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in the past

I'll just say I am glad I played this in co-op, because a single-player run of The Following would have broke me. The frenetic platforming of the base game is replaced with a piss-poor car to babysit, obtaining menial upgrades while becoming heavily reliant on it for any reliable transportation. The lack of rooftops to run/grapel through means trashing your car turns into an obnoxious hike, and dying throwing you to awful respawn watchtowers, or the start of a massive trek to an objective on the other side of the map. All of these little things add up to the core of Dying Light being missing from this expansion. While I can appreciate switching things up (in theory), it often leads to abandoning what made your core experience worth playing to begin with.

I only ever played Dying Light for its gameplay, and never its horrible narrative. The Following continues the ham-fisted writing and wallpaper voice acting but with mid-to-awful gameplay instead of the speed and fun of the base game. I'm glad I played this, but I will never touch it again and frankly makes Dying Light as a whole a lesser experience.

A pretty decent expansion that adds a huge new area, a buggy that's pretty much required to explore it, and a wide swath of new content. The story's got some issues, but it's otherwise serviceable. New weapons and gear also help improve the game a bit.

i think the whole buggy thing is alright. not by any means Incredible but it's fun enough. i do think that there's less to do and less to see but there are some good quests and good areas in there. i had a good enough time.

Dying Light - The parcour zombie game, now without parcour

I gotta say, I enjoyed more the story from this DLC than the story from the main game. Other than that, it comes with a lot of new content, a driveable car, a vast open countryside, and a mysterious cult to figure out about. The side quests are very nice, Tolga and Fatin return, some characters are interesting, and running over zombies is fun! I also really liked the plot twist in the end!

Overall, a pretty well-done DLC!

better main story than the base game, but i prefer parkour to driving

Decent expansion with interesting story.

Un juego muy ambicioso y que sorpresivamente culmina la historia de Harran, pero que termina siendo tedioso y torpe en sus sistemas. Pero no deja de ser divertido y con algunas misiones secundarias excelentes.

a massive improvement in terms of story beats by having an interesting angle to take the virus into something actually messed up

too bad they swap being deeply into copying Vaas to just copying Far Cry 3's style of gameplay of exploration, you won't be able to have the same exploration you had on the base game because of the lack of buildings to do parkour, a big shame, but it still well made map and removing Rais out of the equation is a huge boost in quality, i wished there could be a best of both worlds situation between the base game and this one

Love this DLC furthering of the story of Dying Light. Allowing you to go to the countryside in search of a cure, you are introduced to the dune buggy as a new game mechanic and means of traversal. Never would have guessed I'd enjoy driving so much in my parkour game but it was a great compliment to all previous mechanics. Plus, it was just more Dying Light action.

Uma bela DLC para um belo game, ela não só adiciona um mapa novo, muito bem construído para falar já, mas também novas armas, upgrades, história e é claro movimentação com o carro. O carro agregou muito ao game, não só na movimentação mas no combate, exploração e progressão do jogo. O clima de mistério e misticismo é muito legal e combina bem principalmente para jogar logo após a campanha principal, as missões são boas e principalmente as missões secundárias. Achei os ninhos de voláteis um pouco chatos de fazer e andar de carro a noite é quase impossível mesmo com os upgrades no máximo, são muitos zumbis especiais oq só deixa frustante a situação. A história é muito boa e o final melhor ainda oq compensa o final q na minha opinião foi brochante do jogo original. Enfim apenas jogue e curta o momento.

The start of this expansion is very promising, with a new open map and an interesting story that draws you in. The dune buggy is genuinely amazing to drive and shocking how fun it is. I love the upgrade system attached to it and the new map is fun to explore with a lot of interesting nooks and crannies as well as secret little spots I loved to find unique things in. But the problem? You drive. Way too much. The game constantly has you bounce between one area and the other over and over, each taking five minutes to get between. It isn't like you're doing all the missions in one area, driving to the next and doing them there. Along with this a lot of quests that 'need time' just have you drive out 200m and tells you to turn right back around. It feels like a waste of time. The story also felt pretty rushed towards the end even if it had an interesting conclusion and actually gives you a choice which I liked, since both endings are equally good/bad and definitely had some twists I wasn't expecting. But overall, I think this expansion overstayed its welcome and it made me want to rush to the end.

Türkiye fiyatlandırmalarınız için teşekkür ederiz!

Ana hikayenin bilim temasından uzaklaşarak din temasında geçen bir eklenti paketi yapılmış, şehirde binalardan binalara atlayarak gezindiğimiz oyun yapısı yerini arabayla kilometrelerce yol katettiğimiz bir yapıya bürünmüş. Kötü olduğunu söyleyemem fakat çokta iyi değil. Kabus modunda oyunu oynasanız bile bu arabayı tamamen geliştiremiyorsunuz. Saatlerinizi vermeli ve tanımadığınız insanlarla co-op oynayarak kasılmalısınız yoksa karakterinizin her şeyi tam seviyesine ulaşmayacaktır, glitch kullanmazsanız tabii.

Oyunun hikayesini beğendim, dinin arkasında yatan bilim olayları da güzeldi, zaten her şey böyle değil midir? Bu ek pakette baş düşmanlar, gizemli bölgeler, dedektiflikler gibi farklı farklı olayların güzellikleri de var. Yan görevlerin kalitesi de gayet güzel olmakla beraber, çevresel detaylar da olabildiğince başarılı. Bu ek pakette tek beğenmediğim olay arabamın tam geliştirilmiş halini görememem olmuştur. Keşke daha basit seviye kasılabilseydi, bu kadar zorlamasalardı. Onun dışında zaten artık ayrı olarak satılmayan bu ek paket, tüm ek paketlerle birlikte çok uygun fiyatlara satılmakta, beklemeden almanızda fayda var.

What if we made a game where one of its main appeals is it's cool parkour system, and we just took out all the buildings?

Not a lot of high buildings to drop kick :(

It's only 3 stars because it's more Dying Light. A lot of what worked in the base game works here. That being said, I don't know what Techland was thinking. Completely ruining all the hope established at the end of the base game in order to throw us into this garbage side quest of a story was definitely not a good idea. None of the endings are good and the design choices suck. The villain is also very weak. Forcing the player to complete side missions to unlock main missions for the purpose of padding out the runtime is NOT FUN, TECHLAND. I was extremely disappointed with how the narrative was handled here. Volatile nests and other side activities are pretty fun though. The dune buggy is a mixed bag for me. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this DLC unless you're really that desperate for more content.

Great expansion, adds a very different style of gameplay with it's open world and driving.

uma dlc que eh melhor que muito jogo por ai 🙏🏻🙏🏻 kyle crane te amamos vc eh o cara

One of the best pieces of DLC ever made. Stands with the greats like Hearts of Stone and Citadel DLC.

Despite my overall enjoyment of this expansion, I must admit that it falls short in comparison to the base game…..

The Countryside map, while decent, lacks the strength of the other main maps. The smooth & satisfying experience of driving around is hindered by the constant need to find fuel or repair materials like screws, which disrupts the flow of gameplay. In my opinion, this makes navigating around the Countryside map less enjoyable than parkour around the Slums or Old Town, even at a low agility level in the base game.

However, I still think this expansion is a meaningful addition to Dying Light 1. It still offers up engaging quests, solid gameplay (despite the reduced parkour), and a much better conclusion that surpasses the base game’s underwhelming finale by a mile

It's just that the reduced parkour, which was a key aspect of the base game's appeal for me makes the expansion not as strong as the base game.

bit tedious and missed parkour, far cry in dying light. loved to see the ending tho

o novo mapa e o carro são maneiros mas a história é zzzzzz

The Following takes everything fun about base game Dying Light and omits it, instead making you engage in the car mechanics. Unless the car gets stuck (which it always does) and then you have to run across miles of fields to a car respawn point. Also, they added Volatiles who can kill you in one hit regardless of your stats, and they run faster than the car going full speed.