Reviews from

in the past

most relaxing few hours of my week

Le eché un ojo hace bastante tiempo cuando tenía la Xbox, pero no le acabe pillando el gusto. Recientemente, estaba aburrido y no tenía nada a lo que jugar, vi que este estaba en la sección de juegos aquí en backloggd y decidí darle una segunda oportunidad.

Me ha acabado gustando bastante, es un juego así tranquilito que te pasas en una tarde o noche, perfecto cuando estás cansado y no quieres pensar ni nada de eso.

Tiene un estilo visual y efectos de sonido bastante chulos, muy apropiado para un juego de este tipo. El desarrollador de este juego la verdad es que ha tenido una ideaza superoriginal.

This was cute! A 2 hour indie game in which you’re a hole in the ground sinking things into the hole. The more you sink, the more the hole grows — VERY Katamari. The game mechanics and level design didn’t evolve or expand as much as I wanted them to — I wanted to sink whole cities and nations like the last level of a Katamari game — but it’s short enough that I wasn’t bothered too much. More importantly, the hole sinking mechanic is extremely satisfying. Cute writing, though I almost wish there was less story and more of a level-based structure with more levels. Either way, a worthwhile romp well worth the $3.75 this costs when Annapurna puts it on sale.

short and sweet. kind of plays like a good children's picture book.

Levels are fun and cute artstyle. I wish there was a bit more challenge or variety in mechanics but it was good for what it was. Writing was pretty annoying, don't like the twee so randumb lolz style

Ça détend et y a des musiques sympas.

I watched the one Good Game Spawn Point stream 4000000 times and its still amazing, that racoon can burn in a fire

tal do jogo do buraco.
nesse jogo você controla um buraco que engole coisa, e quanto mais coisa engole, maior o buraco fica.
não fazia nem ideia de que um jogo com tal premissa teria uma história completa, mas tem. é engraçadinha até.
jogo bom

katamari-like game but with holes, donuts, and raccoons

o jogo é bom, pena que é mt curto

This game makes you crave eternal destruction.

Short but lovely game, gameplay was really easy but fun

Really fun idea, nice art and funny story, but it feels like part of it is missing, and it never gets difficult.

The raccoon is a liar and gaslighter, a perfect role model

Cosy game that doesn't take itself too seriously and that's all it needs to be!

Honestly just a satisfying game nothing more to it tbh

Nhé… ok
Nada demais rsrs mas diverte dentro daquele momento de jogo, a história é um pouquinho carismática, mas não vai agradar todos por seu tempo e estilo (ele é estiloso mas ao mesmo tempo um pouco ultrapassado)

Vale a experiência :)

stop bullying my man BK, he ain't done nothing wrong

I love this. It could use a bit more challenge to the gameplay, but the story is great, the mechanic, katamari-like and entertaining that you're playing with is bizarre and quite fun. And all the critter characters and casual dialogue make this one of my most memorable games I've played lately.

a garota eh uma insuportavel, o guaxinim um filho da puta e esse jogo eh um lixo

Uma história simpática sobre o capitalismo selvagem

It's short but really enjoyable, cute and very funny

Its a good game after school to relax too