Reviews from

in the past

Great start to a great series. If only it wasn't from 2009 and played like so :”)

The dialogue in this is insufferable and filled with Joss Whedonism. This is so 2009 it's wild, like looking into a time capsule. Morrigan (who seems to be the fan favorite to this day) is like built from the ground up to appeal as much as possible to the sexual fantasy of the 2009 cisgender reddit guy. She's an outspoken goth atheist who hates poor people and fucks on the first date. There's a bit in the game where a profiteering trader inflates prices during a crisis to make a quick buck. Morrigan gets mad at you for threatening him to stop lmfao. What a testament to its time.

Despite being a CRPG in the tradition of Baldur's Gate and Planescape DAO draws just as much from World of Warcraft. The strafing and movement (including holding both m1 and m2 at the same time to walk without WASD) feels exactly like WoW. Enemies have their names in white/yellow/red to show power. Quests are denoted by "!" marks on the mini map. Cities are way too big for their inhabitants and are a pain to walk around. It's charming but also unexpected, one doesn't expect a CRPG to have this sort of direction or speak this sort of MMO-inspired language. You can play top down with pause combat like a classic CRPG or zoom in to play in 3rd person like WoW and both sorta work. It's a direction that's different from both the classic CRPGs of the late 90s and the more recent CRPG revival in games like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin. It's sorta neat in that respect I'd say. DAO is less about resource management like most other CRPGs and more about figuring out individual encounters which tend to try to trip you up with different enemy compositions and positioning. Your mana and health fully regen at the end of battles and there are no spell slots so DAO is able to be less about fighting a war of attrition and instead going through individual challenging encounters without worrying about having enough resources for the next fight. There's not many easy fights that are just there to eat away at potions and spells which leads to a clean pacing for the combat. There's very little excess, and you've got to strategize for each encounter. Sometimes the way to win is classic tank and spank, sometimes you've gotta take out a mage in the back before they cast fireball, sometimes you're surrounded and need to depend on crowd control to get your casters in a safe position, sometimes assassins appear out of nowhere and go for your back ranks... Lots of variance in the encounters and all the classes are fun. Mages especially have a ton of options.

Best part of the game by far is the Dwarven underground city chapter, the dungeons for that bit of the game are massive and there's a lot of enemy variety. Just interesting encounters back to back to back as you go through an enormous hellish lava maze. The choice you have to make between supporting one of two shitty Dwarven candidates for kingship is also interesting compared to most of the choices you make throughout the game. DAO doesn't give you much info to start about your options, but in exchange let's you swap your choice and betray both candidates several times. You can play it like the plot of Yojimbo or A Fistful of Dollars where you're this outsider that exploits both sides.

DAO has some sparkling moments of brilliance despite also being what feels like the model for all these newer annoyingly written video games. Like, there's a random encounter you can get on the worldmap that's just meant to be a cheeky reference to the Superman origin story. Fuck off with that. If this had a better writing team and took itself more seriously it could have been great, but alas...

I have to admit I dropped at final boss cause it was too hard and I was really young back then when I played it. Dont remember everything but game was so immersive and RPG-like. Cool combat-strategy system.

i always play as an elven mage in rpgs because of this game

My first true love in a game. Forever a favorite.

Esse jogo foi onde consegui criar o personagem mais parecido comigo até hoje KKKKKKKKKKKK

I'm really loving the characters and story but it crashes SO MUCH.
I'm also not a fan of the gameplay but i can tolerate it.

I truly loved this game. When was the last time you played a game where it felt like your choices truly mattered? The story, companions, and choices are unforgettable. My favorite part of the game was probably huddling by a campfire and chatting up my party members after every quest. Even though I played this game nearly 10 years ago, I still think back on it fondly.

It makes me sad that the game has so many issues on PC. Wish EA would remaster the Dragon Age series like they did for Mass Effect. If you can stomach the dated graphics and gameplay, along with potential crashes, it really is a gem.

I feel like the graphics are a bit dull - but it is an older game.

One of the best (if not the best) rpgs ever made..
The characters, the world, the story, just everything in this game is so rich and perfectly written... How your race helps shape the story, how every (little) choice you make may or may not have consequences later on... A timeless masterpiece..
The combat however.. Does age very fast as it is very "static" and pretty much all enemies have the same mechanics.. But you can get a mod that insta kills every enemy in combat so you can just play it for the story.

you may be a clunky mess, but you're MY clunky mess

My all time favorite video game. As buggy as it is, as awkward as some of the animations are, and as slow as the combat can be, this game makes it up tenfold with the characters, story and setting.

As someone who enjoys media mainly for characters, this was an easy sell. The cast is fantastic, all believable and interesting characters that help run the narrative, and a plot that is both foreboding and fun to unfold. It's also a fantastic entryway into the series, offering up the pillars and stepping stones to the grander world that would eventually come from future media.

I could honestly replay this game over and over again without getting bored. It's not the perfect game, but it's still a never-ending enjoyable experience and I couldn't recommend it more to everyone.

В игре отвратительная боевая система, это просто пиздец душный кал 0 из 10 в это нахуй невозможно начинать играть я 4 раза дропал эту хуйню и только на пятый раз смог пройти дальше и вкусить один из лучших сюжетов в игроиндустрии, охуенные персонажи, охуенный проработанный мир, из-за того что это собсна первая часть охуенная проработка и знакомство с миром, прекрасные диалоги, интересный сюжет который ещё и развивается хорошо, игра заслуживает 1/10 но всё остальное эту игру так вытягивают что можно охуеть я одновременно и люблю эту игру и ненавижу оо мои любимые глубинные тропы алистер все припарки выжрал гнида

Um dos melhores RPGs ocidentais que já joguei

De verdade, quando vi os videos de DAO na internet eu achava ele desinteressante, o combate muito lento e uma gameplay um tanto esquisita, porém eu tava completamente enganado sobre.

Dragon Age Origins segue o mesmo estilo de gameplay de jogos antigos da Bioware, você ve de longe que Baldur's Gate e Neverwinter Nights serviram de inspiração fortíssima pra construir DAO, que na minha opinião é bem mais abrangente e completo.

Seu estilo de combate é complexo e o jogador deve se adaptar e aprender a utilizar cada tática dele, de inicio é casca grossa mas depois que você pega a manha, o sistema vai se tornando bem satisfatório, confesso que de começo eu senti muito sono nas batalhas.

Mas Dragon age não oferece apenas combate como algo incrível a ser observado, seu sistema de gameplay eu diria que é o menos importante do jogo até então, afinal.. temos sua história que da inicio a todo essa trama e nos coloca no mundo de maneira amigável, rápida e calorosa.

Cada companion (personagens da party) do jogo tem uma personalidade própria, uns seguem ideologias e outros nem tanto, o que eu acho interessante é que o jeito deles e seus ideais, não os tornam personagens superficiais, muito pelo contrário, torna eles bem reais.

Em vários momentos do jogo eu me vi como se estivesse lendo um livro, eu gostava mais de um personagem do que do outro, e hora ou outra eu me via mais como um NPC do que como um protagonista de certo, pois havia momentos nas missões que um dos personagens se destacavam mais e eram mais pra frente pra dar sua opinião, sem ligar se vai te ofender ou não.

Discussões políticas nem sempre é algo que atrai muita gente, mas em Dragon Age isso é diferente, suas discussões são interessantes e causa conflito na mente de quem joga, dando um valor a mais as suas decisões.. coisa que eu não vejo em muito jogo cinemático de escolha por ai.. mas enfim.

Sei que pode ser bobo, mas o que eu mais gostei nesse jogo foi o sistema de romance, sério. Tu pode literalmente criar um triangulo amoroso nesse jogo, só toma cuidado pra não fazer besteira e acabar terminando sozinho.

Achei interessante o uso do sistema de aprovação nos personagens, alguns deles podem te ensinar a se especializar em uma parte de sua classe caso tenha uma boa reputação com eles, o que favorece e incentiva ao jogador a ser um bom companheiro com todos ou apenas com um que ensine a área que deseja.

Sem dúvidas se tornou um dos meus favoritos jogos de RPG, mas ele tem pontos negativos que vieram crescendo mais com o tempo, alguns deles há como resolver através de mods, outros.. só lidando.

O primeiro problema que notei em Dragon Age pra nós que falamos a lingua portuguesa, é que o jogo não tem uma legenda, claro isso na época era algo comum, porém hoje em dia pegar um jogo sem legenda pra jogar é um tanto.. desconfortável, principalmente esse que tem um ponto muito forte nos diálogos e narrações, por isso recomendo fortemente que coloque um mod de tradução em DAO para que sua experiência melhore bastante, o jogo fica bem mais confortável de jogar.

Ignore essa parte se você irá jogar nos consoles

E o seu outro problema que percebi jogando foi a respeito de alguns bugs e crashes que podem ocorrer nos PCs da atualidade, fechamentos inesperados durante o carregamento, quedas de FPS repentinas pra 24, bugs de texturas na folhagem das árvores (elas ficam quadradas que nem um joguin de N64) e entre outros. Eu não sei se esses bugs dão pra resolver através de mods ou não, eu não tentei, mas só sei que incomodaram bastante a minha experiência ao decorrer do jogo, era um saco eu entrar em uma dungeon ou caverna e pum do nada fechar e eu ter de abrir novamente.

Será que vale a pena jogar ele em 2023?

Sim, vale muito a pena, apesar de seu combate hoje já estar datado e seus gráficos não agradarem muito aos olhos de hoje em dia, ele ainda é um RPG que eu diria necessário pra se jogar, sua história, universo, filosofias que ele ensina, são coisas pra se levar pra vida cara, e com certeza depois desse aqui você que estiver aprendendo mais sobre o gênero, vai sacar muito mais das mecânicas dos RPG old school e aprender muito sobre.

Portanto, apesar de seus problemas que vieram com o tempo, DAO vale muito a pena dar uma chance, boa sorte Guardião.

Fazia tempo que eu não me divertia tanto em um RPG. Boa história, gráficos bons para a época e imersão. É um rpg clássico, bem aos moldes de Senhor dos Anéis.

Dragon Age tem um modo de batalha que é uma mistura de World of Warcraft com Final Fantasy 12 e com interações ao estilo de Skyrim (poder influenciar na história, diversas escolhas de diálogos, poder ser uma boa pessoa ou má). Tendo um mundo "semi-aberto" e parcialmente linear, mas te possibilitando explorar a maioria das dungeons na ordem que você quiser.

O jogo também traz um bom fator replay, afinal o inicio do jogo é diferente dependendo da raça e classe que você escolhe. São três raças (Humano, elfos e anões) e três classes (Guerreiros, ladinos e magos), mas com uma variedade de subclasses. Além de muitos mods, possibilitando adicionar mais classes ou novas campanhas. Tem também diversas campanhas oficiais que você pode baixar gratuitamente pro jogo pelo site da EA, que conta mais sobre alguns companheiros da party ou estende a lore de alguns acontecimentos.

At the time I really enjoyed the story and its choices. I wish that Bioware was still here

I loved the story and the characters, but I also haven't been able to finish more than one playthrough in 9 years. Mostly because of graphics and tediousness of some main quests (Fade my beloathed). I'm also partial to voiced characters, even if it limits my dialogue options.

This probably is Bioware's crowning achievement in the RPG genre.

One of those games that I have come back to numerous times and never been engaged with. I think its just not for me .

there's so much i wanna say about this game but i really wouldn't know where to start and don't want to ramble too much. uhhhhhhh play dragon age origins everything in the writing is amazing and also the romance ohmygod the romance the romance is so good.

Couldn't finish the game because the battle system and graphics started to get too irritating for me, but the romance system and the story is one of a kind and i definitely recommend.

I guess it was the first game that I remember I played that I could stop the fighting to work on strategy. Nice game!

Dragon Age is one of the exemplars of western RPGs for me, and one of the high bars I compare all other RPGs to. There is very little this game does wrong, and the minor missteps it does make are completely overshadowed by the quality of everything else.

Unfortunately the game hasn't aged very well, but at the time Dragon Age: Origins was a borderline masterpiece.

I woke up early on weekends just to sit on my bed and play this on my laptop

uh this was sure a game and I was definitely not someone who flirted with everyone

no no

they just have really low standards and so it was really easy to meet them and everyone seems to have an affinity for gift giving as a love language.

Game mechanics pretty okay but they definitely could have been better. I don't know.

if this wasnt a godawful buggy mess of a game the whole series would be contender for best game ive ever played, but alas origins and 2 are near unplayably broken (especially because it forces you to use a launcher that is no longer supported<3333)

I really want to love this game as much as everyone else does, but after giving it multiple shots over the years, I just can't play it for longer than a few hours.