Reviews from

in the past

Great RPG with a few minor issues.

This was pretty dang good. I throughdly enjoyed this game, I sat down one day and played for 13 hours and then did 8 the next day. I enojyed it. It had some minor enough issues with graphics bugging out, which looking online reveals its because its an older game so that sucks. Otherwise its pretty good, I'll definetly be playing the other ones (I say like I didnt get this in a bundle with the rest of the games and Mass Effect). Solid 4/5. I'd have more to say but I just finished it and its 3am. Just one more mission... it'll be over then...

I played this for the first time around the time it came out when I was a wee little boy. I never beat it, and so started a cycle of playing the first 10 hours or so every few years until I finally broke through and finished it last year. It's fine, a little underwhelming, but a serviceable crpg released before Bioware decided to heavily deemphasize any rpg elements in their games.

The writing and worldbuilding is a mixed bag, but the DLC stuff in particular felt really really empty and weak. Minor spoiler but favorite part of the game is towards the end where the "enchantments!" kid is just in a room filled with corpses giving you a blank stare, and if you ask him about it he just goes "enchantment." It's trope-y but it's a good bit.

Sluggish compared to 2, but absolutely mesmerizing even today, with some mods.

all quests, all side quests, all extra content, explored everything, all romances, all origins and classes

Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.
Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.
And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten...
and that one day, we shall join you.

Dragon Age Origins is a game where my love for Dungeons and Dragons truly manifested when I played this game with its medieval fantasy setting and even magic when imo is the most broken class that I have played out of many different runs with warrior, rouge and mage and the different races to play as well. This game is a masterpiece as it just puts you in the world we’re you have to make the hardest decisions and do the best as you can and honestly what really captivated me about this game is it’s world building, story and even the characters. This game is simply amazing as the story is feels very dark at times and hopeful in other and it can captivate the player and gets them really investing but it also compliments itself with the cast of characters that game gives us as Alistair and Morrigan are my 2 favorite character throughout the whole series as they are characters that I spent a lot of time with and they are truly special within the game but that doesn’t mean that the other characters are bad but in the contrary each companion are also interest and compliments the game well and honestly I really do love this and would recommend this to the people who are interested in the medieval fantasy genre

meu rpgzinho de dragões que quase não tem dragões :(

i really have no words for DA i just love it so much

Holy shit this game was good. Now I need to find Morrigan.

Ci ho provato mille volte a giocare questo gioco ma mi annoia e non riesce a farmi divertire in nessun modo
Non riesco nemmeno a capire perché visto che a me piacciono i kotor e questo ci si avvicina molto
Ma oggi mi sono effettivamente arreso

As I'm replaying this for the 2nd time I'm appreciating it a lot more in terms of it's gameplay. The tactics section of the game really adds to it and makes the overall stiffness of combat more interesting.

The story, the characters, the world however are still the main draw with this franchise and that's still true. Despite how dated it feels it's still very rich in how much effort was put into it. In that regard it feels very ahead of it's time. Not to mention representation in a game from before 2010, multiple bi characters and a non binary one is refreshing to see and helped just further add to the great character writing.

Is it clunky? Yes. Is the gameplay not the most interesting? Yes. But the experience you'll get from it's story, and characters very much makes up for those things. This entire series is the best rpg I've ever played and it's something I'd highly recommend for fantasy fans that want a truly unique experience.

Got this game thinking it was going to be like the Elder Scrolls, and I wanted a new game to play after my wisdom teeth got removed. Needless to say, I was confused and sad.

It is one of the games I have played and finished the most for many years and never forgotten. Apart from being my favorite among games in a similar genre, there is still no game that can replace this game for me today. Probably BioWare seems to have the capacity to do it again. I'm not tired of waiting because this game is still playable.

Meus olhos brilharam quando joguei pela 1x, eu senti que tudo que eu fazia tinha uma consequencia, cada morte, cada escolha, cada caminho. Eu realmente me encontrei nesse mundo e amei meus companheiros.

Just play it Daniel, it doesn't look that bad once you get into it.

Um jogo muito único que envelheceu muito bem. Bem escrito dado a sua época

the fact that this game doesn't have a remaster that doesn't crash every time you walk past a specific strip of market makes me want to rip shit apart with my fists

Dragon Age: Origins stands as an exemplary RPG that showcases the power of choice-driven storytelling, intricate character relationships, and tactical combat. Despite dated graphics and a slightly slow start, the game's immersive world, gripping narrative, and memorable companions make it a must-play for anyone who enjoys deep, engaging role-playing experiences. If you're a fan of fantasy, rich lore, and impactful decision-making, Dragon Age: Origins is a true gem that demands a place in your gaming library.

Smells like PEAK CINEMA to me.

the things i did to keep alistair happy was unreal
i sucked at the combat but i love it

"Great.. we have a dog now and Alistair is still the dumbest one in the party." -Morrigan

What a Masterpice, no rpg gonna beat this

PS3 review: I beat this game on the PC, but also ended up owning it on console. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as others did. I prefer many of Bioware's other games/franchises, such as Baldur's Gate, KOTOR, Jade Empire, and my personal favorite from them: Mass Effect, much more than their Dragon Age games.

Also, the PS3 version is just inferior to the PC one.

Peak Bioware really was on a whole another level

The combat system is deep, but in my opinion, there's far too much of it. Hours of this game will be spent fighting grunt enemies in long dungeons that you will have no chance to lose against 80% of the time. There's mods to skip the fade and deep roads areas, which are the worst offenders for this. I'd recommend getting them even on a first playthrough, I didn't and I really suffered for it.
Melee classes really aren't fun as their gameplay will mostly consist of watching your character slowly autoattack like their joints got replaced with tar and their muscles have atrophied from a 100 year coma. Play as a mage.

The real strength in this game is the dialogue. The freedom of choice is wider than in any other rpg I've played yet. Especially in the main quests, the variety of what can happen from your choices is impressive.
It's pretty hard to get a very good ending your first time, but that's what makes it interesting. I love Mass Effect, but the dialogue system handholds you, and you can assume the paragon dialogue option will lead to a good outcome 95% of the time. In DAO, being the stubbornly honorable nice guy can blow up in your face, just as it might in real life.

A lot of the flirting dialogue is incel-tier, and I don't think the writers for this game ever talked to women before. I can forgive that though because until ~2014 Michael Kirkbride was the singular game developer in the world who even knew what sex is.

I made it about 60 hours but then picked up another long RPG and couldn’t handle both

Story-wise very compelling, while the party members/questing varies from decent to very good. Dialogue trees are a bit rigid and not super flexible but again that’s a design limitation of the time. combat mechanics/party design are really solid to tinker with. The over world stuff is very limited and very much of its era, but I do think there is a very good game here if you come from either a BioWare background or an isometric RPG background.

Gotta be a straight five. There are a few party members that are eh, but time and time again, I come back to this game, and always leave with an impression that this was when Bioware was at their most dynamic.

What can I say?
I couldn't stop playing it.
Every time there was dialogue, I could pick a choice on what to do, always being in control of what my character does, reflecting my own personality and feeling truly immersed.

My first 5/5 in this platform and we'll deserved.

How the fuck is Morrigan straight

This review contains spoilers

There's a section late into the game where you are looking for one of your party member's wife. Due to dialogue choices, I had to kill her with that party member. After the fight ended, there was a glitch where he commented that he missed his wife. Shortly afterwards, the party talks to a stone golem who laments being a golem, and offers the party a reward. That party member then asks if he can reanimate his dead wife that he just murdered and if the golem could damn her to stone servitude/make it grippy, which the golem responds with "No. What the fuck, didn't you just hear what I said?". In a conversation with that party member later, he talks about his wife, imagines her having sex with her lesbian lover and goes into his tent to masturbate. His personal quest consists almost entirely of helping him sexually harassing a barmaid in some podunk tavern.

Having gone through both the PS3 and PC versions, I have no idea what game everyone else was playing. This game is such a greasy mess, I recommend having napkins nearby when playing.

I didn't get Bioware games until I started dating my current girlfriend and played through the Mass Effect trilogy when she asked. The appeal makes sense and is one I'll defend. You get a main plot that's stock even by genre standards, and a cast of character so well written that you go along on their adventures just for the chance to learn more about them. This sounds derogatory, but it's really not. Mass Effect 2 is a fantastic game despite having a bad main plot. The Elder Scrolls games are unplayably boring despite their attention to worldbuilding, I've asked multiple people to talk about a TES NPC without describing their occupation, appearance or role in the story and haven't gotten a response outside of Dagoth Ur memes.

This game has many issues, but the biggest flaw to me is that the cast of first Dragon Age has the least interesting versions of these reoccurring characters. Mass Effect 1 had this problem, but the characters are either bland and underwitten or are so outlandish that they make it impossible for me to take the game seriously. I really like Zevran, and there are parts of his story that resonate enough to where he's stuck in my head well after my initial playthrough. It's hard to take his more personal moments seriously when he responds to most of the events in the game like Austin Powers. There's a reoccurring character, who talks like he has some mental disability, is named "Sandal" and only says the word "Enchantment" that's basically a South Park joke (who, admittedly, made me laugh harder than anything else at the end of the game when the game hints that he's built like a fucking Terminator).

One of the most important events, not just in this game but to the canon of Dragon Age as a whole, involves busting a fat nutt inside Morrigan before the final fight. You have the option to make one of your other party members do it, despite his objections. The sex scene that follows had such poor direction, it was like sex being described by Master Shake.

The rest of the game is superfluous. The combat is acceptable, obviously better on the PC port but not to the extent that playing the PS3 version is an incomplete experience. It's a very buggy and unstable game, even on PC which makes the PS3 port almost worth considering out of stability. The areas that the game take place in range from "forgettable but inoffensive" to "drags on three hours too long". It looks of its time, the soundtrack is forgettable fantasy. You're not playing Dragon Age for any of these aspects and why would you? You're here because you want to go on a fantasy adventure with your new knife-eared friends, and in that respect Dragon Age is mediocre, but still has the Bioware charm.