game always wants more, and when you think it's fine it introduces another system which is "rewarding" to then consume more.

You can choose to ignore the idle elements for a time but after a point you're expected to be certain kingdom levels to do certain things, and certain features are locked behind resource-gated areas. I didn't have the ship trade for a LOT longer than I was supposed to because I genuinely just didn't know how to unlock it, and I just assumed it was the story that was holding me back. Not so.

And it sucks because this game is cute and the characters are charming (my faves are Cocoa and Strawberry, for the interested), and I like the idea of a management sim idle game but this game is simply way too predatory and doesn't give nearly the dopamine hit to make up for what it takes away.

Finn being the mc is kinda cool though

2021 to mid 2022 was a horrible time for me

this game makes my phone heat up like the reactors at chernobyl god damn

The best Cookie based game <3

i am an almost day one player (prob started around a month after release) and i could rant for paragraphs about whats wrong w the game (AND THE COMPANY!!) but at the end of the day im weak for the character designs and have been since LINE: cookie run.
id play more if the game wasnt so laggy and had problems w frequent crashing lol

cute but just ultimately lost interest

Comecei a vender para comprar diamantes nesse jogo logo após fui expulso de casa até que o jogo é viciante.

no yogurt creme cookie, no roguefort cookie. minus points. although i love the voice acting, the battle system is ehhh to me

3 years of this game and I still play daily. I'm consumed.

i played this game from launch because of an event in a different game. barebones and soulless.

this game has become less and less new player friendly im gonna be real

The concept of the world and the characters is cute. I usually like playing idle games only during school/university semesters, so I did not invest as much time in it. Initially did not care about the gacha, but upon returning to it recently after a year (or so) of not playing, it has gotten worse.
Game gets more P2W as you keep playing and demands more resources for daily managing than what I'm usually comfortable with in an idle game. Don't think I will ever start actively playing it again, but it is okay for a mobile game.

It's Genshin Impact, but the central plot is pluralphobia. We could say more, but we'll simply leave it at that for the sake of our blood pressure. Chain us to a radiator about it. Currently the worst game we played in the 2020s.

Look, this game is fun, yes; it looks cool, it sounds great, the stories are fun to read, and the character designs are top-notch. But it gets more and more p2w the longer you go on, ESPECIALLY now with the new Beascuits addition and the like (and the Tower's back but now it's unforgivingly difficult! Even for Tray 1? What's this? One of the recommended Cookies is the recently-released legend? GEE willy whiskers, I wonder what that entails!)

I have inmense stockholm syndrome with this game but like, I gotta drop it sooner or later. 3/5: One of those games where it looks super nice but the gameplay is commendable at best.

The game is a lot of fun, but it's hard to play without lag.

A really fun game with a great sense of progression until a brick wall comes out of nowhere stopping all forward progress. The game is challenging but manageable up until this point. This forces players to either grind a lot or pay up to roll for better characters. For a hard stage before this, it would be a very minor grind to overcome it. Past the brick wall, every level takes hours to grind for. Everything up until this point is phenomenal however with great pacing and decent gameplay. The gacha isn't too egregious either.

If it wasn't a gacha it'd be an almost perfect game. The story's adorable and the art is so lovely too from the cookies themselves to the items to decorate the kingdom. Unfortunately at the end of the day it is a game made to get as much money as possible from kids.


merci kenjiro tsuda pour ton travail

ok sure the fact that they're all cookies is kind of goofy, but idk i think they're silly! also maybe i just have stockholm syndrome but the gacha doesn't feel that bad to me for once? anyways the story is weirdly good sometimes and i like the character designs, which is really about all i could ask for from a gacha game! almond cookie and royal margarine cookie my beloveds :D

Unironically really fun……when you aren’t doing gacha shit

Look I'm gonna be real for a second. This game is like if Genshin Impact had POC characters, and that really sucks when you realize that this is a game about cookies.
The worst thing about being caught in its gacha trap for two years (I left this game a year ago already) was the fact that the art and world of this game have deeply impacted my autism circuits. Not a joke, this franchise (kingdom especially) has some of my favorite art direction of any mobile game ever, and I am deeply inspired by it. I could never download this game again because of what it does to me but I could never let it go because of how it changed me.

I have a gambling addiction now

esse jogo já foi tão bom, me dá raiva ver a direção q a impresa quis tomar.
queria continuar mas só de pensar q vou ter q grindar PELO MENOS uma hora por dia pra conseguir dinheirinho de pinga, num emulador de andoid super bosta, já me dá cansaço