Reviews from

in the past

Too clunky so and didn't really feel like dark souls 3
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too difficult that it isn’t fun anymore (difference between fun difficult and annoying difficult)

I've had a dream recently. I was driving around my neighborhood, but it was different. Vastly different. I wasn't looking at houses, I was looking at abandoned buildings. The more I explored the neighborhood, the more decrepit it became: Houses became remains of a destroyed, rotting victorian era building; establishments that were nothing but wood and the occasional gothic imagery; memories that never were, would manifest in the form of ones you would never know its full history.

Dark Souls II is exactly that dream.

Drangleic is a world that once was. You just happen to explore its end. People fight for scraps of its memories, as if there's something to salvage from what calamity has already claimed. A demented kingdom is all you will find. I fear the concept of dementia, but I'm also morbidly curious by it, much so the concept of death itself. Exploring it for the first time, I've never really realized how much these morbid curiosities are why I've enjoyed Drangleic as much as I have. I just thought it was a cool world. It's crazy how stories can be told mainly through visuals and you could totally ignore the meat of it and still get the message.

Dark Souls, as a series, explores death in different ways. Where the first one's thematic is death and how we cling on to life (perhaps a bit too much), Dark Souls 2 gives us death, and how it will eventually make us all forgotten. To me, death only comes once you're no longer remembered. In other words, you cling on to those memories, no matter how much they're degrading.

Oh, right, this is a video game. Oops.

Dark Souls 2 is also my first souls-like game. It's a game that formed me as a souls-like enjoyer. I'll always tell people to start with 2 with a win-win situation of "If you liked the others better, then at least you started with the worst and built it up. If you loved this game from the get-go, then you got a new favorite in your hands". Balance is weird in this game: it throws many bones at the player. It's much easier to get a hang of the game and breeze through it, unlike 1 and 3, and Elden Ring. But that's why it's so much fun. I get to play without stressing too much, I allow myself to get hit more often due to the existence of lifegems, and so on. It feels so much more dynamic and I got to play this game multiple times, with different play styles each time.

I've never played the Scholar of the First Sin edition, and from what I've heard, it's even more of a "gank squad central" game than before. I never had an issue with enemy placement in the original, but if it's accentuated in the new version, then I'd hate to try it out, lest it ruins my perception of this game being the best one of the series.

I'm not here to start wars about which Dark Souls is better, but I will say this: Don't trust a person who will go out of their way to tell you unprompted that Dark Souls 1 is the best one. They probably only play it for the PvP.

People keep defending this game by saying, “well it’s not a bad game” and they are right. Dark Souls 2 is not a bad game. I also hate Dark Souls 2.

This is a terrible sequel and that’s why I hate it. A good sequel expands on what was good in the first game, and improves what was bad. DS2 doesn’t do that.

The gameplay is such a mess both in level design, and especially combat. It’s actual bullshit at times. I’ll use the Heide Tower Knights as an example. Their attacks have little to no windup, making dodging needlessly difficult and parrying next to impossible, some of their attacks can pretty much magnetize to you, and you gotta fight them in groups. Coupled with the awful hit boxes that plague the whole game and you’re not exactly in store for a fun time.


If this game wasn’t labeled as a sequel to one of the best games of all time, I’d like it way more but sadly it isn’t. Do yourself a favor and just skip to DS3.

this is going to the be the oddest fucking comparison you'll hear between this and DS1 ever... but, my feelings on this compared to DS1 are like my feelings on Tyler, the creator's IGOR vs Call Me If You Get Lost. i think the former is a much more focused and cohesive work of art that i adore and like to think about a lot (DS1), while CMIYGL has a LOT more and feels a bit less like that lightning shot that worked so well, meaning theres a lot of stuff im like "its alright" on, but like the sheer amount of stuff i REALLY like means that it actually possibly maybe edges out IGOR for which album i like the most (therefore DS2 > DS1 maybe).

Apesar dos pesares (a equipe desse jogo conseguiu ser amadora em muitas ocasiões), me agradou, o sentimento que Dark Souls trás é indescritível, mesmo que demore pra ele chegar...

A Emi Evans cantar os créditos valeu todo o jogo.

Igual que el 1, pero peores hitboxes, más injusto y con un lore mega random. Gráficamente es extraño. Eso sí, te ríes que no veas. Si en el 1 usaste guías, en este las necesitas

You ever just think about that giant ant? What is it doing there? Why isn't it like, animated? FUck yeah Dark Souls 2 :)

the people that hate on this game never actually played it, they're just twitter drones or their favorite youtuber told them so.

Eu só fui descobrir que a minha versão "Scholar of the First Sin" da rodoviária era na real o jogo base 5 anos depois

It's a flawed game with obvious cut corners from a rushed development, but still a good time.

Aesthetically, it's a very different feel to the first game. In some ways things are less difficult because enemies eventually stop spawning if you kill them enough times, and you can fast travel from the start. Bosses are less memorable, but there are still some goodies. Solid game but not as masterful as the first.

It is good unlike what most people say.

Build variety and progression are top notch and has many good bosses.

Sure the game does have flaws but it is nowhere close to using it as an excuse to not beating it once.

Assim como seu irmão mais velho, ele nos guia, é bom demais, adoro a variedade de cenários que tem nesse jogo, suas cores e diferente do primeiro, mostra que ainda existe vida por aí. Muitos odeiam ele por algumas falhas, mas em nada atrapalha sua jogabilidade. Um jogo que também vale cada centavo.

Um bom jogo, foi minha primeira introdução com a serie Souls. Tem diversos problemas mas mesmo assim me diverti bastante.

Esse foi o dark souls que eu mais joguei, tbm o primeiro que eu joguei, gameplay maravilhosa, historia bem fodase mas legal, peca um pouco na ambientação, a do 3 e do 1 é bem mais epica e maneira, porem me diverti bem mais com esse

I remember this game being so mid, it felt like the first Dark Souls but watered down. I barely remember any bosses because most of them were pretty easy.

Worse than DS1 but better than DS3

audio config sucks but great game

não é ruim, so é inferior aos outros.

Covetous demon is too attractive i cant focus on the fight

erstes souls spiel was ich gespielt habe, aber jedes andere ist besser

While there's really no reason to play this over the Scholar of the First Sin version, it is still a great game.

Dark souls 2 não foi dirigido pelo Miyazaki, porque ele estava trabalhando em outro projeto. Um projeto exclusivo para o novo console da Sony na época, o Playstation 4. Miyazaki estava trabalhando no Bloodborne, então a maioria dos recursos que a FromSoftware tinha, foi utilizado para o desenvolvimento desse jogo já que era um exclusivo de grande porte Sony, que também estava sendo co-desenvolvido pela SIE Japan Studio. Então o Desenvolvimento da continuação de um dos jogos mais aclamados de todos os tempos, Dark Souls, foi deixado para o time B da FromSoftware trabalhar. Pelo comando de dois novos diretores (Tomohiro Shibuya e Yui tanimura) e pela supervisão do Miyazaki, foi feito um dos jogos mais controversos de todos os tempos, DARK SOULS 2.

Dark Souls 2 é o jogo que possui a maior quantidade de bossfights da franquia Soulsborne (obviamente excluindo Elden Ring), e é incrível como nehuma delas me anima ou apresenta uma grande dificuldade, e os que apresentam alguma dificuldade não é nem por causa do boss em si e sim pelo caminho até ele, que é LOTADO de inimigos.

Uma das coisas que mais gosto nos jogos da FromSoftware e que também extremamente memoráveis são suas trilhas sonoras, que são lindas, tristes, desesperadoras, épicas e acima de tudo contam uma história. No Dark souls 2 eu não senti nada disso, nenhuma música desse jogo é memorável, a única que consigo lembrar de cabeça é a de Majula, tirando essa todas são esquecíveis.

As áreas iniciais são muito bem feitas porque elas detalham bem como vai ser o combate do jogo, CHEIO, LOTADO, ABARROTADO DE INIMIGOS. Na edição "Scholar of The First Sin" eles tiveram a brilhante idéia de colocar mais inimigos. Como essa versão foi a primeira que eu joguei, tive uma impressão mais negativa do jogo. Jogando a versão original fiquei impressionado que Iron Keep e Amana Shrine ( duas áreas do jogo) foram bem menos ruins de se atravessar.

Dark Souls 2 tem uma das melhores idéias da franquia, por exemplo, Bonfire Asthetics, Power Stance, Soul Vessel, mas todas essas coisas acabaram sendo ocultadas pelo level design questionavel, bossfights ruins, hitboxes bugadas pelo stat de ADP, Ganks irritantes, Runbacks dolorosas. Eu sinceramente poderia ficar muito mais tempo escrevendo sobre os problemas desse jogo, mas eu não vou, porque sou preguiçoso.

Dark Souls 2 é um jogo que podia ser muito bom, mas por causa do seu desenvolvimento problemático acabou sendo um jogo ruim (NA MINHA OPINIÃO).



I mean like, this is pretty self explanatory. This is easily the weakest souls installment fromsoft mustered out. The healing system is cheecks, the hitboxes are cheeks, etc. 3.5 because of Majula.

Tenho amor por esse jogo, pois foi através dele que conheci a série Souls.

Indescribable feeling and unreplicable charm, nostalgia googles are unweareable for this one, my first souls game, no one can judge me for loving the shit out of this.

Majula OST is my wake up alarm.

Histórica aportación pero no le puedo poner un 10