Reviews from

in the past

Si no fuera por las misiones de V y la repeticion de algunas misiones a las ultimas horas de juego, este seria mi Hack n' Slash favorito y mi juego favorito de toda la vida, de inicio a fin amé este juego con todo mi ser, quizá el diseño de niveles es algo simple, pero el combate compensa totalmente todos los apartados en los que falla este juego, cada run que hago del juego significa experimentación, descubrimiento y sobre todo, diversión con locura.
De los mejores juegos que existen, y espero con muchisimas ganas lo siguiente que nos traiga Capcom para la saga (si es que nos trae otro juego, claro).

Fazer uns combos fodas e ouvir uma música foda é tudo de melhor que uma pessoa pode ter, jogo muito bom.

"Devils cry huh? Let's hear what that SOUNDS LIKE!"

This game feels like a dream come true.

Nearly every single thing about this game is great, the story, the characters, the combat, the music, the presentation.

There's literally no way this game even exists, but im glad it does.


The story is very meh, but the gameplay is great.

Muito divertido, além de como é diferente jogar com os 3/4 personagens disponíveis.

this game was extremely fun, i dont care for DMC story but, if you're wanting that hack and slash action packed fun. This game is perfect for you.

the combat is amazing the story is also amazing this would be a 10/10 but playing as V sucks ass its shit i fucking hate him who the fuck designed such a shitty playable character holy fuck i hate V

Took Capcom 11 years to add in an actual camera that wasn't controlled by Lakitu.

تصميم قتال رهيب

was pretty cool, i enjoyed it and i did a little bit of achievement grinding as well
i dont find it as nice as dmc3 for example but it's still a nice and cool experience

they really turned the word 'badass' into a game and it goes hard

The only DMC game I've ever played before this was the 2013 reboot, so I'm not gonna pretend like i understand any of what's going on in the story. What I can say I understand is the absolutely engaging gameplay. This game just doesn't let you take a breather; it's constantly introducing new characters and weapons way before you can get used to the previous ones you got (using the void was necessary for me). It was definitely overwhelming at first, but once I was able to get a hold of the controls and learned how to string my combos correctly, I had the most fun I've ever had in a hack'n'slash game. The soundtrack goes so hard too, you can tell each part of this game was made with love and care. My only complaints with this game are that the camera kinda does what it wants sometimes and it messes with my combos a lot. Also, playing this game with a controller is REALLY recommended. I played it with mouse and keyboard the whole time, and I could tell I should have used a controller. It's not unplayable by any means, but you should definitely dust off your controller if you're getting this game on pc. I did not expect to have this much fun with this game, but I will definitely check out the rest of the franchise since it's all available on Steam.

This review contains spoilers

Gameplay is absolutely top notch and the characters are fantastic, only reason I don't give it a perfect 5 is because a certain character (Vergil) sorta feels like a parody of himself from the past.

This game was amazing!

The story was biblical, which I enjoy lol, the combat was outstanding and fun, and the music was super memorable!

I gotta replay it though, its been some time already and we didn't have Vergil back then!

A fantastic entry, whose only blemish are 2 story elements that could have worked better if they had been slightly reworked.

DMCV story is so wacky but the gameplay is just so fire and the music is such a banger

No mentiré, es el único devil may cry que he jugado y me gustó muchisimo, tengo planeado jugar a los demás

- Fun hack and slasher where you just go through the game and levels again and again getting better at them.
- High verity of characters, enemies, bosses and set pieces that it never has a chance to get boring.
- The fighting mechanics can be simple yet very deep and getting good at it is very rewarding.
- Banger OST.

An absolutely magnificent game, and tied for 3 with my favorite action game ever.

A perfect finale (as of writing this) to the series and pretty much on par with or even in some cases surpassing DMC3. Basically taking everything that was great from 3 and 4 and expanding on what made them great even further while adding even more brilliant ideas to make the definitive DMC game. Worth a play even as an entry point for the series if you don't care for the story, but an infinitely better experience overall if played after playing the previous three entries.