Reviews from

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My childhood game, remastered vers

I remember playing the original version of this game all the time as a kid on the OG Xbox so I was excited to revisit it when this remaster came out. It's fun! A deeply flawed game, one that hasn't aged perfectly in it's writing and has some missions that just are not fun. But this is a good game, even outside of the nostalgia you get that lovely, pulpy theremin music. The fun suite of weapons literally all of which are enjoyable. And the jokes that do land are pretty damn funny. It's not perfect but it's definitely worth a play, and I'm glad a relic from my childhood got remade.

5/5 for how good of a remake it is.
Some nice graphics, thoughtful tweaks to modernize some gameplay elements and appreciation for the source material.

Unfortunately the gameplay is inherently outdated in some aspects. If you didn't love these games on the PS2 I can't imagine you would be too impressed by what is on offer here.

I, however, adored these games as a kid and happily played this game to 100% completion, something I rarely ever do for any game.

Worth a trip down memory lane.

I enjoyed this remaster and am looking forward to experiencing the sequel visually the same.

Destroy All Humans is simple fun, while a bit unrefined I feel that it’s sense of humor and core gameplay loop is really solid and while I wish it wasn’t so repetitive it’s definitely the game you boot up as a kid just to mess around in.

This game could be recoated with however many layers of graphics possible, that dialogue screams mid 2000's.

entretenido pero se torna muyyy repetitivo en poco tiempo, en sesiones cortas esta god

I played the original Destroy All Humans! quite often when it first came out. It stood alone then as being unique - playing the 'villain', piloting space-craft and vaporising humans seemed a new take on a third-person open-world shooter. Its writing was dry and sarcastic, and riffing off 1950s Cold War hysteria and pop-culture was something new for me as a teen. You were humanity's saviour: saving them from their stupid selves, harvesting brains for the good of the Furon Empire.

Does this all translate today? A lot of it does actually, but perhaps not entirely. The writing and performance seems a bit stilted and the complexity of the missions aren't nearly as groundbreaking anymore, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun.

Like Spyro and Crash remakes, the differences to the original are predominately visual. Blackforest Games have 'cartoonified' the models here which is a striking difference but works more in the game's favour than against it, I thought. Unlike those PS1 remakes, there are some gameplay control changes which work well for me but might not for others. Some added abilities from the second game like the Transmog are welcome, and an all-new S.K.A.T.E. mechanic for quick traversal on ground as well as better manoeuvrability for the jetpack are both godsends. New side-story challenges are a good addition too.

Definitely worth picking up if you liked the original but may not have legs if you’re new to the games. Honestly, it’s incredible to me that it was even chosen by game developers to be remade as although the games have a decent following, it’s not that huge.

Peut être un des pires jeux auxquels j’ai pu jouer de ma vie

pure ps2 fun, but enhanced. story is goofy and the ending is very clearly meant to say "yo were making another game btw what if furons went to other country". overall pretty fun but its nothing remarkable, doesnt overstay its welcome.

FUCK humanity, I like the idea of the game but they reuse models a little too much like come on its not so fun when everyone looks the same, I wanna kill someone and then never see those dumb ass faces again

Horrendous game design got me so angry I broke my headphones, fuck my life.

Na época do play 2 joguei muito do Destroy all humans 2 e muito pouco desse, é legal jogar o jogo e entender as piadas e poder aproveitar mais das baboseiras que o jogo faz, mas o jogo é bem básico e sem muita profundidade.
Me diverti fazendo os desafios para pegar 100%, que também é bem fácil e acrescenta umas horas a mais de jogo.

It's a fun little game with outdated but still kind of funny humour. Sadly there is nothing else interesting about this. Especially the missions consist of the same 3 objectives every single time and the weapon choice is very limited. Sometimes remakes should add some more content rather than just giving it modern graphics cause this game lacks content ALOT and it shows.

feel like the original game is more charming

It was nice to get the chance to replay this with new graphics and all

I truly thought I would never see this game series again, and then one day this randomly got announced out of nowhere. Not only that, but it is incredible. It is such a resounding improvement over the original in every way that I can possibly think of. Black Forest Games managed to incorporate all of the best elements of every DAH! game beforehand and turn it into the best release in the series' history. The only thing I really dislike is the new human character designs which are wildly different from the original, but I can look past it since the rest checks out.

Bem divertidinho, gostoso de completar até o fim.

The blueprint for how to do a remake

Destroy All Humans is an enjoyable ride with some decent comedy, though it falls short in some areas.There's a lot of aspects of this game that feel like they're just a few steps away from being great, but just settle for being decent or good enough. Combat is a bit mindless, while you have a good amount of options to take on enemies, the combat situations themselves are just pretty samey. Shooting in of itself isn't really the most fun either. I found myself having the most fun trying to complete the challenges you gain access to after entering new maps, races especially.

Could use some more mission varieties.

Fun with the interesting story. But the fact that the damaged cities don't stay damaged kind of kills the whole point.

A classic arcade gameplay style remastered.

Never owned this when I was a kid and only really played it a couple times over friends houses so I have really little attachment to this franchise. I did enjoy parts of the gameplay such as the half baked stealth mechanics and games funny for the most part with a really fun concept but I didn’t enjoy the mission structure after the first couple hours. I imagine the sequel addresses the issues I had with the gameplay and mission structure so I’ll definitely give that a try down the line. I also found this to be another THQ remaster that looks good in parts but simultaneously really ugly it’s a shame because a game like this could really shine with a decent remaster. Despite my issues this game regularly costs like £2.50 on sale so I’d say it’s probably worth the price of admission.

While charming, Destroy All Humans! doesn't hold much substantial content in its gameplay. Everything in this game is very simplistic, from the combat to the flying, and the stealth sections are pretty bad. There isn't much to be said about this game besides the fact it can be a good time waster and something to play when you don't want to think too much.