Reviews from

in the past

I get why someone would love this but I think it just adds more of the open world grinding that I did not like about the original game. Interesting story I guess.

This adds the most interesting area to explore of the whole game. You walk over giant tree branches, and meet a cool tribe, and fight a cool dragon, good stuff.

Yeah, it's another part of the map...

Finished the main game + Descent + Trespasser in early 2020, but recently I've been coming back to the game to finish open world stuff I had left, so I decided to also start the DLC and it was a great choice! Hakkon brings a totally new region, with its own lore, main story and conflict. In a lot of ways, it's like any other region of the main game but better. It uses many of the open world systems and type of quests you can find in other zones but they feel more natural and necessary, and the narrative keeps things varied and interesting.

Most likely the best map in the game featuring visually stunning diversity and a clear storyline but little additional depth mechanically.
+ beautiful environments that aren't individually extraordinary but definitely make for a well-crafted exploration adventure
+ decent self-contained narrative that may fit anywhere in the main campaign
- same-old collectibles and hardly memorable side quests strewn about