Reviews from

in the past

Holy bad dialogue, this has some bad dialogue- at least the activity and weapons are pretty neat.

This review contains spoilers

RIP Lance Reddick

RIP Amanda Holiday

Fun seasonal gameplay shit but uhhh what the fuck was the stroy. Amanda literally dies like MJ from the spiderman ps2 game lmfao

This is a review of the story content in Season of Defiance, which was pretty ding dang solid. Still have a ton of unanswered questions, but the vocal performances in the aftermath of a certain plot event were fantastic.

Not too bad but lost interest fairly quickly

Expansion seasons are never great, and this is no exception. bland activity, mediocre loot, really really bad story that only adds salt to the lightfall wound. Only saving grace is the Vexcalibur mission being kinda cool.

Like hunt and risen, except the content added was good, beneficial, and needed cause lightfall drip fed some things

Weapons were not desirable though

only battle pass I've ever completed and I don't think I'll ever do that again. shit was wild to get my head wrapped around and it's crazy it just keeps happening every 3 months

-there is one singular notable event that happens in this entire seasons' story.
-same stupid mission every week.
-insanely short story.

Destiny 2: Season of Defiance has a mediocre story and not enough content. But, the main new content here; Defiant Battlegrounds worked for me. I really really enjoyed them. And the event of the season, Guardian Games 2023 was also cool. I liked seeing the Supremacy mode again. So overall, I think it was a bit above average. I hope the next season will be much better.(Spoilers: The next season is like the best thing that happened to this game in a long, long while.)

The Full Review(No Spoilers):

A Nostalgia Bait
I am one of the defenders of Destiny 2: Lightfall. Yeah, it’s story wasn’t good. Many of the things weren’t explained. Characters didn’t work, the villain didn’t work and it unfortunately wasn’t the “Infinity War” of Destiny that basically all of us had expected. But I still thought that the Strand was the best new addition to the game in a long time and I thought that many of the missions had great design.

Art direction and music were also top notch. So I was also pretty excited to dive deep into the Season of Defiance content. After 20+ hours later, I have to say that this season was not good. Let’s start with the basic story summary. The Witness and the Shadow Legion are here and while we were fighting in Neomuna with Osiris and the Cloud Striders; things at our home went bad.

Shadow Legion forces have been kidnapping citizens across the Earth and we don’t know why. Mara Sov, Amanda Holliday, Mithrax and Devrim Kay joins forces to help rescue citizens from the Pyramid prisons. The story here is fine. It actually has some huge implications and it really shakes many of our characters but the writer team didn’t want to show those things much.

Seeing Devrim Kay again is great. Seeing Amanda alive and well is a delight as well. But while this season could have gone deeper into these 2 particular characters’ stories, it just doesn’t focus on them. Yeah, we get some new information about Amanda’s past but it really is nothing compared to what we got for Caiatl in Season of the Chosen or what we got for Mithrax in Season of the Splicer.

This season is also poor in the content department. We have a new activity called Defiant Battlegrounds. They are actually good and I like them. There are I think 3 different variations of it. They are cool. I usually don’t like the Ascendant Plane as a concept but they mix that design with the Pyramid/Witness design and I loved it.

But that’s pretty much it. We have 2-3 story missions I believe but they are not that good. Battlegrounds are much much much better than those missions. And the other new content we got was an exotic quest. Which was, just okay in my opinion.

Event of the season was Guardian Games and I liked it. I liked the Crucible mode Supremacy, I have bad memories with it from D2 Vanilla but seeing it back was fun. This was also the first time I tried out the event pass. Yes, I am a returning player. In the last few years I didn’t get into the seasonal stuff much. So the event pass was a new thing for me. I purchased it, yep. I did it. And, I didn’t it was that bad. I liked the rewards, I liked the challenges. I got everything instead of the projection I think and I was very happy with it.

Destiny 2: Season of Defiance has a mediocre story and not enough content. But, the main new content here; Defiant Battlegrounds worked for me. I really really enjoyed them. And the event of the season, Guardian Games 2023 was also cool. I liked seeing the Supremacy mode again. So overall, I think it was a bit above average. I hope the next season will be much better.(Spoilers: The next season is like the best thing that happened to this game in a long, long while.)