Reviews from

in the past

adaptação fiel da chegada do et d varginia no interior d minas gerais

A fun enough remake, I had never played the original myself so it was a fun game to experience, the story pokes fun at a lot of serious topics, mainly related to American culture, a lot of the dialogue is campy and does show it's original age, the story isn't all that long and pretty varied with the exception of a couple too many stealth missions, but the main fun to be had is in the side open world activities you unlock by progressing in the campaign with only a couple of those getting at times frustrating towards the end of the game.

Nothing special, but a fun enough thing to pick up for idle fun.

Great if you're five years old, which is probably how old I was when the original came out since I used to think this game was a masterpiece.

It's mechanically fine.. for the most part, but it's just painful to get through. It's sensory overload, the NPCs and main characters just never, ever shut the hell up. It's chaotic in all the wrong ways and was an aggravating slog to get through.

There are very similar mission designs that repeat elements, so half the time you finish them in minutes only for the game to all of a sudden ramp the difficulty to 1,000 right in the final inning for no real reason but to spit on me on its way out.

vastly improved remake that makes me cum, still corny

Took me awhile to get into it, because of the re-usage of the compressed voice acting straight from the original PS2 game.

Other than that, it functions pretty well; human NPCs are cartoony looking, missions and challenges are varied and of course, destroying anything in your path is what I always seek in those type of games.

Great game, plays just like the original with extra QoL updates (like the hoverboard)

fun but I did not give a shit about any part of the story

Not an outstanding title by today's standards, but the remake looks great and it was a fun return to my childhood for a brief time.

the definitive version of a childhood favorite

not a huge fan of the graphics of this remake
but still an enjoyable time

Solid remake, feels harder than the original but was a great return to see

I swear I remember the original game being a lot better than this... But I won't judge this remake for the content of the original. So I guess I'll give 5 stars since it's a good remake, even if playing it made me realize the base game kinda sucks.

It only adds more good to the game. Lots of nice little quality of life changes that you didn't know you needed until you started playing. Plus lots more details to make the world feel more alive. Normally I'm not into remakes, which I guess says something complimentary about this.

The game itself is mindless fun and destruction. It's for people who played GTA but never did the story, just ran around killing everyone. Not really sure who this game is FOR. Its game play loop only entertained me as a kid, and as an adult it falls flat. But then the characters are talking about communism and you're firing an anal probe at people to make their brains pop out, so, who knows. Maybe that means it's meant for the whole family to enjoy together.

It's just fun.

Like sometimes you just need something that's fun.

i think the moment i was fully confident that i was playing a fantastic remake, its when you start the first Rockwell level and if you go near the cars outside the fair, you can see cars shaking with handprints on the windows, it shows that the developers have a fantastic eye for small details.

this is text book example of an excellent remake that doesn't strive away from what made the original good, improve issues with its controls and didn't removed any content while adding stuff that makes the open world feels more lived in, though its only issue is random stuttering no matter your specs.

completely full with confidence with its new gameplay additions, allowing from combat being a smooth as possible thanks to being able to use your Psi-Abilities on the press of a single quick keybind/d-pad arrow, instead of forcing you to open a sub-menu like in the original, an addition to a free skateboard-like dash that allows exploration to be more fun and adding mechanics from its sequel like transmorg objects for ammo.

loved it all.

Not too bad of a game - I absolutely hated the beginning of this and I didn't come back to it for ages but once you get into it a little more, it starts to become better when you learn everything Crypto has to offer as well as your saucer. Quite a bit of the game is challenging, I like how it's mission based with optional challenges and you can level up a lot of your abilities. Overall enjoyed it and 100%ing but I know others will love it more than I did

Just finished up the game today. While some frustrations here and there, it was still an fun time playing through it.

Divertido e desafiante na medida certa. Passou a sensação de nostalgia de quando joguei o primeiro quando era criança.