Reviews from

in the past

-Call back to old RPGs, really classic mechanics and very familiar to handle.
- Interesting characters and plot with great character interactions.
- Multiple starting points providing interesting backstory and giving you different perspective based on how the world treats you different.

A must play - This game already achieved everything baldur's gate III.

Dragon Age: Origins is one of those classic RPGs that sticks with you. The story's epic, your companions are unforgettable, and the choices you make actually feel like they matter. The combat can get a bit clunky, and the graphics definitely show their age, but if you love a rich fantasy world, complex characters, and building up your own Grey Warden, this is absolutely a must-play.

Such a good game, god, I love it

Hated the combat, everything else was good.

"The first time I played it, I was around 14 I think, so when I found out about the Dragon Age 4 reveal as an adult, I decided to replay all three games. I tell you, as an adult I have much more appreciation for the game. Just because the graphics are outdated and some of the lesser important characters have shitty voice acting means nothing to me now. I also don’t hate the combat system anymore and realize just how much depth and story is there is to this game."
- Pretentious 19 year old me

I was liking the game itself (not very well aged but I was ok w/ that) but the constant crashes, memory leaks and glitches made it an unbearable experience I couldn't finish

I really wanted to see what all the hype was about, but it never got great for me.

Bioware in it's prime is only matched by a few companies (FromSoftware is one of them). It proceeds to release some of the greatest games of all time and fall out of public opinion immediately after. Amazing writing, and everything.

- Jogabilidade não envelheceu bem;
- Apesar de poucos, há bugs de parar o jogo e impedir o progresso em certas partes;
- Curva de dificuldade inconsistente (principalmente em batalhas encontradas nas missões principais, mesmo que você esteja bem preparado para tais);
- Péssima IAs dos companheiros.

- Variada possibilidade de cenários iniciais para personagens criados;
- História, mundo e personagens ótimos;
- Boas DLCs.

Listei poucos pontos positivos em relação aos negativos, mas deve se levar em conta que é um jogo da Bioware e tais pontos positivos são os fortes das produções da desenvolvedora. E como visto na maravilhosa trilogia Mass Effect, isso é o suficiente para dar uma chance mesmo anos depois do lançamento do jogo, apesar dos problemas que se possa encontrar.

Uma obra-prima absoluta. A jogabilidade tem seus problemas, mas ele é a culminação de muitos talentos do WCRPG, o melhor produto saído na hora certa.

preciso rejogar mas lembro com muito carinho da história e personagens desse jogo. merece mais reconhecimento.

Played for the first time last month. Absolutely incredible RPG experienced, almost unmatched levels of detail ESPECIALLY for the time.

A quest da fade é tao ruim que o mod que skipa ela ta na primeira pagina dos mais baixados

Одна из самых моих любимых игр, проходила несколько раз подряд. Каждый раз играя разные роли главных героев. Вариативность финалов и исходов позволяет вам играть в нее снова и снова.

Из минусов, плохая русская озвучка, но тут уже вопросы не к игроделам. Немного непривычный для меня система боя, но я привыкла и стала мастером.

I didn't play long enough to rate it, but what I did play, I loved

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- The interaction with companions; their missions, conversations, the way they really feel like companions and not like burdens or shields.

- The lore in general. It is intriguing to know the motivations of the glooms, why there are dragons, what happened in the previous ruins, what is the origin of the races, what is beyond Ferelden.

- Build your character. From the personality that you give him in the dialogue options, such as class, race, specializations, skills, etc. It takes time to do your

"Definitive character," but in the end you feel it's worth it.

- The epic of the story. After all, how many times is one the hero destined to save the world?

- There are enough decisions that affect the story. As simple as killing or not killing someone, helping a certain group, turning one of your companions into a king or even taking the throne yourself; all this greatly influences immersion.

- The tactics. Although at first it may seem complicated, once you give yourself the time to understand them you will see how it rewards. Seeing how your group works perfectly is very satisfying.

- The initial stories. They are perfect, they add a lot to the role-playing section and gives it a lot of replay value.

The reason I like it so much lies in his charisma, his attention to detail, his setting and the deep way in which his world can connect with you.
If you like RPGs and fantasy then I highly recommend it. What if you've never played an RPG? Then you can watch a gameplay to see if it would be something you would like or not.
Dragon Age: Origins is an incredible video game, and once you finish it you want to lose your memory just to be able to enjoy this adventure again. Since knowing a story like that of Ferelden's Hero is something that rarely happens.

The start of the hyperfixation that's still going strong to this day.
While the combat is clunky and it's not pretty by any stretch of imagination, it's still one of my absolute favorite games of all time and will probably continue to be.

No rating yet. I hated this game for the longest time due to its sluggish combat. Finally, after over five attempts, I completed the introduction with the Mage class and I began to really see why people love DAO. Unfortunately due to other game releases, I left it behind, though I plan to finish it later.

My favorite of the Dragon Age games and one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Especially for the time, it offered unparalleled depth and choice for an RPG, all in a package that was complex yet accessible for newcomers to the genre. The first time I romanced an NPC and greatly enjoyed the experience.

The only game in my life that I completed more than three times. It is perfect even to this game. Bring back GOOD gaming please!

Great RPG. Fun story, and interesting companions. The gameplay hasn't aged the best but it's still worth playing if you're into isometric-type gameplay.

It's meandering.

Fighting a faceless evil as an awkward group that have nothing to do with each other than an interest in preserving humanity.

David Gaider's razor wit and skill in writing characters can only go so far in a game collapsing under the weight of what it wishes to be.

I am so incredibly disappointed with Dragon Age: Origins. There is common discourse online that this is one of the greatest fantasy RPGs ever made. To address this, let's look at the two core pillars of the genre - gameplay and writing.

The writing for this game, the plot and setting, the dialogue and the characters, feels lacking in a way. The world is well crafted enough, but it lacks a distinct edge. It's fantasy, it's evil monsters, it's civil war - but it's never innovative. I found the characters to be underwhelming too. Alistair and Morrigan were my two favourite companions, while everyone else I found felt disconnected from me. They just join you basically out of some vague duty to save the world or just because they don't have much else going on. I can recall very few characters relating to quest lines that were interesting enough to make any lasting impression either.

But whatever lacks in the writing department, it's still a cut above most video game writing - I will give it that. My number one issue with this game is ironically how much the game gets in the way. Simply put, the gameplay is tedious. Bad, even, at times. And yet there are literal hours between story beats that oblige you to trudge through dungeons killing room after room of bland enemies. I know this is a 2009 release, and therefore isn't going to be technically fantastic, but the enemy variety is so poor. This is exacerbated further by every enemy being fought the same way anyway, meaning any visual variety (of which there is little) hardly matters.

On that note, the game is ugly. Again, expected, but that doesn't change the fact. Animation is stiff and the world is so utterly bland. This is worsened by the abysmal soundscape; the game's soundtrack is so poor it may as well not exist, while the sound design is distinctly lacking. From a bustling market in the capital city to the otherworldly planes of the Fade, there is basically just complete silence - maybe the bare minimum ambience just to keep you from thinking your sound system has entirely stopped working.

So in the end I find little to recommend about this title. I have seen online that this game is placed alongside other contemporaries in a certain "big three" of the fantasy gaming genre. This in 2009, Skyrim in 2011 and The Witcher 3 in 2015. These comparisons do the game no favours. The world is far too unimmersive to be mistaken for Skyrim, while its narrative lacks the charm, wit and creativity of The Witcher's setting and characters. There is a place in the gaming canon for Dragon Age, but I don't believe it is worth revisiting. Know it's place in history, but feel no obligation to ever visit it.

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