just landed from the moon
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Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Origins
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Mass Effect
Mass Effect
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2


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Jun 17

Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Origins

May 09

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Jan 20

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Unfinished and so buggy at release that I literally had to stop playing after getting to baldur's gate because act 3 was a complete mess... and then eventually I just lost interest for the game... I was so disappointed because I had never been as excited as I was a few months back when the game was about to drop... On top of that I felt very little connection with my character, there was no prologue, they give 0 backstory to it, it doesn't talk etc... Compared to dragon age origins which still to this day remains my favorite character ever created in a video because of all the backstory you get and how it connects u to it.
Also act 3 felt very empty? shallow? (the whole game kinda if i'm being honest) Because there's just so much happening at the same time but nobody seems to care, it's as if your actions had absolutely no consequences.. There's (many) positive points to this game too such as all the choices and options u have, the gay sex etc.. But still... idk it just didn't hit sorry

THEE plot twist.. woah this game was a GAGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. Another bioware masterpiece.. Amazing story, world, character development, etc.. Definitely my favorite star wars game.

It started off soooooooooooooosososososo good... Really... I was so into it... But oh my god someone please take the pen away from david cage.. This game went downhill so fast.. I really don't get it, it had so much potential but it realy just became a shitshow towards the end,,, statues flying, first date sex, killer robots.. I was pissed.