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ScreenGAME's EPIC Reviews #85: Fall Guys: Season 2 - Sattelite Scramble

"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed... It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path..."
- Fall Guys Bean #6

This is the most beautiful game I've ever played

Forgettable but serviceable. Laughable when compared to OG Season 2, especially considering how this just rehashes OG Season 4's exact theme (which, to be fair, was one of its weakest seasons imo - so I'm not entirely opposed to a retry). And in this season's defense, it definitely isn't as fatiguing as its other space-season counterpart - this one knew its place and didn't overstay its welcome. However, you really start to pick up on the game's newly aggressive vaulting practices here. Starchart sort of sucks, and Pixel Painters would be infinitely better if it was a solo (or even duo) deal as opposed to 4-player teams. Frantic Factory is meh, though all the other games get a thumbs up - most notably Cosmic Highway and Tip Toe Finale, the latter serving as a very tense and creative final. Downgrade from SS1, upgrade from SS3.